blob: 103c53dac4f269844e93c038010031af694f6336 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
* returns the leading non-zero
* word of the number
func sigfig(a *Mpflt) int {
var i int
for i = Mpprec - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if a.Val.A[i] != 0 {
//print("sigfig %d %d\n", i-z+1, z);
return i + 1
* sets the exponent.
* a too large exponent is an error.
* a too small exponent rounds the number to zero.
func mpsetexp(a *Mpflt, exp int) {
if int(int16(exp)) != exp {
if exp > 0 {
Yyerror("float constant is too large")
a.Exp = 0x7fff
} else {
Mpmovecflt(a, 0)
} else {
a.Exp = int16(exp)
* shifts the leading non-zero
* word of the number to Mpnorm
func mpnorm(a *Mpflt) {
os := sigfig(a)
if os == 0 {
// zero
a.Exp = 0
a.Val.Neg = 0
// this will normalize to the nearest word
x := a.Val.A[os-1]
s := (Mpnorm - os) * Mpscale
// further normalize to the nearest bit
for {
x <<= 1
if x&Mpbase != 0 {
if x == 0 {
// this error comes from trying to
// convert an Inf or something
// where the initial x=0x80000000
s = (Mpnorm - os) * Mpscale
Mpshiftfix(&a.Val, s)
mpsetexp(a, int(a.Exp)-s)
/// implements float arihmetic
func mpaddfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf("\n%v + %v", Fconv(a, 0), Fconv(b, 0))
sa := sigfig(a)
var s int
var sb int
if sa == 0 {
mpmovefltflt(a, b)
goto out
sb = sigfig(b)
if sb == 0 {
goto out
s = int(a.Exp) - int(b.Exp)
if s > 0 {
// a is larger, shift b right
var c Mpflt
mpmovefltflt(&c, b)
Mpshiftfix(&c.Val, -s)
mpaddfixfix(&a.Val, &c.Val, 0)
goto out
if s < 0 {
// b is larger, shift a right
Mpshiftfix(&a.Val, s)
mpsetexp(a, int(a.Exp)-s)
mpaddfixfix(&a.Val, &b.Val, 0)
goto out
mpaddfixfix(&a.Val, &b.Val, 0)
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n\n", Fconv(a, 0))
func mpmulfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf("%v\n * %v\n", Fconv(a, 0), Fconv(b, 0))
sa := sigfig(a)
if sa == 0 {
// zero
a.Exp = 0
a.Val.Neg = 0
sb := sigfig(b)
if sb == 0 {
// zero
mpmovefltflt(a, b)
mpmulfract(&a.Val, &b.Val)
mpsetexp(a, (int(a.Exp)+int(b.Exp))+Mpscale*Mpprec-Mpscale-1)
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n\n", Fconv(a, 0))
func mpdivfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf("%v\n / %v\n", Fconv(a, 0), Fconv(b, 0))
sb := sigfig(b)
if sb == 0 {
// zero and ovfl
a.Exp = 0
a.Val.Neg = 0
a.Val.Ovf = 1
Yyerror("constant division by zero")
sa := sigfig(a)
if sa == 0 {
// zero
a.Exp = 0
a.Val.Neg = 0
// adjust b to top
var c Mpflt
mpmovefltflt(&c, b)
Mpshiftfix(&c.Val, Mpscale)
// divide
mpdivfract(&a.Val, &c.Val)
mpsetexp(a, (int(a.Exp)-int(c.Exp))-Mpscale*(Mpprec-1)+1)
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n\n", Fconv(a, 0))
func mpgetfltN(a *Mpflt, prec int, bias int) float64 {
if a.Val.Ovf != 0 && nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {
Yyerror("mpgetflt ovf")
s := sigfig(a)
if s == 0 {
return 0
if s != Mpnorm {
Yyerror("mpgetflt norm")
for a.Val.A[Mpnorm-1]&Mpsign == 0 {
Mpshiftfix(&a.Val, 1)
mpsetexp(a, int(a.Exp)-1) // can set 'a' to zero
s = sigfig(a)
if s == 0 {
return 0
// pick up the mantissa, a rounding bit, and a tie-breaking bit in a uvlong
s = prec + 2
v := uint64(0)
var i int
for i = Mpnorm - 1; s >= Mpscale; i-- {
v = v<<Mpscale | uint64(a.Val.A[i])
s -= Mpscale
if s > 0 {
v = v<<uint(s) | uint64(a.Val.A[i])>>uint(Mpscale-s)
if a.Val.A[i]&((1<<uint(Mpscale-s))-1) != 0 {
v |= 1
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if a.Val.A[i] != 0 {
v |= 1
// gradual underflow
e := Mpnorm*Mpscale + int(a.Exp) - prec
minexp := bias + 1 - prec + 1
if e < minexp {
s := minexp - e
if s > prec+1 {
s = prec + 1
if v&((1<<uint(s))-1) != 0 {
v |= 1 << uint(s)
v >>= uint(s)
e = minexp
// round to even
v |= (v & 4) >> 2
v += v & 1
v >>= 2
f := float64(v)
f = math.Ldexp(f, e)
if a.Val.Neg != 0 {
f = -f
return f
func mpgetflt(a *Mpflt) float64 {
return mpgetfltN(a, 53, -1023)
func mpgetflt32(a *Mpflt) float64 {
return mpgetfltN(a, 24, -127)
func Mpmovecflt(a *Mpflt, c float64) {
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf("\nconst %g", c)
Mpmovecfix(&a.Val, 0)
a.Exp = 0
var f float64
var l int
var i int
if c == 0 {
goto out
if c < 0 {
a.Val.Neg = 1
c = -c
f, i = math.Frexp(c)
a.Exp = int16(i)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
f = f * Mpbase
l = int(math.Floor(f))
f = f - float64(l)
a.Exp -= Mpscale
a.Val.A[0] = l
if f == 0 {
Mpshiftfix(&a.Val, Mpscale)
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n", Fconv(a, 0))
func mpnegflt(a *Mpflt) {
a.Val.Neg ^= 1
func mptestflt(a *Mpflt) int {
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf("\n%v?", Fconv(a, 0))
s := sigfig(a)
if s != 0 {
s = +1
if a.Val.Neg != 0 {
s = -1
if Mpdebug != 0 /*TypeKind(100016)*/ {
fmt.Printf(" = %d\n", s)
return s