blob: de90961e3255202afcff368ed6d5c6832eacc674 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package riscv
import (
func init() {
obj.RegisterRegister(obj.RBaseRISCV, REG_END, RegName)
obj.RegisterOpcode(obj.ABaseRISCV, Anames)
func RegName(r int) string {
switch {
case r == 0:
return "NONE"
case r == REG_G:
return "g"
case r == REG_SP:
return "SP"
case REG_X0 <= r && r <= REG_X31:
return fmt.Sprintf("X%d", r-REG_X0)
case REG_F0 <= r && r <= REG_F31:
return fmt.Sprintf("F%d", r-REG_F0)
return fmt.Sprintf("Rgok(%d)", r-obj.RBaseRISCV)