blob: aa65dbd7a8feba218ace72f9cd409a86f4d6ac0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Fast versions of the routines in this file are in fast.arith.s.
// Simply replace this file with arith.s (renamed from fast.arith.s)
// and the bignum package will build and run on a platform that
// supports the assembly routines.
package bignum
import "unsafe"
// z1<<64 + z0 = x*y
func Mul128(x, y uint64) (z1, z0 uint64) {
// Split x and y into 2 halfwords each, multiply
// the halfwords separately while avoiding overflow,
// and return the product as 2 words.
const (
W = uint(unsafe.Sizeof(x)) * 8
W2 = W / 2
B2 = 1 << W2
M2 = B2 - 1
if x < y {
x, y = y, x
if x < B2 {
// y < B2 because y <= x
// sub-digits of x and y are (0, x) and (0, y)
// z = z[0] = x*y
z0 = x * y
if y < B2 {
// sub-digits of x and y are (x1, x0) and (0, y)
// x = (x1*B2 + x0)
// y = (y1*B2 + y0)
x1, x0 := x>>W2, x&M2
// x*y = t2*B2*B2 + t1*B2 + t0
t0 := x0 * y
t1 := x1 * y
// compute result digits but avoid overflow
// z = z[1]*B + z[0] = x*y
z0 = t1<<W2 + t0
z1 = (t1 + t0>>W2) >> W2
// general case
// sub-digits of x and y are (x1, x0) and (y1, y0)
// x = (x1*B2 + x0)
// y = (y1*B2 + y0)
x1, x0 := x>>W2, x&M2
y1, y0 := y>>W2, y&M2
// x*y = t2*B2*B2 + t1*B2 + t0
t0 := x0 * y0
t1 := x1*y0 + x0*y1
t2 := x1 * y1
// compute result digits but avoid overflow
// z = z[1]*B + z[0] = x*y
z0 = t1<<W2 + t0
z1 = t2 + (t1+t0>>W2)>>W2
// z1<<64 + z0 = x*y + c
func MulAdd128(x, y, c uint64) (z1, z0 uint64) {
// Split x and y into 2 halfwords each, multiply
// the halfwords separately while avoiding overflow,
// and return the product as 2 words.
const (
W = uint(unsafe.Sizeof(x)) * 8
W2 = W / 2
B2 = 1 << W2
M2 = B2 - 1
// TODO(gri) Should implement special cases for faster execution.
// general case
// sub-digits of x, y, and c are (x1, x0), (y1, y0), (c1, c0)
// x = (x1*B2 + x0)
// y = (y1*B2 + y0)
x1, x0 := x>>W2, x&M2
y1, y0 := y>>W2, y&M2
c1, c0 := c>>W2, c&M2
// x*y + c = t2*B2*B2 + t1*B2 + t0
t0 := x0*y0 + c0
t1 := x1*y0 + x0*y1 + c1
t2 := x1 * y1
// compute result digits but avoid overflow
// z = z[1]*B + z[0] = x*y
z0 = t1<<W2 + t0
z1 = t2 + (t1+t0>>W2)>>W2
// q = (x1<<64 + x0)/y + r
func Div128(x1, x0, y uint64) (q, r uint64) {
if x1 == 0 {
q, r = x0/y, x0%y
// TODO(gri) Implement general case.
panic("Div128 not implemented for x > 1<<64-1")