blob: 9c10683e2236328093be47a50222072ceb62e24d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
// parameterized types with self-recursive constraints
type (
T1[P T1[P]] interface{}
T2[P, Q T2[P, Q]] interface{}
T3[P T2[P, Q], Q interface{ ~string }] interface{}
T4a[P T4a[P]] interface{ ~int }
T4b[P T4b[int]] interface{ ~int }
T4c[P T4c[string /* ERROR string does not satisfy T4c\[string\] */]] interface{ ~int }
// mutually recursive constraints
T5[P T6[P]] interface{ int }
T6[P T5[P]] interface{ int }
// verify that constraints are checked as expected
var (
_ T1[int]
_ T2[int, string]
_ T3[int, string]
// test case from issue
type Eq[a Eq[a]] interface {
Equal(that a) bool