all: REVERSE MERGE dev.unified (d558507) into master

This commit is a REVERSE MERGE.
It merges dev.unified back into its parent branch, master.
This marks the end of development on dev.unified.

Merge List:

+ 2022-08-04 d558507db4 [dev.unified] all: merge master (85d87b9) into dev.unified
+ 2022-08-03 c9f2150cfb [dev.unified] cmd/compile: start using runtime dictionaries
+ 2022-07-30 994ff78ba0 [dev.unified] go/internal: set underlying types in proper order
+ 2022-07-28 23554d4744 [dev.unified] all: merge master (462b78f) into dev.unified
+ 2022-07-28 c8d5ccf82e [dev.unified] go/internal/gcimporter: flatten imports
+ 2022-07-28 ac0844ec27 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: move "has init" to private metadata
+ 2022-07-28 f995946094 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: implement simple inline body pruning heuristic
+ 2022-07-28 f2851c67fd [dev.unified] cmd/compile: allow inlining to fail gracefully
+ 2022-07-28 831fdf1dff [dev.unified] cmd/compile: extract nil handling from exprType
+ 2022-07-28 92798176e7 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: write iface conversion RTTI into unified IR
+ 2022-07-28 9b70178d58 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: write RTTI into unified IR export data
+ 2022-07-25 fc72b7705d [dev.unified] cmd/compile: add method expressions to dictionaries
+ 2022-07-25 f48fa643f1 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: remove obsolete RTTI wiring
+ 2022-07-22 131f981df0 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: make Unified IR always writes concrete type for const exprs
+ 2022-07-20 ae43bdc3e3 Merge "[dev.unified] all: merge master (8e1e64c) into dev.unified" into dev.unified
+ 2022-07-19 7a8ba83b72 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata: remove hasRType's `required` param
+ 2022-07-19 64cd6faa13 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: simplify mixed tag/case RTTI wiring
+ 2022-07-19 a4c5198a3c [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: better switch statements
+ 2022-07-19 318027044a [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: explicit nil handling
+ 2022-07-19 e971b6a9be [dev.unified] test: add switch test case for tricky nil handling
+ 2022-07-19 878439cfe5 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: preserve RTTI for select statements
+ 2022-07-19 e376746e54 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: wire RTTI for implicit conversions
+ 2022-07-19 c846fd8e13 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: implicit conversions for binary exprs
+ 2022-07-19 ebd34e3e45 [dev.unified] test: relax panic message expectations
+ 2022-07-19 76a82f09d6 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: prefer *At functions
+ 2022-07-19 de649a2a98 [dev.unified] all: merge master (8e1e64c) into dev.unified
+ 2022-07-19 055a5e55fa [dev.unified] test: change Unicode file/package name to use characters not translated by macOS.
+ 2022-07-18 2cf632cd57 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata: prefer ITabAddrAt in ConvIfaceTypeWord
+ 2022-07-12 9371a65584 internal/pkgbits: change EnableSync into a dynamic knob
+ 2022-07-01 d667be8831 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/walk: RType fields for range assignments
+ 2022-06-30 1b838e9556 [dev.unified] all: merge master (993c387) into dev.unified
+ 2022-06-30 0a503cf43a [dev.unified] cmd/compile: refactor `range` desugaring
+ 2022-06-30 3635b07d16 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: implicit conversions for multi-valued expressions
+ 2022-06-30 e7219cc093 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: refactor N:1 expression handling
+ 2022-06-30 2f3ef73e18 [dev.unified] test: tweak nilcheck test
+ 2022-06-30 95d7ce9ab1 [dev.unified] test: break escape_iface.go into unified/nounified variants
+ 2022-06-30 f751319a0b [dev.unified] test: relax live_regabi.go
+ 2022-06-30 e3cdc981c8 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/walk: fix typo in debug print
+ 2022-06-29 2280d897d6 [dev.unified] test: add regress test for generic select statements
+ 2022-06-27 4b78ece3d7 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: drop package height from Unified IR importer
+ 2022-06-27 398d46d538 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/types2: remove package height
+ 2022-06-24 e7100adbca [dev.unified] all: merge master (5a1c5b8) into dev.unified
+ 2022-06-23 09a838ad86 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: rename haveRType and implicitExpr
+ 2022-06-23 421e9e9db2 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: implicit conversions for return statements
+ 2022-06-23 a3fea7796a [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: implicit conversions for writer.assignStmt
+ 2022-06-23 82a958a661 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: refactor stmtAssign generation
+ 2022-06-23 711dacd8cf [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: implicit conversion of call arguments
+ 2022-06-23 46b01ec667 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: remove needType logic
+ 2022-06-23 a3e474f867 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: implicit conversions for complits
+ 2022-06-23 5f5422a2dd [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: start writing implicit conversions
+ 2022-06-23 9cb784ac69 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: add pkgWriter.typeOf helper
+ 2022-06-23 c70e93ff3d [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/typecheck: replace unreachable code with assert
+ 2022-06-23 20e1d5ac8c [dev.unified] cmd/compile: special case f(g()) calls in Unified IR
+ 2022-06-23 61ae2b734c [dev.unified] cmd/compile: plumb rtype through OSWITCH/OCASE clauses
+ 2022-06-23 3d432b6c4b [dev.unified] cmd/compile: plumb rtype through for OMAPLIT
+ 2022-06-23 7368647ac6 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: start setting RType fields for Unified IR
+ 2022-06-23 5960f4ec10 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: add RType fields
+ 2022-06-21 5e0258c700 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: avoid reflectType in ssagen
+ 2022-06-21 93833cd5d8 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: extract rtype code from walk
+ 2022-06-21 f70775ff22 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: refactor reflectdata.{TypePtr,ITabAddr}
+ 2022-06-21 fc5dad6646 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/walk: minor prep refactoring
+ 2022-06-16 1f4e8afafe [dev.unified] all: merge master (635b124) into dev.unified
+ 2022-06-15 8a9485c023 [dev.unified] test: extract different inline test between unified and non-unified
+ 2022-06-14 394ea70cc9 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: more Unified IR docs and review
+ 2022-06-10 f73ad3d24d [dev.unified] test: add regress tests for #53276 and #53328
+ 2022-06-09 8ef8b60e18 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: stop handling type expressions as expressions
+ 2022-06-09 1a6c96bb9b [dev.unified] test: relax issue7921.go diagnostic message
+ 2022-06-09 c50c6bbc03 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: set base.Pos when process assignDef in Unified IR
+ 2022-06-09 d6df08693c [dev.unified] cmd/compile: fix unified IR don't report type size too large error
+ 2022-06-08 e7ef58542c [dev.unified] cmd/compile: restore Unified IR linkname pragma diagnostic
+ 2022-06-07 9e5c968021 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: visit LHS before RHS/X in assign/for statement
+ 2022-06-06 46ddf0873e [dev.unified] cmd/compile: export/import implicit attribute for conversion exprs
+ 2022-06-06 a8780f94c3 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: fix missing method value wrapper in unified IR
+ 2022-06-06 3a1f1e1575 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: remove package height
+ 2022-06-06 df7cb59de4 [dev.unified] cmd/compile: only sort symbols by name and package path
+ 2022-06-06 b39ac80871 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: push exprBlank up into assignment handling
+ 2022-06-06 55fc07e164 [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: add optExpr for optional expressions
+ 2022-06-06 6c33f1d52e [dev.unified] cmd/compile/internal/noder: rename exprName to exprGlobal
+ 2022-06-06 4d28fcabb4 [dev.unified] all: update codereview.cfg for dev.unified branch

Change-Id: I604d057735e8a365621c91c206f9e46eabb4679b
tree: a89e2d4e921b2b966aee9d86cbdd3d5ff9df01c7
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. codereview.cfg

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