blob: ccf2a86bb3f1419f5c9023e337bfb41c5066904a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
const (
UINF = 100
BADWIDTH = -1000000000
MaxStackVarSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024
type Pkg struct {
Name string // package name, e.g. "sys"
Path string // string literal used in import statement, e.g. "runtime/internal/sys"
Pathsym *obj.LSym
Prefix string // escaped path for use in symbol table
Imported bool // export data of this package was parsed
Direct bool // imported directly
Syms map[string]*Sym
// Sym represents an object name. Most commonly, this is a Go identifier naming
// an object declared within a package, but Syms are also used to name internal
// synthesized objects.
// As a special exception, field and method names that are exported use the Sym
// associated with localpkg instead of the package that declared them. This
// allows using Sym pointer equality to test for Go identifier uniqueness when
// handling selector expressions.
type Sym struct {
Flags SymFlags
Link *Sym
Importdef *Pkg // where imported definition was found
Linkname string // link name
// saved and restored by dcopy
Pkg *Pkg
Name string // variable name
Def *Node // definition: ONAME OTYPE OPACK or OLITERAL
Block int32 // blocknumber to catch redeclaration
Lastlineno int32 // last declaration for diagnostic
Label *Label // corresponding label (ephemeral)
Origpkg *Pkg // original package for . import
Lsym *obj.LSym
Fsym *Sym // funcsym
type Label struct {
Def *Node
type SymFlags uint8
const (
SymExport SymFlags = 1 << iota // to be exported
SymExported // already written out by export
// The Class of a variable/function describes the "storage class"
// of a variable or function. During parsing, storage classes are
// called declaration contexts.
type Class uint8
const (
Pxxx Class = iota
PEXTERN // global variable
PAUTO // local variables
PAUTOHEAP // local variable or parameter moved to heap
PPARAM // input arguments
PPARAMOUT // output results
PFUNC // global function
PDISCARD // discard during parse of duplicate import
// note this is the runtime representation
// of the compilers arrays.
// typedef struct
// { // must not move anything
// uchar array[8]; // pointer to data
// uchar nel[4]; // number of elements
// uchar cap[4]; // allocated number of elements
// } Array;
var array_array int // runtime offsetof(Array,array) - same for String
var array_nel int // runtime offsetof(Array,nel) - same for String
var array_cap int // runtime offsetof(Array,cap)
var sizeof_Array int // runtime sizeof(Array)
// note this is the runtime representation
// of the compilers strings.
// typedef struct
// { // must not move anything
// uchar array[8]; // pointer to data
// uchar nel[4]; // number of elements
// } String;
var sizeof_String int // runtime sizeof(String)
var pragcgobuf string
var infile string
var outfile string
var linkobj string
var bout *bio.Writer
var nerrors int
var nsavederrors int
var nsyntaxerrors int
var decldepth int32
var safemode bool
var nolocalimports bool
var Debug [256]int
var debugstr string
var Debug_checknil int
var Debug_typeassert int
var localpkg *Pkg // package being compiled
var importpkg *Pkg // package being imported
var itabpkg *Pkg // fake pkg for itab entries
var itablinkpkg *Pkg // fake package for runtime itab entries
var Runtimepkg *Pkg // package runtime
var racepkg *Pkg // package runtime/race
var msanpkg *Pkg // package runtime/msan
var typepkg *Pkg // fake package for runtime type info (headers)
var unsafepkg *Pkg // package unsafe
var trackpkg *Pkg // fake package for field tracking
var mappkg *Pkg // fake package for map zero value
var zerosize int64
var Tptr EType // either TPTR32 or TPTR64
var myimportpath string
var localimport string
var asmhdr string
var simtype [NTYPE]EType
var (
isforw [NTYPE]bool
isInt [NTYPE]bool
isFloat [NTYPE]bool
isComplex [NTYPE]bool
issimple [NTYPE]bool
var (
okforeq [NTYPE]bool
okforadd [NTYPE]bool
okforand [NTYPE]bool
okfornone [NTYPE]bool
okforcmp [NTYPE]bool
okforbool [NTYPE]bool
okforcap [NTYPE]bool
okforlen [NTYPE]bool
okforarith [NTYPE]bool
okforconst [NTYPE]bool
var (
okfor [OEND][]bool
iscmp [OEND]bool
var minintval [NTYPE]*Mpint
var maxintval [NTYPE]*Mpint
var minfltval [NTYPE]*Mpflt
var maxfltval [NTYPE]*Mpflt
var xtop []*Node
var exportlist []*Node
var importlist []*Node // imported functions and methods with inlinable bodies
var funcsyms []*Node
var dclcontext Class // PEXTERN/PAUTO
var statuniqgen int // name generator for static temps
var iota_ int32
var lastconst []*Node
var lasttype *Node
var Maxarg int64
var Stksize int64 // stack size for current frame
var stkptrsize int64 // prefix of stack containing pointers
var hasdefer bool // flag that curfn has defer statement
var Curfn *Node
var Widthptr int
var Widthint int
var Widthreg int
var nblank *Node
var typecheckok bool
var compiling_runtime bool
var compiling_wrappers int
var use_writebarrier bool
var pure_go bool
var flag_installsuffix string
var flag_race bool
var flag_msan bool
var flag_largemodel bool
// Whether we are adding any sort of code instrumentation, such as
// when the race detector is enabled.
var instrumenting bool
var debuglive int
var Ctxt *obj.Link
var writearchive bool
var Nacl bool
var Pc *obj.Prog
var nodfp *Node
var disable_checknil int
// interface to back end
const (
Pseudo = 1 << 1
// There's nothing to say about the instruction,
// but it's still okay to see.
OK = 1 << 2
// Size of right-side write, or right-side read if no write.
SizeB = 1 << 3
SizeW = 1 << 4
SizeL = 1 << 5
SizeQ = 1 << 6
SizeF = 1 << 7
SizeD = 1 << 8
// Left side (Prog.from): address taken, read, write.
LeftAddr = 1 << 9
LeftRead = 1 << 10
LeftWrite = 1 << 11
// Register in middle (Prog.reg); only ever read. (arm, ppc64)
RegRead = 1 << 12
CanRegRead = 1 << 13
// Right side ( address taken, read, write.
RightAddr = 1 << 14
RightRead = 1 << 15
RightWrite = 1 << 16
// Instruction kinds
Move = 1 << 17 // straight move
Conv = 1 << 18 // size conversion
Cjmp = 1 << 19 // conditional jump
Break = 1 << 20 // breaks control flow (no fallthrough)
Call = 1 << 21 // function call
Jump = 1 << 22 // jump
Skip = 1 << 23 // data instruction
// Set, use, or kill of carry bit.
// Kill means we never look at the carry bit after this kind of instruction.
// Originally for understanding ADC, RCR, and so on, but now also
// tracks set, use, and kill of the zero and overflow bits as well.
// TODO rename to {Set,Use,Kill}Flags
SetCarry = 1 << 24
UseCarry = 1 << 25
KillCarry = 1 << 26
// Special cases for register use. (amd64, 386)
ShiftCX = 1 << 27 // possible shift by CX
ImulAXDX = 1 << 28 // possible multiply into DX:AX
// Instruction updates whichever of from/to is type D_OREG. (ppc64)
PostInc = 1 << 29
type Arch struct {
LinkArch *obj.LinkArch
Defframe func(*obj.Prog)
Proginfo func(*obj.Prog) // fills in Prog.Info
Use387 bool // should 8g use 387 FP instructions instead of sse2.
// SSAMarkMoves marks any MOVXconst ops that need to avoid clobbering flags.
SSAMarkMoves func(*SSAGenState, *ssa.Block)
// SSAGenValue emits Prog(s) for the Value.
SSAGenValue func(*SSAGenState, *ssa.Value)
// SSAGenBlock emits end-of-block Progs. SSAGenValue should be called
// for all values in the block before SSAGenBlock.
SSAGenBlock func(s *SSAGenState, b, next *ssa.Block)
var pcloc int32
var Thearch Arch
var Newproc *Node
var Deferproc *Node
var Deferreturn *Node
var panicindex *Node
var panicslice *Node
var panicdivide *Node
var growslice *Node
var writebarrierptr *Node
var typedmemmove *Node
var panicdottype *Node