blob: 97d64f99be982d9fe836f2ca2f787b9eb63e3e67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package testing
import (
func initFuzzFlags() {
matchFuzz = flag.String("test.fuzz", "", "run the fuzz target matching `regexp`")
isFuzzWorker = flag.Bool("test.fuzzworker", false, "coordinate with the parent process to fuzz random values")
var (
matchFuzz *string
isFuzzWorker *bool
// corpusDir is the parent directory of the target's seed corpus within
// the package.
corpusDir = "testdata/corpus"
// InternalFuzzTarget is an internal type but exported because it is cross-package;
// it is part of the implementation of the "go test" command.
type InternalFuzzTarget struct {
Name string
Fn func(f *F)
// F is a type passed to fuzz targets for fuzz testing.
type F struct {
context *fuzzContext
corpus []corpusEntry // corpus is the in-memory corpus
result FuzzResult // result is the result of running the fuzz target
fuzzFunc func(f *F) // fuzzFunc is the function which makes up the fuzz target
// corpus corpusEntry
type corpusEntry struct {
b []byte
func bytesToCorpus(bytes [][]byte) []corpusEntry {
c := make([]corpusEntry, len(bytes))
for i, b := range bytes {
c[i].b = b
return c
// Add will add the arguments to the seed corpus for the fuzz target. This will
// be a no-op if called after or within the Fuzz function. The args must match
// those in the Fuzz function.
func (f *F) Add(args ...interface{}) {
if len(args) == 0 {
panic("testing: Add must have at least one argument")
if len(args) != 1 {
// TODO: support more than one argument
panic("testing: Add only supports one argument currently")
switch v := args[0].(type) {
case []byte:
f.corpus = append(f.corpus, corpusEntry{v})
// TODO: support other types
panic("testing: Add only supports []byte currently")
// Fuzz runs the fuzz function, ff, for fuzz testing. If ff fails for a set of
// arguments, those arguments will be added to the seed corpus.
// This is a terminal function which will terminate the currently running fuzz
// target by calling runtime.Goexit. To run any code after this function, use
// Cleanup.
func (f *F) Fuzz(ff interface{}) {
defer runtime.Goexit() // exit after this function
fn, ok := ff.(func(*T, []byte))
if !ok {
panic("testing: Fuzz function must have type func(*testing.T, []byte)")
// Load seed corpus
c, err := f.context.readCorpus(filepath.Join(corpusDir,
if err != nil {
f.corpus = append(f.corpus, bytesToCorpus(c)...)
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): dedupe testdata corpus with entries from f.Add
var errStr string
run := func(t *T, b []byte) {
defer func() {
err := recover()
// If the function has recovered but the test hasn't finished,
// it is due to a nil panic or runtime.GoExit.
if !t.finished && err == nil {
err = errNilPanicOrGoexit
if err != nil {
t.output = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(" %s", err))
f.inFuzzFn = false
t.signal <- true // signal that the test has finished
// TODO(katiehockman, jayconrod): consider replacing inFuzzFn with
// general purpose flag that checks whether specific methods can be
// called.
f.inFuzzFn = true
fn(t, b)
t.finished = true
switch {
case f.context.coordinateFuzzing != nil:
// Fuzzing is enabled, and this is the test process started by 'go test'.
// Act as the coordinator process, and coordinate workers to perform the
// actual fuzzing.
seed := make([][]byte, len(f.corpus))
for i, e := range f.corpus {
seed[i] = e.b
err := f.context.coordinateFuzzing(*parallel, seed, filepath.Join(corpusDir,
if err != nil {
f.result = FuzzResult{Error: err}
f.finished = true
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): Aggregate statistics across workers
// and add to FuzzResult (ie. time taken, num iterations)
case f.context.runFuzzWorker != nil:
// Fuzzing is enabled, and this is a worker process. Follow instructions
// from the coordinator.
err := f.context.runFuzzWorker(func(input []byte) error {
t := &T{
common: common{
signal: make(chan bool),
w: f.w,
chatty: f.chatty,
context: newTestContext(1, nil),
go run(t, input)
if t.Failed() {
return errors.New(string(t.output))
return nil
if err != nil {
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): how should we handle a failure to
// communicate with the coordinator? Might be caused by the coordinator
// terminating early.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: communicating with fuzz coordinator: %v\n", err)
f.finished = true
// Fuzzing is not enabled. Only run the seed corpus.
for _, c := range f.corpus {
t := &T{
common: common{
signal: make(chan bool),
w: f.w,
chatty: f.chatty,
context: newTestContext(1, nil),
go run(t, c.b)
if t.Failed() {
errStr += string(t.output)
f.finished = true
if f.Failed() {
f.result = FuzzResult{Error: errors.New(errStr)}
func (f *F) report() {
if *isFuzzWorker {
if f.Failed() {
fmt.Fprintf(f.w, "--- FAIL: %s\n%s\n",, f.result.String())
} else if f.chatty != nil {
if f.Skipped() {
f.chatty.Updatef(, "SKIP\n")
} else {
f.chatty.Updatef(, "PASS\n")
// run runs each fuzz target in its own goroutine with its own *F.
func (f *F) run(ft InternalFuzzTarget) (ran, ok bool) {
f = &F{
common: common{
signal: make(chan bool),
name: ft.Name,
chatty: f.chatty,
w: f.w,
context: f.context,
if f.chatty != nil {
f.chatty.Updatef(ft.Name, "=== RUN %s\n", ft.Name)
go f.runTarget(ft.Fn)
return f.ran, !f.failed
// runTarget runs the given target, handling panics and exits
// within the test, and reporting errors.
func (f *F) runTarget(fn func(*F)) {
defer func() {
err := recover()
// If the function has recovered but the test hasn't finished,
// it is due to a nil panic or runtime.GoExit.
if !f.finished && err == nil {
err = errNilPanicOrGoexit
if err != nil {
f.result = FuzzResult{Error: fmt.Errorf(" %s", err)}
f.signal <- true // signal that the test has finished
defer f.runCleanup(normalPanic)
f.finished = true
// FuzzResult contains the results of a fuzz run.
type FuzzResult struct {
N int // The number of iterations.
T time.Duration // The total time taken.
Error error // Error is the error from the crash
func (r FuzzResult) String() string {
s := ""
if r.Error == nil {
return s
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s", r.Error.Error())
return s
// fuzzContext holds all fields that are common to all fuzz targets.
type fuzzContext struct {
runMatch *matcher
fuzzMatch *matcher
coordinateFuzzing func(int, [][]byte, string) error
runFuzzWorker func(func([]byte) error) error
readCorpus func(string) ([][]byte, error)
// runFuzzTargets runs the fuzz targets matching the pattern for -run. This will
// only run the f.Fuzz function for each seed corpus without using the fuzzing
// engine to generate or mutate inputs.
func runFuzzTargets(deps testDeps, fuzzTargets []InternalFuzzTarget) (ran, ok bool) {
ok = true
if len(fuzzTargets) == 0 || *isFuzzWorker {
return ran, ok
ctx := &fuzzContext{
runMatch: newMatcher(deps.MatchString, *match, ""),
readCorpus: deps.ReadCorpus,
var fts []InternalFuzzTarget
for _, ft := range fuzzTargets {
if _, matched, _ := ctx.runMatch.fullName(nil, ft.Name); matched {
fts = append(fts, ft)
f := &F{
common: common{
w: os.Stdout,
fuzzFunc: func(f *F) {
for _, ft := range fts {
// Run each fuzz target in it's own goroutine.
ftRan, ftOk :=
ran = ran || ftRan
ok = ok && ftOk
context: ctx,
if Verbose() {
f.chatty = newChattyPrinter(f.w)
return ran, ok
// runFuzzing runs the fuzz target matching the pattern for -fuzz. Only one such
// fuzz target must match. This will run the fuzzing engine to generate and
// mutate new inputs against the f.Fuzz function.
// If fuzzing is disabled (-test.fuzz is not set), runFuzzing
// returns immediately.
func runFuzzing(deps testDeps, fuzzTargets []InternalFuzzTarget) (ran, ok bool) {
if len(fuzzTargets) == 0 || *matchFuzz == "" {
return false, true
ctx := &fuzzContext{
fuzzMatch: newMatcher(deps.MatchString, *matchFuzz, "-test.fuzz"),
readCorpus: deps.ReadCorpus,
if *isFuzzWorker {
ctx.runFuzzWorker = deps.RunFuzzWorker
} else {
ctx.coordinateFuzzing = deps.CoordinateFuzzing
f := &F{
common: common{
signal: make(chan bool),
w: os.Stdout,
context: ctx,
var target *InternalFuzzTarget
for i := range fuzzTargets {
ft := &fuzzTargets[i]
testName, matched, _ := ctx.fuzzMatch.fullName(&f.common, ft.Name)
if !matched {
if target != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "testing: warning: -fuzz matches more than one target, won't fuzz")
return false, true
target = ft = testName
if target == nil {
return false, true
if Verbose() {
f.chatty = newChattyPrinter(f.w)
if !*isFuzzWorker {
f.chatty.Updatef(, "--- FUZZ: %s\n",
go f.runTarget(target.Fn)
return f.ran, !f.failed