blob: 0478d9390f92e994387676b6ae1032c4161d1324 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package typeInference
// As of issue #51527, type-type inference has been disabled.
// basic inference
type Tb[P ~*Q, Q any] int
func _() {
var x Tb /* ERROR "got 1 arguments" */ [*int]
var y Tb[*int, int]
x = y /* ERRORx `cannot use y .* in assignment` */
_ = x
// recursive inference
type Tr[A any, B *C, C *D, D *A] int
func _() {
var x Tr /* ERROR "got 1 arguments" */ [string]
var y Tr[string, ***string, **string, *string]
var z Tr[int, ***int, **int, *int]
x = y /* ERRORx `cannot use y .* in assignment` */
x = z // ERRORx `cannot use z .* as Tr`
_ = x
// other patterns of inference
type To0[A any, B []A] int
type To1[A any, B struct{a A}] int
type To2[A any, B [][]A] int
type To3[A any, B [3]*A] int
type To4[A any, B any, C struct{a A; b B}] int
func _() {
var _ To0 /* ERROR "got 1 arguments" */ [int]
var _ To1 /* ERROR "got 1 arguments" */ [int]
var _ To2 /* ERROR "got 1 arguments" */ [int]
var _ To3 /* ERROR "got 1 arguments" */ [int]
var _ To4 /* ERROR "got 2 arguments" */ [int, string]
// failed inference
type Tf0[A, B any] int
type Tf1[A any, B ~struct{a A; c C}, C any] int
func _() {
var _ Tf0 /* ERROR "got 1 arguments but 2 type parameters" */ [int]
var _ Tf1 /* ERROR "got 1 arguments but 3 type parameters" */ [int]