blob: d2ffb226a9bd5bcea011874d6342a7d13364cf42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package walk
import (
// initStackTemp appends statements to init to initialize the given
// temporary variable to val, and then returns the expression &tmp.
func initStackTemp(init *ir.Nodes, tmp *ir.Name, val ir.Node) *ir.AddrExpr {
if val != nil && !types.Identical(tmp.Type(), val.Type()) {
base.Fatalf("bad initial value for %L: %L", tmp, val)
appendWalkStmt(init, ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, tmp, val))
return typecheck.Expr(typecheck.NodAddr(tmp)).(*ir.AddrExpr)
// stackTempAddr returns the expression &tmp, where tmp is a newly
// allocated temporary variable of the given type. Statements to
// zero-initialize tmp are appended to init.
func stackTempAddr(init *ir.Nodes, typ *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr {
return initStackTemp(init, typecheck.Temp(typ), nil)
// stackBufAddr returns the expression &tmp, where tmp is a newly
// allocated temporary variable of type [len]elem. This variable is
// initialized, and elem must not contain pointers.
func stackBufAddr(len int64, elem *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr {
if elem.HasPointers() {
base.FatalfAt(base.Pos, "%v has pointers", elem)
tmp := typecheck.Temp(types.NewArray(elem, len))
return typecheck.Expr(typecheck.NodAddr(tmp)).(*ir.AddrExpr)