blob: 2302b044e816bc7796b579d8c1501d9dfb147d7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
import (
// buildList is the list of modules to use for building packages.
// It is initialized by calling ImportPaths, ImportFromFiles,
// LoadALL, or LoadBuildList, each of which uses loaded.load.
// Ideally, exactly ONE of those functions would be called,
// and exactly once. Most of the time, that's true.
// During "go get" it may not be. TODO(rsc): Figure out if
// that restriction can be established, or else document why not.
var buildList []module.Version
// LoadBuildList loads and returns the build list from go.mod.
// The loading of the build list happens automatically in ImportPaths:
// LoadBuildList need only be called if ImportPaths is not
// (typically in commands that care about the module but
// no particular package).
func LoadBuildList(ctx context.Context) []module.Version {
return buildList
// ReloadBuildList resets the state of loaded packages, then loads and returns
// the build list set in SetBuildList.
func ReloadBuildList() []module.Version {
loaded = loadFromRoots(loaderParams{
tags: imports.Tags(),
listRoots: func() []string { return nil },
allClosesOverTests: index.allPatternClosesOverTests(), // but doesn't matter because the root list is empty.
return buildList
// BuildList returns the module build list,
// typically constructed by a previous call to
// LoadBuildList or ImportPaths.
// The caller must not modify the returned list.
func BuildList() []module.Version {
return buildList
// SetBuildList sets the module build list.
// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the list is valid.
// SetBuildList does not retain a reference to the original list.
func SetBuildList(list []module.Version) {
buildList = append([]module.Version{}, list...)
// TidyBuildList trims the build list to the minimal requirements needed to
// retain the same versions of all packages from the preceding Load* or
// ImportPaths* call.
func TidyBuildList() {
used := map[module.Version]bool{Target: true}
for _, pkg := range loaded.pkgs {
used[pkg.mod] = true
keep := []module.Version{Target}
var direct []string
for _, m := range buildList[1:] {
if used[m] {
keep = append(keep, m)
if[m.Path] {
direct = append(direct, m.Path)
} else if cfg.BuildV {
if _, ok := index.require[m]; ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unused %s\n", m.Path)
min, err := mvs.Req(Target, direct, &mvsReqs{buildList: keep})
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
buildList = append([]module.Version{Target}, min...)
// checkMultiplePaths verifies that a given module path is used as itself
// or as a replacement for another module, but not both at the same time.
// (See and
func checkMultiplePaths() {
firstPath := make(map[module.Version]string, len(buildList))
for _, mod := range buildList {
src := mod
if rep := Replacement(mod); rep.Path != "" {
src = rep
if prev, ok := firstPath[src]; !ok {
firstPath[src] = mod.Path
} else if prev != mod.Path {
base.Errorf("go: %s@%s used for two different module paths (%s and %s)", src.Path, src.Version, prev, mod.Path)