blob: d7eb43e7393266c4c0dd22d7830b444767a097a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// System calls and other sys.stuff for arm, Linux
#define SYS_BASE 0x00900000
#define SYS_exit (SYS_BASE + 1)
#define SYS_write (SYS_BASE + 4)
#define SYS_mmap2 (SYS_BASE + 192)
TEXT write(SB),7,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
SWI $SYS_write
TEXT exit(SB),7,$0
// Exit value already in R0
SWI $SYS_exit
TEXT sys·mmap(SB),7,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW 12(FP), R3
MOVW 16(FP), R4
MOVW 20(FP), R5
SWI $SYS_mmap2
// int64 futex(int32 *uaddr, int32 op, int32 val,
// struct timespec *timeout, int32 *uaddr2, int32 val2);
TEXT futex(SB),7,$0
BL abort(SB)
// int64 clone(int32 flags, void *stack, M *m, G *g, void (*fn)(void));
TEXT clone(SB),7,$0
BL abort(SB)