blob: c7a67d3bde325b08a10227fa53b32ee8843c8fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fmt
import (
const (
nByte = 64
ldigits = "0123456789abcdef"
udigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
const (
signed = true
unsigned = false
var padZeroBytes = make([]byte, nByte)
var padSpaceBytes = make([]byte, nByte)
var newline = []byte{'\n'}
func init() {
for i := 0; i < nByte; i++ {
padZeroBytes[i] = '0'
padSpaceBytes[i] = ' '
// A fmt is the raw formatter used by Printf etc.
// It prints into a bytes.Buffer that must be set up externally.
type fmt struct {
intbuf [nByte]byte
buf *bytes.Buffer
// width, precision
wid int
prec int
// flags
widPresent bool
precPresent bool
minus bool
plus bool
sharp bool
space bool
zero bool
preserveFlags bool // don't clear flags after this print; used to carry over in complex prints
func (f *fmt) clearflags() {
f.wid = 0
f.widPresent = false
f.prec = 0
f.precPresent = false
f.minus = false = false = false = false = false
func (f *fmt) init(buf *bytes.Buffer) {
f.buf = buf
// Compute left and right padding widths (only one will be non-zero).
func (f *fmt) computePadding(width int) (padding []byte, leftWidth, rightWidth int) {
left := !f.minus
w := f.wid
if w < 0 {
left = false
w = -w
w -= width
if w > 0 {
if left && {
return padZeroBytes, w, 0
if left {
return padSpaceBytes, w, 0
} else {
// can't be zero padding on the right
return padSpaceBytes, 0, w
// Generate n bytes of padding.
func (f *fmt) writePadding(n int, padding []byte) {
for n > 0 {
m := n
if m > nByte {
m = nByte
n -= m
// Append b to f.buf, padded on left (w > 0) or right (w < 0 or f.minus)
// clear flags aftewards.
func (f *fmt) pad(b []byte) {
var padding []byte
var left, right int
if f.widPresent && f.wid != 0 {
padding, left, right = f.computePadding(len(b))
if left > 0 {
f.writePadding(left, padding)
if right > 0 {
f.writePadding(right, padding)
if !f.preserveFlags {
// append s to buf, padded on left (w > 0) or right (w < 0 or f.minus).
// clear flags aftewards.
func (f *fmt) padString(s string) {
var padding []byte
var left, right int
if f.widPresent && f.wid != 0 {
padding, left, right = f.computePadding(utf8.RuneCountInString(s))
if left > 0 {
f.writePadding(left, padding)
if right > 0 {
f.writePadding(right, padding)
if !f.preserveFlags {
func putint(buf []byte, base, val uint64, digits string) int {
i := len(buf) - 1
for val >= base {
buf[i] = digits[val%base]
val /= base
buf[i] = digits[val]
return i - 1
// fmt_boolean formats a boolean.
func (f *fmt) fmt_boolean(v bool) {
if v {
} else {
// integer; interprets prec but not wid. Once formatted, result is sent to pad()
// and then flags are cleared.
func (f *fmt) integer(a int64, base uint64, signedness bool, digits string) {
var buf []byte = f.intbuf[0:]
negative := signedness == signed && a < 0
if negative {
a = -a
// two ways to ask for extra leading zero digits: %.3d or %03d.
// apparently the first cancels the second.
prec := 0
if f.precPresent {
prec = f.prec = false
} else if && f.widPresent && !f.minus && f.wid > 0 {
prec = f.wid
if negative || || {
prec-- // leave room for sign
// format a into buf, ending at buf[i]. (printing is easier right-to-left.)
// a is made into unsigned ua. we could make things
// marginally faster by splitting the 32-bit case out into a separate
// block but it's not worth the duplication, so ua has 64 bits.
i := len(f.intbuf)
ua := uint64(a)
for ua >= base {
buf[i] = digits[ua%base]
ua /= base
buf[i] = digits[ua]
for i > 0 && prec > nByte-i {
buf[i] = '0'
// Various prefixes: 0x, -, etc.
if {
switch base {
case 8:
if buf[i] != '0' {
buf[i] = '0'
case 16:
buf[i] = 'x' + digits[10] - 'a'
buf[i] = '0'
if negative {
buf[i] = '-'
} else if {
buf[i] = '+'
} else if {
buf[i] = ' '
// fmt_d64 formats an int64 in decimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_d64(v int64) { f.integer(v, 10, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_d32 formats an int32 in decimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_d32(v int32) { f.integer(int64(v), 10, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_d formats an int in decimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_d(v int) { f.integer(int64(v), 10, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_ud64 formats a uint64 in decimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_ud64(v uint64) { f.integer(int64(v), 10, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_ud32 formats a uint32 in decimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_ud32(v uint32) { f.integer(int64(v), 10, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_ud formats a uint in decimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_ud(v uint) { f.integer(int64(v), 10, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_x64 formats an int64 in hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_x64(v int64) { f.integer(v, 16, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_x32 formats an int32 in hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_x32(v int32) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_x formats an int in hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_x(v int) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_ux64 formats a uint64 in hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_ux64(v uint64) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_ux32 formats a uint32 in hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_ux32(v uint32) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_ux formats a uint in hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_ux(v uint) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_X64 formats an int64 in upper case hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_X64(v int64) { f.integer(v, 16, signed, udigits) }
// fmt_X32 formats an int32 in upper case hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_X32(v int32) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, signed, udigits) }
// fmt_X formats an int in upper case hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_X(v int) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, signed, udigits) }
// fmt_uX64 formats a uint64 in upper case hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_uX64(v uint64) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, unsigned, udigits) }
// fmt_uX32 formats a uint32 in upper case hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_uX32(v uint32) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, unsigned, udigits) }
// fmt_uX formats a uint in upper case hexadecimal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_uX(v uint) { f.integer(int64(v), 16, unsigned, udigits) }
// fmt_o64 formats an int64 in octal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_o64(v int64) { f.integer(v, 8, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_o32 formats an int32 in octal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_o32(v int32) { f.integer(int64(v), 8, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_o formats an int in octal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_o(v int) { f.integer(int64(v), 8, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_uo64 formats a uint64 in octal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_uo64(v uint64) { f.integer(int64(v), 8, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_uo32 formats a uint32 in octal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_uo32(v uint32) { f.integer(int64(v), 8, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_uo formats a uint in octal.
func (f *fmt) fmt_uo(v uint) { f.integer(int64(v), 8, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_b64 formats an int64 in binary.
func (f *fmt) fmt_b64(v int64) { f.integer(v, 2, signed, ldigits) }
// fmt_ub64 formats a uint64 in binary.
func (f *fmt) fmt_ub64(v uint64) { f.integer(int64(v), 2, unsigned, ldigits) }
// fmt_c formats a Unicode character.
func (f *fmt) fmt_c(v int) { f.padString(string(v)) }
// fmt_s formats a string.
func (f *fmt) fmt_s(s string) {
if f.precPresent {
if f.prec < len(s) {
s = s[0:f.prec]
// fmt_sx formats a string as a hexadecimal encoding of its bytes.
func (f *fmt) fmt_sx(s string) {
t := ""
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if i > 0 && {
t += " "
v := s[i]
t += string(ldigits[v>>4])
t += string(ldigits[v&0xF])
// fmt_sX formats a string as an uppercase hexadecimal encoding of its bytes.
func (f *fmt) fmt_sX(s string) {
t := ""
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
v := s[i]
t += string(udigits[v>>4])
t += string(udigits[v&0xF])
// fmt_q formats a string as a double-quoted, escaped Go string constant.
func (f *fmt) fmt_q(s string) {
var quoted string
if && strconv.CanBackquote(s) {
quoted = "`" + s + "`"
} else {
quoted = strconv.Quote(s)
// floating-point
func doPrec(f *fmt, def int) int {
if f.precPresent {
return f.prec
return def
// Add a plus sign or space to the floating-point string representation if missing and required.
func (f *fmt) plusSpace(s string) {
if s[0] != '-' {
if {
s = "+" + s
} else if {
s = " " + s
// fmt_e64 formats a float64 in the form -1.23e+12.
func (f *fmt) fmt_e64(v float64) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa64(v, 'e', doPrec(f, 6))) }
// fmt_E64 formats a float64 in the form -1.23E+12.
func (f *fmt) fmt_E64(v float64) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa64(v, 'E', doPrec(f, 6))) }
// fmt_f64 formats a float64 in the form -1.23.
func (f *fmt) fmt_f64(v float64) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa64(v, 'f', doPrec(f, 6))) }
// fmt_g64 formats a float64 in the 'f' or 'e' form according to size.
func (f *fmt) fmt_g64(v float64) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa64(v, 'g', doPrec(f, -1))) }
// fmt_g64 formats a float64 in the 'f' or 'E' form according to size.
func (f *fmt) fmt_G64(v float64) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa64(v, 'G', doPrec(f, -1))) }
// fmt_fb64 formats a float64 in the form -123p3 (exponent is power of 2).
func (f *fmt) fmt_fb64(v float64) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa64(v, 'b', 0)) }
// float32
// cannot defer to float64 versions
// because it will get rounding wrong in corner cases.
// fmt_e32 formats a float32 in the form -1.23e+12.
func (f *fmt) fmt_e32(v float32) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa32(v, 'e', doPrec(f, 6))) }
// fmt_E32 formats a float32 in the form -1.23E+12.
func (f *fmt) fmt_E32(v float32) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa32(v, 'E', doPrec(f, 6))) }
// fmt_f32 formats a float32 in the form -1.23.
func (f *fmt) fmt_f32(v float32) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa32(v, 'f', doPrec(f, 6))) }
// fmt_g32 formats a float32 in the 'f' or 'e' form according to size.
func (f *fmt) fmt_g32(v float32) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa32(v, 'g', doPrec(f, -1))) }
// fmt_G32 formats a float32 in the 'f' or 'E' form according to size.
func (f *fmt) fmt_G32(v float32) { f.plusSpace(strconv.Ftoa32(v, 'G', doPrec(f, -1))) }
// fmt_fb32 formats a float32 in the form -123p3 (exponent is power of 2).
func (f *fmt) fmt_fb32(v float32) { f.padString(strconv.Ftoa32(v, 'b', 0)) }
// fmt_c64 formats a complex64 according to its fmt_x argument.
// TODO pass in a method rather than a byte when the compilers mature.
func (f *fmt) fmt_c64(v complex64, fmt_x byte) {
r := real(v)
f.preserveFlags = true
for i := 0; ; i++ {
switch fmt_x {
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'G':
f.preserveFlags = false
if i != 0 {
} = true
r = imag(v)
// fmt_c128 formats a complex128 according to its fmt_x argument.
// TODO pass in a method rather than a byte when the compilers mature.
func (f *fmt) fmt_c128(v complex128, fmt_x byte) {
r := real(v)
f.preserveFlags = true
for i := 0; ; i++ {
switch fmt_x {
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'G':
f.preserveFlags = false
if i != 0 {
} = true
r = imag(v)
// float
func (x *fmt) f(a float) {
if strconv.FloatSize == 32 {
} else {
func (x *fmt) e(a float) {
if strconv.FloatSize == 32 {
} else {
func (x *fmt) g(a float) {
if strconv.FloatSize == 32 {
} else {
func (x *fmt) fb(a float) {
if strconv.FloatSize == 32 {
} else {