blob: 1fc303d169bd97f0f2771a7fc506bc984e196a42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
type (
// these need a comma to disambiguate
_[P *T,] struct{}
_[P *T, _ any] struct{}
_[P (*T),] struct{}
_[P (*T), _ any] struct{}
_[P (T),] struct{}
_[P (T), _ any] struct{}
// these parse as name followed by type
_[P *struct{}] struct{}
_[P (*struct{})] struct{}
_[P ([]int)] struct{}
// array declarations
_ [P(T)]struct{}
_ [P((T))]struct{}
_ [P * *T] struct{} // this could be a name followed by a type but it makes the rules more complicated
_ [P * T]struct{}
_ [P(*T)]struct{}
_ [P(**T)]struct{}
_ [P * T - T]struct{}
_ [P*T-T /* ERROR unexpected comma */ ,]struct{}
_ [10 /* ERROR unexpected comma */ ,]struct{}