blob: 48b05f7491859d4c003428378d6a84f27a40db2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// make fake flow graph.
// The blocks of the flow graph are designated with letters A
// through Z, always including A (start block) and Z (exit
// block) The specification of a flow graph is a comma-
// separated list of block successor words, for blocks ordered
// A, B, C etc, where each block except Z has one or two
// successors, and any block except A can be a target. Within
// the generated code, each block with two successors includes
// a conditional testing x & 1 != 0 (x is the input parameter
// to the generated function) and also unconditionally shifts x
// right by one, so that different inputs generate different
// execution paths, including loops. Every block inverts a
// global binary to ensure it is not empty. For a flow graph
// with J words (J+1 blocks), a J-1 bit serial number specifies
// which blocks (not including A and Z) include an increment of
// the return variable y by increasing powers of 10, and a
// different version of the test function is created for each
// of the 2-to-the-(J-1) serial numbers.
// For each generated function a compact summary is also
// created so that the generated funtion can be simulated
// with a simple interpreter to sanity check the behavior of
// the compiled code.
// For example:
// func BC_CD_BE_BZ_CZ101(x int64) int64 {
// y := int64(0)
// var b int64
// _ = b
// b = x & 1
// x = x >> 1
// if b != 0 {
// goto C
// }
// goto B
// B:
// glob_ = !glob_
// y += 1
// b = x & 1
// x = x >> 1
// if b != 0 {
// goto D
// }
// goto C
// C:
// glob_ = !glob_
// // no y increment
// b = x & 1
// x = x >> 1
// if b != 0 {
// goto E
// }
// goto B
// D:
// glob_ = !glob_
// y += 10
// b = x & 1
// x = x >> 1
// if b != 0 {
// goto Z
// }
// goto B
// E:
// glob_ = !glob_
// // no y increment
// b = x & 1
// x = x >> 1
// if b != 0 {
// goto Z
// }
// goto C
// Z:
// return y
// }
// {f:BC_CD_BE_BZ_CZ101,
// maxin:32, blocks:[]blo{
// blo{inc:0, cond:true, succs:[2]int64{1, 2}},
// blo{inc:1, cond:true, succs:[2]int64{2, 3}},
// blo{inc:0, cond:true, succs:[2]int64{1, 4}},
// blo{inc:10, cond:true, succs:[2]int64{1, 25}},
// blo{inc:0, cond:true, succs:[2]int64{2, 25}},}},
func blocks(spec string) (blocks []string, fnameBase string) {
spec = strings.ToUpper(spec)
blocks = strings.Split(spec, ",")
fnameBase = strings.Replace(spec, ",", "_", -1)
func makeFunctionFromFlowGraph(blocks []blo, fname string) string {
s := ""
for j := range blocks {
// begin block
if j == 0 {
// block A, implicit label
s += `
func ` + fname + `(x int64) int64 {
y := int64(0)
var b int64
_ = b`
} else {
// block B,C, etc, explicit label w/ conditional increment
l := labels[j : j+1]
yeq := `
// no y increment`
if blocks[j].inc != 0 {
yeq = `
y += ` + fmt.Sprintf("%d", blocks[j].inc)
s += `
` + l + `:
glob = !glob` + yeq
// edges to successors
if blocks[j].cond { // conditionally branch to second successor
s += `
b = x & 1
x = x >> 1
if b != 0 {` + `
goto ` + string(labels[blocks[j].succs[1]]) + `
// branch to first successor
s += `
goto ` + string(labels[blocks[j].succs[0]])
// end block (Z)
s += `
return y
return s
var graphs []string = []string{
"Z", "BZ,Z", "B,BZ", "BZ,BZ",
"ZB,Z", "B,ZB", "ZB,BZ", "ZB,ZB",
"BC,C,Z", "BC,BC,Z", "BC,BC,BZ",
"BC,Z,Z", "BC,ZC,Z", "BC,ZC,BZ",
"BZ,C,Z", "BZ,BC,Z", "BZ,CZ,Z",
"BZ,C,BZ", "BZ,BC,BZ", "BZ,CZ,BZ",
"BZ,C,CZ", "BZ,BC,CZ", "BZ,CZ,CZ",
// blo describes a block in the generated/interpreted code
type blo struct {
inc int64 // increment amount
cond bool // block ends in conditional
succs [2]int64
// strings2blocks converts a slice of strings specifying
// successors into a slice of blo encoding the blocks in a
// common form easy to execute or interpret.
func strings2blocks(blocks []string, fname string, i int) (bs []blo, cond uint) {
bs = make([]blo, len(blocks))
edge := int64(1)
cond = 0
k := uint(0)
for j, s := range blocks {
if j == 0 {
} else {
if (i>>k)&1 != 0 {
bs[j].inc = edge
edge *= 10
if len(s) > 1 {
bs[j].succs[1] = int64(blocks[j][1] - 'A')
bs[j].cond = true
bs[j].succs[0] = int64(blocks[j][0] - 'A')
return bs, cond
// fmtBlocks writes out the blocks for consumption in the generated test
func fmtBlocks(bs []blo) string {
s := "[]blo{"
for _, b := range bs {
s += fmt.Sprintf("blo{inc:%d, cond:%v, succs:[2]int64{%d, %d}},",, b.cond, b.succs[0], b.succs[1])
s += "}"
return s
func main() {
fmt.Printf(`// This is a machine-generated test file from flowgraph_generator1.go.
package main
import "fmt"
var glob bool
s := "var funs []fun = []fun{"
for _, g := range graphs {
split, fnameBase := blocks(g)
nconfigs := 1 << uint(len(split)-1)
for i := 0; i < nconfigs; i++ {
fname := fnameBase + fmt.Sprintf("%b", i)
bs, k := strings2blocks(split, fname, i)
fmt.Printf("%s", makeFunctionFromFlowGraph(bs, fname))
s += `
{f:` + fname + `, maxin:` + fmt.Sprintf("%d", 1<<k) + `, blocks:` + fmtBlocks(bs) + `},`
s += `}
// write types for name+array tables.
type blo struct {
inc int64
cond bool
succs [2]int64
type fun struct {
f func(int64) int64
maxin int64
blocks []blo
// write table of function names and blo arrays.
fmt.Printf("%s", s)
// write interpreter and main/test
fmt.Printf("%s", `
func interpret(blocks []blo, x int64) (int64, bool) {
y := int64(0)
last := int64(25) // 'Z'-'A'
j := int64(0)
for i := 0; i < 4*len(blocks); i++ {
b := blocks[j]
y +=
next := b.succs[0]
if b.cond {
c := x&1 != 0
x = x>>1
if c {
next = b.succs[1]
if next == last {
return y, true
j = next
return -1, false
func main() {
sum := int64(0)
for i, f := range funs {
for x := int64(0); x < 16*f.maxin; x++ {
y, ok := interpret(f.blocks, x)
if ok {
yy := f.f(x)
if y != yy {
fmt.Printf("y(%d) != yy(%d), x=%b, i=%d, blocks=%v\n", y, yy, x, i, f.blocks)
sum += y
// fmt.Printf("Sum of all returns over all terminating inputs is %d\n", sum)