| // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /* |
| Goinstall is an experiment in automatic package installation. |
| It installs packages, possibly downloading them from the internet. |
| It maintains a list of public Go packages at |
| http://godashboard.appspot.com/package. |
| |
| Usage: |
| goinstall [flags] importpath... |
| goinstall [flags] -a |
| |
| Flags and default settings: |
| -a=false install all previously installed packages |
| -clean=false clean the package directory before installing |
| -dashboard=true tally public packages on godashboard.appspot.com |
| -install=true build and install the package and its dependencies |
| -log=true log installed packages to $GOROOT/goinstall.log for use by -a |
| -nuke=false remove the target object and clean before installing |
| -u=false update already-downloaded packages |
| -v=false verbose operation |
| |
| Goinstall installs each of the packages identified on the command line. It |
| installs a package's prerequisites before trying to install the package |
| itself. Unless -log=false is specified, goinstall logs the import path of each |
| installed package to $GOROOT/goinstall.log for use by goinstall -a. |
| |
| If the -a flag is given, goinstall reinstalls all previously installed |
| packages, reading the list from $GOROOT/goinstall.log. After updating to a |
| new Go release, which deletes all package binaries, running |
| |
| goinstall -a |
| |
| will recompile and reinstall goinstalled packages. |
| |
| Another common idiom is to use |
| |
| goinstall -a -u |
| |
| to update, recompile, and reinstall all goinstalled packages. |
| |
| The source code for a package with import path foo/bar is expected |
| to be in the directory $GOROOT/src/pkg/foo/bar/ or $GOPATH/src/foo/bar/. |
| See "The GOPATH Environment Variable" for more about GOPATH. |
| |
| By default, goinstall prints output only when it encounters an error. |
| The -v flag causes goinstall to print information about packages |
| being considered and installed. |
| |
| Goinstall ignores Makefiles. |
| |
| |
| Remote Repositories |
| |
| If a package import path refers to a remote repository, goinstall will |
| download the code if necessary. |
| |
| Goinstall recognizes packages from a few common code hosting sites: |
| |
| BitBucket (Mercurial) |
| |
| import "bitbucket.org/user/project" |
| import "bitbucket.org/user/project/sub/directory" |
| |
| GitHub (Git) |
| |
| import "github.com/user/project" |
| import "github.com/user/project/sub/directory" |
| |
| Google Code Project Hosting (Git, Mercurial, Subversion) |
| |
| import "project.googlecode.com/git" |
| import "project.googlecode.com/git/sub/directory" |
| |
| import "project.googlecode.com/hg" |
| import "project.googlecode.com/hg/sub/directory" |
| |
| import "project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk" |
| import "project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/sub/directory" |
| |
| Launchpad (Bazaar) |
| |
| import "launchpad.net/project" |
| import "launchpad.net/project/series" |
| import "launchpad.net/project/series/sub/directory" |
| |
| import "launchpad.net/~user/project/branch" |
| import "launchpad.net/~user/project/branch/sub/directory" |
| |
| If the destination directory (e.g., $GOROOT/src/pkg/bitbucket.org/user/project) |
| already exists and contains an appropriate checkout, goinstall will not |
| attempt to fetch updates. The -u flag changes this behavior, |
| causing goinstall to update all remote packages encountered during |
| the installation. |
| |
| When downloading or updating, goinstall first looks for a tag or branch |
| named "release". If there is one, it uses that version of the code. |
| Otherwise it uses the default version selected by the version control |
| system, typically HEAD for git, tip for Mercurial. |
| |
| After a successful download and installation of one of these import paths, |
| goinstall reports the installation to godashboard.appspot.com, which |
| increments a count associated with the package and the time of its most |
| recent installation. This mechanism powers the package list at |
| http://godashboard.appspot.com/package, allowing Go programmers to learn about |
| popular packages that might be worth looking at. |
| The -dashboard=false flag disables this reporting. |
| |
| For code hosted on other servers, goinstall recognizes the general form |
| |
| repository.vcs/path |
| |
| as denoting the given repository, with or without the .vcs suffix, using |
| the named version control system, and then the path inside that repository. |
| The supported version control systems are: |
| |
| Bazaar .bzr |
| Git .git |
| Mercurial .hg |
| Subversion .svn |
| |
| For example, |
| |
| import "example.org/user/foo.hg" |
| |
| denotes the root directory of the Mercurial repository at example.org/user/foo |
| or foo.hg, and |
| |
| import "example.org/repo.git/foo/bar" |
| |
| denotes the foo/bar directory of the Git repository at example.com/repo or |
| repo.git. |
| |
| When a version control system supports multiple protocols, goinstall tries each |
| in turn. |
| For example, for Git it tries git://, then https://, then http://. |
| |
| |
| The GOPATH Environment Variable |
| |
| GOPATH may be set to a colon-separated list of paths inside which Go code, |
| package objects, and executables may be found. |
| |
| Set a GOPATH to use goinstall to build and install your own code and |
| external libraries outside of the Go tree (and to avoid writing Makefiles). |
| |
| The top-level directory structure of a GOPATH is prescribed: |
| |
| The 'src' directory is for source code. The directory naming inside 'src' |
| determines the package import path or executable name. |
| |
| The 'pkg' directory is for package objects. Like the Go tree, package objects |
| are stored inside a directory named after the target operating system and |
| processor architecture ('pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH'). |
| A package whose source is located at '$GOPATH/src/foo/bar' would be imported |
| as 'foo/bar' and installed as '$GOPATH/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH/foo/bar.a'. |
| |
| The 'bin' directory is for executable files. |
| Goinstall installs program binaries using the name of the source folder. |
| A binary whose source is at 'src/foo/qux' would be built and installed to |
| '$GOPATH/bin/qux'. (Note 'bin/qux', not 'bin/foo/qux' - this is such that |
| you can put the bin directory in your PATH.) |
| |
| Here's an example directory layout: |
| |
| GOPATH=/home/user/gocode |
| |
| /home/user/gocode/ |
| src/foo/ |
| bar/ (go code in package bar) |
| qux/ (go code in package main) |
| bin/qux (executable file) |
| pkg/linux_amd64/foo/bar.a (object file) |
| |
| Run 'goinstall foo/bar' to build and install the package 'foo/bar' |
| (and its dependencies). |
| Goinstall will search each GOPATH (in order) for 'src/foo/bar'. |
| If the directory cannot be found, goinstall will attempt to fetch the |
| source from a remote repository and write it to the 'src' directory of the |
| first GOPATH (or $GOROOT/src/pkg if GOPATH is not set). |
| |
| Goinstall recognizes relative and absolute paths (paths beginning with / or .). |
| The following commands would build our example packages: |
| |
| goinstall /home/user/gocode/src/foo/bar # build and install foo/bar |
| cd /home/user/gocode/src/foo |
| goinstall ./bar # build and install foo/bar (again) |
| cd qux |
| goinstall . # build and install foo/qux |
| |
| */ |
| package documentation |