blob: b8b1f4ed36b528f4043f245c9aaa98214b8c8914 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import "unsafe"
const (
debugMalloc = false
flagNoScan = _FlagNoScan
flagNoZero = _FlagNoZero
maxTinySize = _TinySize
tinySizeClass = _TinySizeClass
maxSmallSize = _MaxSmallSize
pageShift = _PageShift
pageSize = _PageSize
pageMask = _PageMask
mSpanInUse = _MSpanInUse
concurrentSweep = _ConcurrentSweep
// Page number (address>>pageShift)
type pageID uintptr
// base address for all 0-byte allocations
var zerobase uintptr
// Trigger the concurrent GC when 1/triggerratio memory is available to allocate.
// Adjust this ratio as part of a scheme to ensure that mutators have enough
// memory to allocate in durring a concurrent GC cycle.
var triggerratio = int64(8)
// Determine whether to initiate a GC.
// If the GC is already working no need to trigger another one.
// This should establish a feedback loop where if the GC does not
// have sufficient time to complete then more memory will be
// requested from the OS increasing heap size thus allow future
// GCs more time to complete.
// memstat.heap_alloc and memstat.next_gc reads have benign races
// A false negative simple does not start a GC, a false positive
// will start a GC needlessly. Neither have correctness issues.
func shouldtriggergc() bool {
return triggerratio*(int64(memstats.next_gc)-int64(memstats.heap_alloc)) <= int64(memstats.next_gc) && atomicloaduint(&bggc.working) == 0
// Allocate an object of size bytes.
// Small objects are allocated from the per-P cache's free lists.
// Large objects (> 32 kB) are allocated straight from the heap.
func mallocgc(size uintptr, typ *_type, flags uint32) unsafe.Pointer {
shouldhelpgc := false
if size == 0 {
return unsafe.Pointer(&zerobase)
dataSize := size
if flags&flagNoScan == 0 && typ == nil {
throw("malloc missing type")
// Set mp.mallocing to keep from being preempted by GC.
mp := acquirem()
if mp.mallocing != 0 {
throw("malloc deadlock")
mp.mallocing = 1
c := gomcache()
var s *mspan
var x unsafe.Pointer
if size <= maxSmallSize {
if flags&flagNoScan != 0 && size < maxTinySize {
// Tiny allocator.
// Tiny allocator combines several tiny allocation requests
// into a single memory block. The resulting memory block
// is freed when all subobjects are unreachable. The subobjects
// must be FlagNoScan (don't have pointers), this ensures that
// the amount of potentially wasted memory is bounded.
// Size of the memory block used for combining (maxTinySize) is tunable.
// Current setting is 16 bytes, which relates to 2x worst case memory
// wastage (when all but one subobjects are unreachable).
// 8 bytes would result in no wastage at all, but provides less
// opportunities for combining.
// 32 bytes provides more opportunities for combining,
// but can lead to 4x worst case wastage.
// The best case winning is 8x regardless of block size.
// Objects obtained from tiny allocator must not be freed explicitly.
// So when an object will be freed explicitly, we ensure that
// its size >= maxTinySize.
// SetFinalizer has a special case for objects potentially coming
// from tiny allocator, it such case it allows to set finalizers
// for an inner byte of a memory block.
// The main targets of tiny allocator are small strings and
// standalone escaping variables. On a json benchmark
// the allocator reduces number of allocations by ~12% and
// reduces heap size by ~20%.
off := c.tinyoffset
// Align tiny pointer for required (conservative) alignment.
if size&7 == 0 {
off = round(off, 8)
} else if size&3 == 0 {
off = round(off, 4)
} else if size&1 == 0 {
off = round(off, 2)
if off+size <= maxTinySize && c.tiny != nil {
// The object fits into existing tiny block.
x = add(c.tiny, off)
c.tinyoffset = off + size
mp.mallocing = 0
return x
// Allocate a new maxTinySize block.
s = c.alloc[tinySizeClass]
v := s.freelist
if v.ptr() == nil {
systemstack(func() {
mCache_Refill(c, tinySizeClass)
shouldhelpgc = true
s = c.alloc[tinySizeClass]
v = s.freelist
s.freelist = v.ptr().next
//TODO: prefetch
x = unsafe.Pointer(v)
(*[2]uint64)(x)[0] = 0
(*[2]uint64)(x)[1] = 0
// See if we need to replace the existing tiny block with the new one
// based on amount of remaining free space.
if size < c.tinyoffset {
c.tiny = x
c.tinyoffset = size
size = maxTinySize
} else {
var sizeclass int8
if size <= 1024-8 {
sizeclass = size_to_class8[(size+7)>>3]
} else {
sizeclass = size_to_class128[(size-1024+127)>>7]
size = uintptr(class_to_size[sizeclass])
s = c.alloc[sizeclass]
v := s.freelist
if v.ptr() == nil {
systemstack(func() {
mCache_Refill(c, int32(sizeclass))
shouldhelpgc = true
s = c.alloc[sizeclass]
v = s.freelist
s.freelist = v.ptr().next
//TODO: prefetch
x = unsafe.Pointer(v)
if flags&flagNoZero == 0 {
v.ptr().next = 0
if size > 2*ptrSize && ((*[2]uintptr)(x))[1] != 0 {
memclr(unsafe.Pointer(v), size)
c.local_cachealloc += intptr(size)
} else {
var s *mspan
shouldhelpgc = true
systemstack(func() {
s = largeAlloc(size, uint32(flags))
x = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.start << pageShift))
size = uintptr(s.elemsize)
if flags&flagNoScan != 0 {
// All objects are pre-marked as noscan. Nothing to do.
} else {
// If allocating a defer+arg block, now that we've picked a malloc size
// large enough to hold everything, cut the "asked for" size down to
// just the defer header, so that the GC bitmap will record the arg block
// as containing nothing at all (as if it were unused space at the end of
// a malloc block caused by size rounding).
// The defer arg areas are scanned as part of scanstack.
if typ == deferType {
dataSize = unsafe.Sizeof(_defer{})
heapBitsSetType(uintptr(x), size, dataSize, typ)
// GCmarkterminate allocates black
// All slots hold nil so no scanning is needed.
// This may be racing with GC so do it atomically if there can be
// a race marking the bit.
if gcphase == _GCmarktermination {
systemstack(func() {
if mheap_.shadow_enabled {
clearshadow(uintptr(x), size)
if raceenabled {
racemalloc(x, size)
mp.mallocing = 0
if debug.allocfreetrace != 0 {
tracealloc(x, size, typ)
if rate := MemProfileRate; rate > 0 {
if size < uintptr(rate) && int32(size) < c.next_sample {
c.next_sample -= int32(size)
} else {
mp := acquirem()
profilealloc(mp, x, size)
if shouldtriggergc() {
} else if shouldhelpgc && atomicloaduint(&bggc.working) == 1 {
// bggc.lock not taken since race on bggc.working is benign.
// At worse we don't call gchelpwork.
// Delay the gchelpwork until the epilogue so that it doesn't
// interfere with the inner working of malloc such as
// mcache refills that might happen while doing the gchelpwork
return x
// implementation of new builtin
func newobject(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {
flags := uint32(0)
if typ.kind&kindNoPointers != 0 {
flags |= flagNoScan
return mallocgc(uintptr(typ.size), typ, flags)
//go:linkname reflect_unsafe_New reflect.unsafe_New
func reflect_unsafe_New(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {
return newobject(typ)
// implementation of make builtin for slices
func newarray(typ *_type, n uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
flags := uint32(0)
if typ.kind&kindNoPointers != 0 {
flags |= flagNoScan
if int(n) < 0 || (typ.size > 0 && n > _MaxMem/uintptr(typ.size)) {
panic("runtime: allocation size out of range")
return mallocgc(uintptr(typ.size)*n, typ, flags)
//go:linkname reflect_unsafe_NewArray reflect.unsafe_NewArray
func reflect_unsafe_NewArray(typ *_type, n uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
return newarray(typ, n)
// rawmem returns a chunk of pointerless memory. It is
// not zeroed.
func rawmem(size uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
return mallocgc(size, nil, flagNoScan|flagNoZero)
func profilealloc(mp *m, x unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {
c := mp.mcache
rate := MemProfileRate
if size < uintptr(rate) {
// pick next profile time
// If you change this, also change allocmcache.
if rate > 0x3fffffff { // make 2*rate not overflow
rate = 0x3fffffff
next := int32(fastrand1()) % (2 * int32(rate))
// Subtract the "remainder" of the current allocation.
// Otherwise objects that are close in size to sampling rate
// will be under-sampled, because we consistently discard this remainder.
next -= (int32(size) - c.next_sample)
if next < 0 {
next = 0
c.next_sample = next
mProf_Malloc(x, size)
// For now this must be bracketed with a stoptheworld and a starttheworld to ensure
// all go routines see the new barrier.
func gcinstallmarkwb() {
gcphase = _GCmark
// force = 0 - start concurrent GC
// force = 1 - do STW GC regardless of current heap usage
// force = 2 - go STW GC and eager sweep
func gogc(force int32) {
// The gc is turned off (via enablegc) until the bootstrap has completed.
// Also, malloc gets called in the guts of a number of libraries that might be
// holding locks. To avoid deadlocks during stoptheworld, don't bother
// trying to run gc while holding a lock. The next mallocgc without a lock
// will do the gc instead.
mp := acquirem()
if gp := getg(); gp == mp.g0 || mp.locks > 1 || !memstats.enablegc || panicking != 0 || gcpercent < 0 {
mp = nil
if force == 0 {
if !bggc.started {
bggc.working = 1
bggc.started = true
go backgroundgc()
} else if bggc.working == 0 {
bggc.working = 1
} else {
func gcwork(force int32) {
semacquire(&worldsema, false)
// Pick up the remaining unswept/not being swept spans concurrently
for gosweepone() != ^uintptr(0) {
// Ok, we're doing it! Stop everybody else
mp := acquirem()
mp.preemptoff = "gcing"
if force == 0 {
gctimer.cycle.sweepterm = nanotime()
if trace.enabled {
// Pick up the remaining unswept/not being swept spans before we STW
for gosweepone() != ^uintptr(0) {
systemstack(finishsweep_m) // finish sweep before we start concurrent scan.
if force == 0 { // Do as much work concurrently as possible
gcphase = _GCscan
gctimer.cycle.scan = nanotime()
// Do a concurrent heap scan before we stop the world.
gctimer.cycle.installmarkwb = nanotime()
gctimer.cycle.mark = nanotime()
gctimer.cycle.markterm = nanotime()
} else {
// For non-concurrent GC (force != 0) g stack have not been scanned so
// set gcscanvalid such that mark termination scans all stacks.
// No races here since we are in a STW phase.
for _, gp := range allgs {
gp.gcworkdone = false // set to true in gcphasework
gp.gcscanvalid = false // stack has not been scanned
startTime := nanotime()
if mp != acquirem() {
throw("gogc: rescheduled")
// Run gc on the g0 stack. We do this so that the g stack
// we're currently running on will no longer change. Cuts
// the root set down a bit (g0 stacks are not scanned, and
// we don't need to scan gc's internal state). We also
// need to switch to g0 so we can shrink the stack.
n := 1
if debug.gctrace > 1 {
n = 2
eagersweep := force >= 2
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if i > 0 {
// refresh start time if doing a second GC
startTime = nanotime()
// switch to g0, call gc, then switch back
systemstack(func() {
gc_m(startTime, eagersweep)
systemstack(func() {
gccheckmark_m(startTime, eagersweep)
if trace.enabled {
// all done
mp.preemptoff = ""
if force == 0 {
gctimer.cycle.sweep = nanotime()
if force == 0 {
if gctimer.verbose > 1 {
} else if gctimer.verbose > 0 {
calctimes() // ignore result
mp = nil
// now that gc is done, kick off finalizer thread if needed
if !concurrentSweep {
// give the queued finalizers, if any, a chance to run
// gctimes records the time in nanoseconds of each phase of the concurrent GC.
type gctimes struct {
sweepterm int64 // stw
scan int64
installmarkwb int64 // stw
mark int64
markterm int64 // stw
sweep int64
// gcchronograph holds timer information related to GC phases
// max records the maximum time spent in each GC phase since GCstarttimes.
// total records the total time spent in each GC phase since GCstarttimes.
// cycle records the absolute time (as returned by nanoseconds()) that each GC phase last started at.
type gcchronograph struct {
count int64
verbose int64
maxpause int64
max gctimes
total gctimes
cycle gctimes
var gctimer gcchronograph
// GCstarttimes initializes the gc times. All previous times are lost.
func GCstarttimes(verbose int64) {
gctimer = gcchronograph{verbose: verbose}
// GCendtimes stops the gc timers.
func GCendtimes() {
gctimer.verbose = 0
// calctimes converts gctimer.cycle into the elapsed times, updates
// and updates gctimer.max with the max pause time.
func calctimes() gctimes {
var times gctimes
var max = func(a, b int64) int64 {
if a > b {
return a
return b
times.sweepterm = gctimer.cycle.scan - gctimer.cycle.sweepterm += times.sweepterm
gctimer.max.sweepterm = max(gctimer.max.sweepterm, times.sweepterm)
gctimer.maxpause = max(gctimer.maxpause, gctimer.max.sweepterm)
times.scan = gctimer.cycle.installmarkwb - gctimer.cycle.scan += times.scan
gctimer.max.scan = max(gctimer.max.scan, times.scan)
times.installmarkwb = gctimer.cycle.mark - gctimer.cycle.installmarkwb += times.installmarkwb
gctimer.max.installmarkwb = max(gctimer.max.installmarkwb, times.installmarkwb)
gctimer.maxpause = max(gctimer.maxpause, gctimer.max.installmarkwb)
times.mark = gctimer.cycle.markterm - gctimer.cycle.mark += times.mark
gctimer.max.mark = max(gctimer.max.mark, times.mark)
times.markterm = gctimer.cycle.sweep - gctimer.cycle.markterm += times.markterm
gctimer.max.markterm = max(gctimer.max.markterm, times.markterm)
gctimer.maxpause = max(gctimer.maxpause, gctimer.max.markterm)
return times
// GCprinttimes prints latency information in nanoseconds about various
// phases in the GC. The information for each phase includes the maximum pause
// and total time since the most recent call to GCstarttimes as well as
// the information from the most recent Concurent GC cycle. Calls from the
// application to runtime.GC() are ignored.
func GCprinttimes() {
if gctimer.verbose == 0 {
println("GC timers not enabled")
// Explicitly put times on the heap so printPhase can use it.
times := new(gctimes)
*times = calctimes()
cycletime := gctimer.cycle.sweep - gctimer.cycle.sweepterm
pause := times.sweepterm + times.installmarkwb + times.markterm
gomaxprocs := GOMAXPROCS(-1)
print("GC: #", gctimer.count, " ", cycletime, "ns @", gctimer.cycle.sweepterm, " pause=", pause, " maxpause=", gctimer.maxpause, " goroutines=", allglen, " gomaxprocs=", gomaxprocs, "\n")
printPhase := func(label string, get func(*gctimes) int64, procs int) {
print("GC: ", label, " ", get(times), "ns\tmax=", get(&gctimer.max), "\ttotal=", get(&, "\tprocs=", procs, "\n")
printPhase("sweep term:", func(t *gctimes) int64 { return t.sweepterm }, gomaxprocs)
printPhase("scan: ", func(t *gctimes) int64 { return t.scan }, 1)
printPhase("install wb:", func(t *gctimes) int64 { return t.installmarkwb }, gomaxprocs)
printPhase("mark: ", func(t *gctimes) int64 { return t.mark }, 1)
printPhase("mark term: ", func(t *gctimes) int64 { return t.markterm }, gomaxprocs)
// GC runs a garbage collection.
func GC() {
// linker-provided
var noptrdata struct{}
var enoptrdata struct{}
var noptrbss struct{}
var enoptrbss struct{}
// round n up to a multiple of a. a must be a power of 2.
func round(n, a uintptr) uintptr {
return (n + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
var persistent struct {
lock mutex
base unsafe.Pointer
off uintptr
// Wrapper around sysAlloc that can allocate small chunks.
// There is no associated free operation.
// Intended for things like function/type/debug-related persistent data.
// If align is 0, uses default align (currently 8).
func persistentalloc(size, align uintptr, stat *uint64) unsafe.Pointer {
const (
chunk = 256 << 10
maxBlock = 64 << 10 // VM reservation granularity is 64K on windows
if size == 0 {
throw("persistentalloc: size == 0")
if align != 0 {
if align&(align-1) != 0 {
throw("persistentalloc: align is not a power of 2")
if align > _PageSize {
throw("persistentalloc: align is too large")
} else {
align = 8
if size >= maxBlock {
return sysAlloc(size, stat)
lock(&persistent.lock) = round(, align)
if > chunk || persistent.base == nil {
persistent.base = sysAlloc(chunk, &memstats.other_sys)
if persistent.base == nil {
throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
} = 0
p := add(persistent.base, += size
if stat != &memstats.other_sys {
xadd64(stat, int64(size))
xadd64(&memstats.other_sys, -int64(size))
return p