blob: 1598acc1807a66f37831bd2c25f81e52d8421c01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Runtime type representation; master is type.go
* The Type*s here correspond 1-1 to type.go's *rtype.
typedef struct Type Type;
typedef struct UncommonType UncommonType;
typedef struct InterfaceType InterfaceType;
typedef struct Method Method;
typedef struct IMethod IMethod;
typedef struct SliceType SliceType;
typedef struct FuncType FuncType;
// Needs to be in sync with ../../cmd/ld/decodesym.c:/^commonsize
struct Type
uintptr size;
uint32 hash;
uint8 _unused;
uint8 align;
uint8 fieldAlign;
uint8 kind;
Alg *alg;
void *gc;
String *string;
UncommonType *x;
Type *ptrto;
byte *zero; // ptr to the zero value for this type
struct Method
String *name;
String *pkgPath;
Type *mtyp;
Type *typ;
void (*ifn)(void);
void (*tfn)(void);
struct UncommonType
String *name;
String *pkgPath;
Slice mhdr;
Method m[];
struct IMethod
String *name;
String *pkgPath;
Type *type;
struct InterfaceType
Slice mhdr;
IMethod m[];
struct MapType
Type *key;
Type *elem;
Type *bucket; // internal type representing a hash bucket
Type *hmap; // internal type representing a Hmap
struct ChanType
Type *elem;
uintptr dir;
struct SliceType
Type *elem;
struct FuncType
bool dotdotdot;
Slice in;
Slice out;
struct PtrType
Type *elem;