[release-branch.go1.19] all: merge master (b2b8872) into release-branch.go1.19

Merge List:

+ 2022-07-12 b2b8872c87 compress/gzip: fix stack exhaustion bug in Reader.Read
+ 2022-07-12 ac68c6c683 path/filepath: fix stack exhaustion in Glob
+ 2022-07-12 fa2d41d0ca io/fs: fix stack exhaustion in Glob
+ 2022-07-12 6fa37e98ea encoding/gob: add a depth limit for ignored fields
+ 2022-07-12 695be961d5 go/parser: limit recursion depth
+ 2022-07-12 08c46ed43d encoding/xml: use iterative Skip, rather than recursive
+ 2022-07-12 c4c1993fd2 encoding/xml: limit depth of nesting in unmarshal
+ 2022-07-12 913d05133c cmd/go: avoid spurious readdir during fsys.Walk
+ 2022-07-12 d3d7998756 net/http: clarify that MaxBytesReader returns *MaxBytesError
+ 2022-07-11 126c22a098 syscall: gofmt after CL 412114
+ 2022-07-11 123a6328b7 internal/trace: don't report regions on system goroutines
+ 2022-07-11 846490110a runtime/race: update amd64 syso images to avoid sse4
+ 2022-07-11 b75ad09cae cmd/trace: fix typo in web documentation
+ 2022-07-11 7510e597de cmd/go: make module index loading O(1)
+ 2022-07-11 b8bf820d5d cmd/nm: don't rely on an erroneous install target in tests
+ 2022-07-11 ad641e8521 misc/cgo/testcarchive: don't rely on an erroneous install target in tests
+ 2022-07-11 bf5898ef53 net/url: use EscapedPath for url.JoinPath
+ 2022-07-11 398dcd1cf0 database/sql: make TestTxContextWaitNoDiscard test more robust
+ 2022-07-11 f956941b0f cmd/go: use package index for std in load.loadPackageData
+ 2022-07-11 59ab6f351a net/http: remove Content-Encoding in writeNotModified
+ 2022-07-08 c1a4e0fe01 cmd/compile: fix libfuzzer instrumentation line number
+ 2022-07-08 5c1a13e7a4 cmd/go: avoid setting variables for '/' and ':' in TestScript subprocess environments
+ 2022-07-08 180bcad33d net/http: wait for listeners to exit in Server.Close and Shutdown
+ 2022-07-08 14abe8aa73 cmd/compile: don't convert to interface{} for un-comparable types in generic switch
+ 2022-07-07 1ebc983000 runtime: overestimate the amount of allocated memory in heapLive
+ 2022-07-07 c177d9d98a crypto/x509: restrict CRL number to <=20 octets
+ 2022-07-07 486fc01770 crypto/x509: correctly parse CRL entry extensions
+ 2022-07-07 8ac58de185 crypto/x509: populate Number and AKI of parsed CRLs
+ 2022-07-07 0c7fcf6bd1 cmd/link: explicitly disable PIE for windows/amd64 -race mode
+ 2022-07-07 eaf2125654 cmd/go: default to "exe" build mode for windows -race
+ 2022-07-06 1243ec9c17 cmd/compile: only check implicit dots for method call enabled by a type bound
+ 2022-07-06 c391156f96 cmd/go: set up git identity for build_buildvcs_auto.txt

Change-Id: Ib2b544e080fc7fce20614d4ed310767c2591931f
tree: 252243237a117baa59faf3ff6405538585321e95
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  11. codereview.cfg
  16. README.md
  17. SECURITY.md

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