blob: 7a4b2a0cfa497942c215e305c43a2f5b234372d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// -lang=go1.19
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
func f1[_ comparable]() {}
func f2[_ interface{ comparable }]() {}
type T interface{ m() }
func _[P comparable, Q ~int, R any]() {
_ = f1[int]
_ = f1[T /* ERROR "T to satisfy comparable requires go1.20 or later" */]
_ = f1[any /* ERROR "any to satisfy comparable requires go1.20 or later" */]
_ = f1[P]
_ = f1[Q]
_ = f1[R /* ERROR "R does not satisfy comparable" */]
_ = f2[int]
_ = f2[T /* ERROR "T to satisfy comparable requires go1.20 or later" */]
_ = f2[any /* ERROR "any to satisfy comparable requires go1.20 or later" */]
_ = f2[P]
_ = f2[Q]
_ = f2[R /* ERROR "R does not satisfy comparable" */]