| <!-- title Documentation --> |
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| <div class="left-column"> |
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| <h2 id="learning">Learning Go</h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| If you're new to Go, we recommend you work through the |
| <a href="go_tutorial.html">tutorial</a>. The |
| <a href="go_spec.html">language specification</a> has all the details should |
| you want to explore. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| Once you've learned a little about the language, |
| <a href="effective_go.html">Effective Go</a> will help you learn the style and |
| idioms of programming in Go. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="orig_tutorial"><a href="go_tutorial.html">A Tutorial for the Go Programming Language</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| The first tutorial. An introductory text that touches upon several core |
| concepts: syntax, types, allocation, constants, I/O, sorting, printing, |
| goroutines, and channels. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="course_notes">Course Notes</h3> |
| <p> |
| Slides from a 3-day course about the Go programming language. |
| A more thorough introduction than the tutorial. |
| </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="GoCourseDay1.pdf">Day 1: Basics</a> <small>[270KB PDF]</small></li> |
| <li><a href="GoCourseDay2.pdf">Day 2: Types, Methods, Interfaces</a> <small>[270KB PDF]</small></li> |
| <li><a href="GoCourseDay3.pdf">Day 3: Concurrency and Communication</a> <small>[180KB PDF]</small></li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h3 id="effective_go"><a href="effective_go.html">Effective Go</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A document that gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code. |
| A must read for any new Go programmer. It augments the tutorial and |
| the language specification, both of which should be read first. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="go_faq"><a href="go_faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| Answers to common questions about Go. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="code"><a href="code.html">How to write Go code</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| How to write a new package and how to test code. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="codelab_wiki"><a href="codelab/wiki/">Codelab: Writing Web Applications</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| This codelab takes the reader through the creation of a simple wiki web |
| application. It touches on structs, methods, file I/O, http, regular expressions, |
| and closures. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="codewalks"><a href="codewalk/">Codewalks</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| Guided tours of Go programs. |
| </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="/doc/codewalk/functions">First-Class Functions in Go</a></li> |
| <li><a href="/doc/codewalk/markov">Generating arbitrary text: a Markov chain algorithm</a></li> |
| <li><a href="/doc/codewalk/sharemem">Share Memory by Communicating</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h3 id="go_for_cpp_programmers"><a href="go_for_cpp_programmers.html">Go for C++ Programmers</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| An introduction to Go for C++ programmers. |
| </p> |
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| <h2 id="articles">Go Articles</h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| Notable articles from the <a href="http://blog.golang.org/">Go Blog</a>. |
| </p> |
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| <h3>Language</h3> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2010/04/json-rpc-tale-of-interfaces.html">JSON-RPC: a tale of interfaces</a></li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2010/07/gos-declaration-syntax.html">Go's Declaration Syntax</a></li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2010/08/defer-panic-and-recover.html">Defer, Panic, and Recover</a></li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2010/09/go-concurrency-patterns-timing-out-and.html">Go Concurrency Patterns: Timing out, moving on</a></li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/01/go-slices-usage-and-internals.html">Go Slices: usage and internals</a></li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/05/gif-decoder-exercise-in-go-interfaces.html">A GIF decoder: an exercise in Go interfaces</a></li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/07/error-handling-and-go.html">Error Handling and Go</a></li> |
| </ul> |
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| <h3>Packages</h3> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/01/json-and-go.html">JSON and Go</a> - using the <a href="/pkg/json/">json</a> package.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/03/gobs-of-data.html">Gobs of data</a> - the design and use of the <a href="/pkg/gob/">gob</a> package.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/09/laws-of-reflection.html">The Laws of Reflection</a> - the fundamentals of the <a href="/pkg/reflect/">reflect</a> package.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/09/go-image-package.html">The Go image package</a> - the fundamentals of the <a href="/pkg/image/">image</a> package.</li> |
| </ul> |
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| <h3>Tools</h3> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/03/c-go-cgo.html">C? Go? Cgo!</a> - linking against C code with <a href="/cmd/cgo/">cgo</a>.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/03/godoc-documenting-go-code.html">Godoc: documenting Go code</a> - writing good documentation for <a href="/cmd/godoc/">godoc</a>.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/06/profiling-go-programs.html">Profiling Go Programs</a></li> |
| </ul> |
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| <h2 id="tutorials_nonenglish">Non-English Documentation</h2> |
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| <h3 id="docs_be">Belarusian — Беларуская</h3> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://www.designcontest.com/show/faq-be">faq-be</a> - Frequently Asked Questions.</li> |
| </ul> |
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| <h3 id="docs_cn">Chinese — 中文</h3> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/golang-china/">golang-china</a> - a broad range of Go documentation.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/ac-me/downloads/detail?name=fango.pdf">Effective Go and Tutorial</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h3 id="docs_fr">French — Français</h3> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li> |
| <a href="http://code.google.com/p/golang-france/">golang-france</a> - Go documentation. |
| </ul> |
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| <h3 id="docs_de">German — Deutsch</h3> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://bitloeffel.de/DOC/golang/go_tutorial_de.html">Eine Anleitung zum Programmieren in Go</a> - the Go Tutorial.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://bitloeffel.de/DOC/golang/effective_go_de.html">Wirkungsvoll Go programmieren</a> - Effective Go.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://bitloeffel.de/DOC/golang/code_de.html">Wie man Go-Kode schreibt</a> - How to Write Go Code.</li> |
| </ul> |
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| <h3 id="docs_jp">Japanese — 日本語</h3> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://golang.jp/">golang.jp</a> - Go documentation and news. |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h3 id="docs_kr">Korean — 한국어</h3> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/golang-korea">golang-korea</a> - Go documentation and news. |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h3 id="docs_ru">Russian — Русский</h3> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://golanguage.ru/">golanguage.ru</a> - Go documentation. |
| </ul> |
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| </div> |
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| <div class="right-column"> |
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| <h2 id="References">References</h2> |
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| <p>Keep these under your pillow.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="pkg"><a href="/pkg/">Package Documentation</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| The built-in documentation for the Go standard library. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="cmd"><a href="/cmd/">Command Documentation</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| The built-in documentation for the Go tools. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="spec"><a href="go_spec.html">Language Specification</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| The official Go Language specification. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="release"><a href="devel/release.html">Release History</a></h3> |
| <p>A summary of the changes between Go releases.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="go_mem"><a href="go_mem.html">The Go Memory Model</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A document that specifies the conditions under which reads of a variable in |
| one goroutine can be guaranteed to observe values produced by writes to the |
| same variable in a different goroutine. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id="videos_talks">Videos and Talks</h2> |
| |
| <h3 id="writing_web_apps"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i0hat7pdpk">Writing Web Apps in Go</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A talk by Rob Pike and Andrew Gerrand presented at Google I/O 2011. |
| It walks through the construction and deployment of a simple web application |
| and unveils the <a href="http://blog.golang.org/2011/05/go-and-google-app-engine.html">Go runtime for App Engine</a>. |
| See the <a href="/doc/talks/io2011/Writing_Web_Apps_in_Go.pdf">presentation slides</a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="real_world_go"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QDVRowyUQA">Real World Go</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A talk by Andrew Gerrand presented at Google I/O Bootcamp 2011. |
| It gives a broad overview of Go's type system and concurrency model |
| and provides four examples of Go programs that solve real problems. |
| See the <a href="/doc/talks/io2011/Real_World_Go.pdf">presentation slides</a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="go_programming"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgVhBThJdXc">Go Programming</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A presentation delivered by Rob Pike and Russ Cox at Google I/O 2010. It |
| illustrates how programming in Go differs from other languages through a set of |
| examples demonstrating features particular to Go. These include concurrency, |
| embedded types, methods on any type, and program construction using interfaces. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="practical_go_programming"><a href="http://osdc.blip.tv/file/4432146/">Practical Go Programming</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| This talk presents the development of a complete web application in Go. |
| It looks at design, storage, concurrency, and scaling issues in detail, using |
| the simple example of an URL shortening service. |
| See the <a href="http://wh3rd.net/practical-go/">presentation slides</a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="techtalk"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKnDgT73v8s">The Go Tech Talk</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| An hour-long talk delivered by Rob Pike at Google in October 2009. |
| The language's first public introduction. (See the <a href="talks/go_talk-20091030.pdf">slides in PDF format</a>.) The language has changed since it was made, |
| but it's still a good introduction. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="gocoding_channel"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/gocoding">gocoding YouTube Channel</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A YouTube channel that includes screencasts and other Go-related videos: |
| </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/gocoding#p/u/0/jDWBJOXs_iI">Screencast: Writing Go Packages</a> - writing, building, and distributing Go packages.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3brH0zOqm0w">Screencast: Testing Go Packages</a> - writing unit tests and benchmarking Go packages.</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h3 id="jaoo_go"><a href="/doc/ExpressivenessOfGo.pdf">The Expressiveness Of Go</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A discussion of the qualities that make Go an expressive and comprehensible |
| language. The talk was presented by Rob Pike at JAOO 2010. |
| The recording of the event was lost due to a hardware error. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="oscon_go"><a href="http://www.oscon.com/oscon2010/public/schedule/detail/14760">Another Go at Language Design</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A tour, with some background, of the major features of Go, intended for |
| an audience new to the language. The talk was presented at OSCON 2010. |
| See the <a href="http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/event/45/Another%20Go%20at%20Language%20Design%20Presentation.pdf">presentation slides</a>. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| This talk was also delivered at Sydney University in September 2010. A video |
| of the lecture is available |
| <a href="http://sydney.edu.au/engineering/it/videos/seminar_pike">here</a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="emerging_go"><a href="http://www.oscon.com/oscon2010/public/schedule/detail/15464">Go Emerging Languages Conference Talk</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| Rob Pike's Emerging Languages Conference presentation delivered in July 2010. See the <a href="http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/event/45/Go%20Presentation.pdf">presentation slides</a>. Abstract: |
| </p> |
| <p><i> |
| Go’s approach to concurrency differs from that of many languages, even those |
| (such as Erlang) that make concurrency central, yet it has deep roots. The path |
| from Hoare’s 1978 paper to Go provides insight into how and why Go works as it |
| does. |
| </i></p> |
| |
| <h3 id="go_frontend_gcc"><a href="talks/gofrontend-gcc-summit-2010.pdf">The Go frontend for GCC</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A description of the Go language frontend for gcc. |
| Ian Lance Taylor's paper delivered at the GCC Summit 2010. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="promo_video"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwoWei-GAPo">The Go Promo Video</a></h3> |
| <p> |
| A short promotional video featuring Russ Cox demonstrating Go's fast compiler. |
| </p> |
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