blob: 6957c8f6307b150a1c2104da06b42472010847e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: live at start of block instead?
package ssa
import (
type stackAllocState struct {
f *Func
// live is the output of stackalloc.
// live[] = live values at the end of block b.
live [][]ID
// The following slices are reused across multiple users
// of stackAllocState.
values []stackValState
interfere [][]ID // interfere[] = values that interfere with v.
names []LocalSlot
slots []int
used []bool
nArgSlot, // Number of Values sourced to arg slot
nNotNeed, // Number of Values not needing a stack slot
nNamedSlot, // Number of Values using a named stack slot
nReuse, // Number of values reusing a stack slot
nAuto, // Number of autos allocated for stack slots.
nSelfInterfere int32 // Number of self-interferences
func newStackAllocState(f *Func) *stackAllocState {
s := f.Cache.stackAllocState
if s == nil {
return new(stackAllocState)
if s.f != nil {
f.fe.Fatalf(src.NoXPos, "newStackAllocState called without previous free")
return s
func putStackAllocState(s *stackAllocState) {
for i := range s.values {
s.values[i] = stackValState{}
for i := range s.interfere {
s.interfere[i] = nil
for i := range s.names {
s.names[i] = LocalSlot{}
for i := range s.slots {
s.slots[i] = 0
for i := range s.used {
s.used[i] = false
s.f.Cache.stackAllocState = s
s.f = nil = nil
s.nArgSlot, s.nNotNeed, s.nNamedSlot, s.nReuse, s.nAuto, s.nSelfInterfere = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
type stackValState struct {
typ Type
spill *Value
needSlot bool
// stackalloc allocates storage in the stack frame for
// all Values that did not get a register.
// Returns a map from block ID to the stack values live at the end of that block.
func stackalloc(f *Func, spillLive [][]ID) [][]ID {
if f.pass.debug > stackDebug {
fmt.Println("before stackalloc")
s := newStackAllocState(f)
s.init(f, spillLive)
defer putStackAllocState(s)
if f.pass.stats > 0 {
s.nArgSlot, "arg_slots", s.nNotNeed, "slot_not_needed",
s.nNamedSlot, "named_slots", s.nAuto, "auto_slots",
s.nReuse, "reused_slots", s.nSelfInterfere, "self_interfering")
func (s *stackAllocState) init(f *Func, spillLive [][]ID) {
s.f = f
// Initialize value information.
if n := f.NumValues(); cap(s.values) >= n {
s.values = s.values[:n]
} else {
s.values = make([]stackValState, n)
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
s.values[v.ID].typ = v.Type
s.values[v.ID].needSlot = !v.Type.IsMemory() && !v.Type.IsVoid() && !v.Type.IsFlags() && f.getHome(v.ID) == nil && !v.rematerializeable()
if f.pass.debug > stackDebug && s.values[v.ID].needSlot {
fmt.Printf("%s needs a stack slot\n", v)
if v.Op == OpStoreReg {
s.values[v.Args[0].ID].spill = v
// Compute liveness info for values needing a slot.
// Build interference graph among values needing a slot.
func (s *stackAllocState) stackalloc() {
f := s.f
// Build map from values to their names, if any.
// A value may be associated with more than one name (e.g. after
// the assignment i=j). This step picks one name per value arbitrarily.
if n := f.NumValues(); cap(s.names) >= n {
s.names = s.names[:n]
} else {
s.names = make([]LocalSlot, n)
names := s.names
for _, name := range f.Names {
// Note: not "range f.NamedValues" above, because
// that would be nondeterministic.
for _, v := range f.NamedValues[name] {
names[v.ID] = name
// Allocate args to their assigned locations.
for _, v := range f.Entry.Values {
if v.Op != OpArg {
loc := LocalSlot{v.Aux.(GCNode), v.Type, v.AuxInt}
if f.pass.debug > stackDebug {
fmt.Printf("stackalloc %s to %s\n", v, loc.Name())
f.setHome(v, loc)
// For each type, we keep track of all the stack slots we
// have allocated for that type.
// TODO: share slots among equivalent types. We would need to
// only share among types with the same GC signature. See the
// type.Equal calls below for where this matters.
locations := map[Type][]LocalSlot{}
// Each time we assign a stack slot to a value v, we remember
// the slot we used via an index into locations[v.Type].
slots := s.slots
if n := f.NumValues(); cap(slots) >= n {
slots = slots[:n]
} else {
slots = make([]int, n)
s.slots = slots
for i := range slots {
slots[i] = -1
// Pick a stack slot for each value needing one.
var used []bool
if n := f.NumValues(); cap(s.used) >= n {
used = s.used[:n]
} else {
used = make([]bool, n)
s.used = used
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if !s.values[v.ID].needSlot {
if v.Op == OpArg {
continue // already picked
// If this is a named value, try to use the name as
// the spill location.
var name LocalSlot
if v.Op == OpStoreReg {
name = names[v.Args[0].ID]
} else {
name = names[v.ID]
if name.N != nil && v.Type.Compare(name.Type) == CMPeq {
for _, id := range s.interfere[v.ID] {
h := f.getHome(id)
if h != nil && h.(LocalSlot).N == name.N && h.(LocalSlot).Off == name.Off {
// A variable can interfere with itself.
// It is rare, but but it can happen.
goto noname
if f.pass.debug > stackDebug {
fmt.Printf("stackalloc %s to %s\n", v, name.Name())
f.setHome(v, name)
// Set of stack slots we could reuse.
locs := locations[v.Type]
// Mark all positions in locs used by interfering values.
for i := 0; i < len(locs); i++ {
used[i] = false
for _, xid := range s.interfere[v.ID] {
slot := slots[xid]
if slot >= 0 {
used[slot] = true
// Find an unused stack slot.
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(locs); i++ {
if !used[i] {
// If there is no unused stack slot, allocate a new one.
if i == len(locs) {
locs = append(locs, LocalSlot{N: f.fe.Auto(v.Type), Type: v.Type, Off: 0})
locations[v.Type] = locs
// Use the stack variable at that index for v.
loc := locs[i]
if f.pass.debug > stackDebug {
fmt.Printf("stackalloc %s to %s\n", v, loc.Name())
f.setHome(v, loc)
slots[v.ID] = i
// computeLive computes a map from block ID to a list of
// stack-slot-needing value IDs live at the end of that block.
// TODO: this could be quadratic if lots of variables are live across lots of
// basic blocks. Figure out a way to make this function (or, more precisely, the user
// of this function) require only linear size & time.
func (s *stackAllocState) computeLive(spillLive [][]ID) { = make([][]ID, s.f.NumBlocks())
var phis []*Value
live := s.f.newSparseSet(s.f.NumValues())
defer s.f.retSparseSet(live)
t := s.f.newSparseSet(s.f.NumValues())
defer s.f.retSparseSet(t)
// Instead of iterating over f.Blocks, iterate over their postordering.
// Liveness information flows backward, so starting at the end
// increases the probability that we will stabilize quickly.
po := s.f.postorder()
for {
changed := false
for _, b := range po {
// Start with known live values at the end of the block
// Propagate backwards to the start of the block
phis = phis[:0]
for i := len(b.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := b.Values[i]
if v.Op == OpPhi {
// Save phi for later.
// Note: its args might need a stack slot even though
// the phi itself doesn't. So don't use needSlot.
if !v.Type.IsMemory() && !v.Type.IsVoid() {
phis = append(phis, v)
for _, a := range v.Args {
if s.values[a.ID].needSlot {
// for each predecessor of b, expand its list of live-at-end values
// invariant: s contains the values live at the start of b (excluding phi inputs)
for i, e := range b.Preds {
p := e.b
for _, v := range phis {
a := v.Args[i]
if s.values[a.ID].needSlot {
if spill := s.values[a.ID].spill; spill != nil {
//TODO: remove? Subsumed by SpillUse?
if t.size() == len([p.ID]) {
// grow p's live set[p.ID] = append([p.ID][:0], t.contents()...)
changed = true
if !changed {
if s.f.pass.debug > stackDebug {
for _, b := range s.f.Blocks {
fmt.Printf("stacklive %s %v\n", b,[b.ID])
func (f *Func) getHome(vid ID) Location {
if int(vid) >= len(f.RegAlloc) {
return nil
return f.RegAlloc[vid]
func (f *Func) setHome(v *Value, loc Location) {
for v.ID >= ID(len(f.RegAlloc)) {
f.RegAlloc = append(f.RegAlloc, nil)
f.RegAlloc[v.ID] = loc
func (s *stackAllocState) buildInterferenceGraph() {
f := s.f
if n := f.NumValues(); cap(s.interfere) >= n {
s.interfere = s.interfere[:n]
} else {
s.interfere = make([][]ID, n)
live := f.newSparseSet(f.NumValues())
defer f.retSparseSet(live)
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
// Propagate liveness backwards to the start of the block.
// Two values interfere if one is defined while the other is live.
for i := len(b.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := b.Values[i]
if s.values[v.ID].needSlot {
for _, id := range live.contents() {
if s.values[v.ID].typ.Compare(s.values[id].typ) == CMPeq {
s.interfere[v.ID] = append(s.interfere[v.ID], id)
s.interfere[id] = append(s.interfere[id], v.ID)
for _, a := range v.Args {
if s.values[a.ID].needSlot {
if v.Op == OpArg && s.values[v.ID].needSlot {
// OpArg is an input argument which is pre-spilled.
// We add back v.ID here because we want this value
// to appear live even before this point. Being live
// all the way to the start of the entry block prevents other
// values from being allocated to the same slot and clobbering
// the input value before we have a chance to load it.
if f.pass.debug > stackDebug {
for vid, i := range s.interfere {
if len(i) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("v%d interferes with", vid)
for _, x := range i {
fmt.Printf(" v%d", x)