blob: 1901bff31e8f323885fb6ff784c9d6eeae149073 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
type T1 struct{}
func (t T1) m(int) {}
var f1 func(T1)
type T2 struct{}
func (t T2) m(x int) {}
var f2 func(T2)
type T3 struct{}
func (T3) m(int) {}
var f3 func(T3)
type T4 struct{}
func (T4) m(x int) {}
var f4 func(T4)
func _() {
f1 = T1 /* ERROR "func(T1, int)" */ .m
f2 = T2 /* ERROR "func(t T2, x int)" */ .m
f3 = T3 /* ERROR "func(T3, int)" */ .m
f4 = T4 /* ERROR "func(_ T4, x int)" */ .m