blob: 37d24359bfdf3578666956a062149d6e1c92db2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
type sigTabT struct {
flags int
name []byte
// Incoming notes are compared against this table using strncmp, so the
// order matters: longer patterns must appear before their prefixes.
// There are _SIG constants in os2_plan9.go for the table index of some
// of these.
// If you add entries to this table, you must respect the prefix ordering
// and also update the constant values is os2_plan9.go.
var sigtable = [...]sigTabT{
// Traps that we cannot be recovered.
{_SigThrow, []byte("sys: trap: debug exception")},
{_SigThrow, []byte("sys: trap: invalid opcode")},
// We can recover from some memory errors in runtime·sigpanic.
{_SigPanic, []byte("sys: trap: fault read addr")}, // SIGRFAULT
{_SigPanic, []byte("sys: trap: fault write addr")}, // SIGWFAULT
// We can also recover from math errors.
{_SigPanic, []byte("sys: trap: divide error")}, // SIGINTDIV
{_SigPanic, []byte("sys: fp:")}, // SIGFLOAT
// All other traps are normally handled as if they were marked SigThrow.
// We mark them SigPanic here so that debug.SetPanicOnFault will work.
{_SigPanic, []byte("sys: trap:")}, // SIGTRAP
// Writes to a closed pipe can be handled if desired, otherwise they're ignored.
{_SigNotify, []byte("sys: write on closed pipe")},
// Other system notes are more serious and cannot be recovered.
{_SigThrow, []byte("sys:")},
// Issued to all other procs when calling runtime·exit.
{_SigGoExit, []byte("go: exit ")},
// Kill is sent by external programs to cause an exit.
{_SigKill, []byte("kill")},
// Interrupts can be handled if desired, otherwise they cause an exit.
{_SigNotify + _SigKill, []byte("interrupt")},
{_SigNotify + _SigKill, []byte("hangup")},
// Alarms can be handled if desired, otherwise they're ignored.
{_SigNotify, []byte("alarm")},