blob: 71b2d6ca4b80eb52322f127f9e356ded92697eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ast
import (
var comments = []struct {
list []string
text string
{[]string{"//"}, ""},
{[]string{"// "}, ""},
{[]string{"//", "//", "// "}, ""},
{[]string{"// foo "}, "foo\n"},
{[]string{"//", "//", "// foo"}, "foo\n"},
{[]string{"// foo bar "}, "foo bar\n"},
{[]string{"// foo", "// bar"}, "foo\nbar\n"},
{[]string{"// foo", "//", "//", "//", "// bar"}, "foo\n\nbar\n"},
{[]string{"// foo", "/* bar */"}, "foo\n bar\n"},
{[]string{"//", "//", "//", "// foo", "//", "//", "//"}, "foo\n"},
{[]string{"/**/"}, ""},
{[]string{"/* */"}, ""},
{[]string{"/**/", "/**/", "/* */"}, ""},
{[]string{"/* Foo */"}, " Foo\n"},
{[]string{"/* Foo Bar */"}, " Foo Bar\n"},
{[]string{"/* Foo*/", "/* Bar*/"}, " Foo\n Bar\n"},
{[]string{"/* Foo*/", "/**/", "/**/", "/**/", "// Bar"}, " Foo\n\nBar\n"},
{[]string{"/* Foo*/", "/*\n*/", "//", "/*\n*/", "// Bar"}, " Foo\n\nBar\n"},
{[]string{"/* Foo*/", "// Bar"}, " Foo\nBar\n"},
{[]string{"/* Foo\n Bar*/"}, " Foo\n Bar\n"},
{[]string{"// foo", "//go:noinline", "// bar", "//:baz"}, "foo\nbar\n:baz\n"},
{[]string{"// foo", "//lint123:ignore", "// bar"}, "foo\nbar\n"},
func TestCommentText(t *testing.T) {
for i, c := range comments {
list := make([]*Comment, len(c.list))
for i, s := range c.list {
list[i] = &Comment{Text: s}
text := (&CommentGroup{list}).Text()
if text != c.text {
t.Errorf("case %d: got %q; expected %q", i, text, c.text)
var isDirectiveTests = []struct {
in string
ok bool
{"abc", false},
{"go:inline", true},
{"Go:inline", false},
{"go:Inline", false},
{":inline", false},
{"lint:ignore", true},
{"lint:1234", true},
{"1234:lint", true},
{"go: inline", false},
{"go:", false},
{"go:*", false},
{"go:x*", true},
func TestIsDirective(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range isDirectiveTests {
if ok := isDirective(; ok != tt.ok {
t.Errorf("isDirective(%q) = %v, want %v",, ok, tt.ok)