blob: 54ef42ae1ff440bdcde58bd3700290383f074351 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
// covMeta is the top-level container for bits of state related to
// code coverage meta-data in the runtime.
var covMeta struct {
// metaList contains the list of currently registered meta-data
// blobs for the running program.
metaList []rtcov.CovMetaBlob
// pkgMap records mappings from hard-coded package IDs to
// slots in the covMetaList above.
pkgMap map[int]int
// Set to true if we discover a package mapping glitch.
hardCodedListNeedsUpdating bool
// addCovMeta is invoked during package "init" functions by the
// compiler when compiling for coverage instrumentation; here 'p' is a
// meta-data blob of length 'dlen' for the package in question, 'hash'
// is a compiler-computed md5.sum for the blob, 'pkpath' is the
// package path, 'pkid' is the hard-coded ID that the compiler is
// using for the package (or -1 if the compiler doesn't think a
// hard-coded ID is needed), and 'cmode'/'cgran' are the coverage
// counter mode and granularity requested by the user. Return value is
// the ID for the package for use by the package code itself.
func addCovMeta(p unsafe.Pointer, dlen uint32, hash [16]byte, pkpath string, pkid int, cmode uint8, cgran uint8) uint32 {
slot := len(covMeta.metaList)
covMeta.metaList = append(covMeta.metaList,
P: (*byte)(p),
Len: dlen,
Hash: hash,
PkgPath: pkpath,
PkgID: pkid,
CounterMode: cmode,
CounterGranularity: cgran,
if pkid != -1 {
if covMeta.pkgMap == nil {
covMeta.pkgMap = make(map[int]int)
if _, ok := covMeta.pkgMap[pkid]; ok {
throw("runtime.addCovMeta: coverage package map collision")
// Record the real slot (position on meta-list) for this
// package; we'll use the map to fix things up later on.
covMeta.pkgMap[pkid] = slot
// ID zero is reserved as invalid.
return uint32(slot + 1)
//go:linkname runtime_coverage_getCovMetaList runtime/coverage.getCovMetaList
func runtime_coverage_getCovMetaList() []rtcov.CovMetaBlob {
return covMeta.metaList
//go:linkname runtime_coverage_getCovPkgMap runtime/coverage.getCovPkgMap
func runtime_coverage_getCovPkgMap() map[int]int {
return covMeta.pkgMap