blob: a2e2c9abc7de2d69e6624ebfe003090ec0bad45c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !purego
#include "textflag.h"
// func kdsaSign(message, signature, privateKey []byte) bool
TEXT ·kdsaSign(SB), $4096-73
// The kdsa instruction takes function code,
// buffer's location, message's location and message len
// as parameters. Out of those, the function code and buffer's location
// should be placed in R0 and R1 respectively. The message's location
// and message length should be placed in an even-odd register pair. (e.g: R2 and R3)
// The content of parameter block(buffer) looks like the following:
// Signature R, Signature S and Private Key all take 32 bytes.
// In the signing case, the signatures(R and S) will be generated by
// the signing instruction and get placed in the locations shown in the parameter block.
// 0 +---------------+
// | Signature(R) |
// 32 +---------------+
// | Signature(S) |
// 64 +---------------+
// | Private Key |
// 96 +---------------+
// | Reserved |
// 112+---------------+
// | |
// | ... |
// | |
// 4088 +---------------+
// The following code section setups the buffer from stack:
// Get the address of the buffer stack variable.
MOVD $buffer-4096(SP), R1
// Zero the buffer.
MOVD $(4096/256), R0 // number of 256 byte chunks to clear
XC $256, (R2), (R2)
MOVD $256(R2), R2
BRCTG R0, clear
MOVD $40, R0 // EDDSA-25519 sign has a function code of 40
LMG message+0(FP), R2, R3 // R2=base R3=len
LMG signature+24(FP), R4, R5 // R4=base R5=len
LMG privateKey+48(FP), R6, R7 // R6=base R7=len
// Checks the length of signature and private key
CMPBNE R5, $64, panic
CMPBNE R7, $32, panic
// The instruction uses RFC 8032's private key, which is the first 32 bytes
// of the private key in this package. So we copy that into the buffer.
MVC $32, (R6), 64(R1)
WORD $0xB93A0002 // The KDSA instruction
BVS loop // The instruction is exectued by hardware and can be interrupted. This does a retry when that happens.
BNE error
// The signatures generated are in big-endian form, so we
// need to reverse the bytes of Signature(R) and Signature(S) in the buffers to transform
// them from big-endian to little-endian.
// Transform Signature(R) from big endian to little endian and copy into the signature
MVCIN $32, 31(R1), (R4)
// Transform Signature(S) from big endian to little endian and copy into the signature
MVCIN $32, 63(R1), 32(R4)
MOVB $1, ret+72(FP)
// return false
MOVB $0, ret+72(FP)
// func kdsaVerify(message, signature, publicKey []byte) bool
TEXT ·kdsaVerify(SB), $4096-73
// The kdsa instruction takes function code,
// buffer's location, message's location and message len
// as parameters. Out of those, the function code and buffer's location
// should be placed in R0 and R1 respectively. The message's location
// and message length should be placed in an even-odd register pair. (e.g: R2 and R3)
// The parameter block(buffer) is similar to that of signing, except that
// we use public key for verification, and Signatures(R and S) are provided
// as input parameters to the parameter block.
// 0 +---------------+
// | Signature(R) |
// 32 +---------------+
// | Signature(S) |
// 64 +---------------+
// | Public Key |
// 96 +---------------+
// | Reserved |
// 112+---------------+
// | |
// | ... |
// | |
// 4088 +---------------+
// The following code section setups the buffer from stack:
// Get the address of the buffer stack variable.
MOVD $buffer-4096(SP), R1
// Zero the buffer.
MOVD $(4096/256), R0 // number of 256 byte chunks to clear
XC $256, (R2), (R2)
MOVD $256(R2), R2
BRCTG R0, clear
MOVD $32, R0 // EDDSA-25519 verify has a function code of 32
LMG message+0(FP), R2, R3 // R2=base R3=len
LMG signature+24(FP), R4, R5 // R4=base R5=len
LMG publicKey+48(FP), R6, R7 // R6=base R7=len
// Checks the length of public key and signature
CMPBNE R5, $64, panic
CMPBNE R7, $32, panic
// The instruction needs Signature(R), Signature(S) and public key
// to be in big-endian form during computation. Therefore,
// we do the transformation (from little endian to big endian) and copy those into the buffer.
// Transform Signature(R) from little endian to big endian and copy into the buffer
MVCIN $32, 31(R4), (R1)
// Transform Signature(S) from little endian to big endian and copy into the buffer
MVCIN $32, 63(R4), 32(R1)
// Transform Public Key from little endian to big endian and copy into the buffer
MVCIN $32, 31(R6), 64(R1)
WORD $0xB93A0002 // KDSA instruction
BVS verifyLoop // Retry upon hardware interrupt
BNE error
MOVB $1, ret+72(FP)
MOVB $0, ret+72(FP)