blob: dc3d2e93bf37b1408aca5a1571d9cfb3cf35cc0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "runtime.h"
#include "arch_GOARCH.h"
#include "stack.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "../../cmd/ld/textflag.h"
// Code related to defer, panic and recover.
uint32 runtime·panicking;
static Lock paniclk;
// Each P holds pool for defers with arg sizes 8, 24, 40, 56 and 72 bytes.
// Memory block is 40 (24 for 32 bits) bytes larger due to Defer header.
// This maps exactly to malloc size classes.
// defer size class for arg size sz
#define DEFERCLASS(sz) (((sz)+7)>>4)
// total size of memory block for defer with arg size sz
#define TOTALSIZE(sz) (sizeof(Defer) - sizeof(((Defer*)nil)->args) + ROUND(sz, sizeof(uintptr)))
// Allocate a Defer, usually using per-P pool.
// Each defer must be released with freedefer.
static Defer*
newdefer(int32 siz)
int32 total, sc;
Defer *d;
P *p;
d = nil;
sc = DEFERCLASS(siz);
if(sc < nelem(p->deferpool)) {
p = g->m->p;
d = p->deferpool[sc];
p->deferpool[sc] = d->link;
if(d == nil) {
// deferpool is empty or just a big defer
total = runtime·roundupsize(TOTALSIZE(siz));
d = runtime·mallocgc(total, nil, 0);
d->siz = siz;
d->special = 0;
d->link = g->defer;
g->defer = d;
return d;
// Free the given defer.
// The defer cannot be used after this call.
static void
freedefer(Defer *d)
int32 sc;
P *p;
sc = DEFERCLASS(d->siz);
if(sc < nelem(p->deferpool)) {
p = g->m->p;
d->link = p->deferpool[sc];
p->deferpool[sc] = d;
// No need to wipe out pointers in argp/pc/fn/args,
// because we empty the pool before GC.
// Create a new deferred function fn with siz bytes of arguments.
// The compiler turns a defer statement into a call to this.
// Cannot split the stack because it assumes that the arguments
// are available sequentially after &fn; they would not be
// copied if a stack split occurred. It's OK for this to call
// functions that split the stack.
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
runtime·deferproc(int32 siz, FuncVal *fn, ...)
Defer *d;
d = newdefer(siz);
d->fn = fn;
d->pc = runtime·getcallerpc(&siz);
if(thechar == '5')
d->argp = (byte*)(&fn+2); // skip caller's saved link register
d->argp = (byte*)(&fn+1);
runtime·memmove(d->args, d->argp, d->siz);
// deferproc returns 0 normally.
// a deferred func that stops a panic
// makes the deferproc return 1.
// the code the compiler generates always
// checks the return value and jumps to the
// end of the function if deferproc returns != 0.
return 0;
// Run a deferred function if there is one.
// The compiler inserts a call to this at the end of any
// function which calls defer.
// If there is a deferred function, this will call runtime·jmpdefer,
// which will jump to the deferred function such that it appears
// to have been called by the caller of deferreturn at the point
// just before deferreturn was called. The effect is that deferreturn
// is called again and again until there are no more deferred functions.
// Cannot split the stack because we reuse the caller's frame to
// call the deferred function.
// The single argument isn't actually used - it just has its address
// taken so it can be matched against pending defers.
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
runtime·deferreturn(uintptr arg0)
Defer *d;
byte *argp;
FuncVal *fn;
d = g->defer;
if(d == nil)
argp = (byte*)&arg0;
if(d->argp != argp)
// Moving arguments around.
// Do not allow preemption here, because the garbage collector
// won't know the form of the arguments until the jmpdefer can
// flip the PC over to fn.
runtime·memmove(argp, d->args, d->siz);
fn = d->fn;
g->defer = d->link;
if(g->m->locks == 0 && g->preempt)
g->stackguard0 = StackPreempt;
runtime·jmpdefer(fn, argp);
// Ensure that defer arg sizes that map to the same defer size class
// also map to the same malloc size class.
P *p;
int32 i, siz, defersc, mallocsc;
int32 map[nelem(p->deferpool)];
for(i=0; i<nelem(p->deferpool); i++)
map[i] = -1;
for(i=0;; i++) {
defersc = DEFERCLASS(i);
if(defersc >= nelem(p->deferpool))
siz = TOTALSIZE(i);
mallocsc = runtime·SizeToClass(siz);
siz = runtime·class_to_size[mallocsc];
// runtime·printf("defer class %d: arg size %d, block size %d(%d)\n", defersc, i, siz, mallocsc);
if(map[defersc] < 0) {
map[defersc] = mallocsc;
if(map[defersc] != mallocsc) {
runtime·printf("bad defer size class: i=%d siz=%d mallocsc=%d/%d\n",
i, siz, map[defersc], mallocsc);
runtime·throw("bad defer size class");
// Run all deferred functions for the current goroutine.
static void
Defer *d;
while((d = g->defer) != nil) {
g->defer = d->link;
reflect·call(d->fn, (byte*)d->args, d->siz, d->siz);
// Print all currently active panics. Used when crashing.
static void
printpanics(Panic *p)
if(p->link) {
runtime·printf("panic: ");
runtime·printf(" [recovered]");
static void recovery(G*);
static void abortpanic(Panic*);
static FuncVal abortpanicV = { (void(*)(void))abortpanic };
// The implementation of the predeclared function panic.
runtime·panic(Eface e)
Defer *d, dabort;
Panic p;
void *pc, *argp;
runtime·memclr((byte*)&p, sizeof p);
p.arg = e; = g->panic;
p.stackbase = g->stackbase;
g->panic = &p;
dabort.fn = &abortpanicV;
dabort.siz = sizeof(&p);
dabort.args[0] = &p;
dabort.argp = NoArgs;
dabort.special = true;
for(;;) {
d = g->defer;
if(d == nil)
// take defer off list in case of recursive panic
g->defer = d->link;
g->ispanic = true; // rock for runtime·newstack, where runtime·newstackcall ends up
argp = d->argp;
pc = d->pc;
// The deferred function may cause another panic,
// so newstackcall may not return. Set up a defer
// to mark this panic aborted if that happens. = g->defer;
g->defer = &dabort;
p.defer = d;
runtime·newstackcall(d->fn, (byte*)d->args, d->siz);
// Newstackcall did not panic. Remove dabort.
if(g->defer != &dabort)
runtime·throw("bad defer entry in panic");
g->defer =;
if(p.recovered) {
g->panic =;
// Aborted panics are marked but remain on the g->panic list.
// Recovery will unwind the stack frames containing their Panic structs.
// Remove them from the list and free the associated defers.
while(g->panic && g->panic->aborted) {
g->panic = g->panic->link;
if(g->panic == nil) // must be done with signal
g->sig = 0;
// Pass information about recovering frame to recovery.
g->sigcode0 = (uintptr)argp;
g->sigcode1 = (uintptr)pc;
runtime·throw("recovery failed"); // mcall should not return
// ran out of deferred calls - old-school panic now
runtime·dopanic(0); // should not return
runtime·exit(1); // not reached
static void
abortpanic(Panic *p)
p->aborted = true;
// Unwind the stack after a deferred function calls recover
// after a panic. Then arrange to continue running as though
// the caller of the deferred function returned normally.
static void
recovery(G *gp)
void *argp;
uintptr pc;
// Info about defer passed in G struct.
argp = (void*)gp->sigcode0;
pc = (uintptr)gp->sigcode1;
// Unwind to the stack frame with d's arguments in it.
runtime·unwindstack(gp, argp);
// Make the deferproc for this d return again,
// this time returning 1. The calling function will
// jump to the standard return epilogue.
// The -2*sizeof(uintptr) makes up for the
// two extra words that are on the stack at
// each call to deferproc.
// (The pc we're returning to does pop pop
// before it tests the return value.)
// On the arm there are 2 saved LRs mixed in too.
if(thechar == '5')
gp->sched.sp = (uintptr)argp - 4*sizeof(uintptr);
gp->sched.sp = (uintptr)argp - 2*sizeof(uintptr);
gp->sched.pc = pc;
gp-> = 0;
gp->sched.ret = 1;
// Free stack frames until we hit the last one
// or until we find the one that contains the sp.
runtime·unwindstack(G *gp, byte *sp)
Stktop *top;
byte *stk;
// Must be called from a different goroutine, usually m->g0.
if(g == gp)
runtime·throw("unwindstack on self");
while((top = (Stktop*)gp->stackbase) != 0 && top->stackbase != 0) {
stk = (byte*)gp->stackguard - StackGuard;
if(stk <= sp && sp < (byte*)gp->stackbase)
gp->stackbase = top->stackbase;
gp->stackguard = top->stackguard;
gp->stackguard0 = gp->stackguard;
runtime·stackfree(gp, stk, top);
if(sp != nil && (sp < (byte*)gp->stackguard - StackGuard || (byte*)gp->stackbase < sp)) {
runtime·printf("recover: %p not in [%p, %p]\n", sp, gp->stackguard - StackGuard, gp->stackbase);
runtime·throw("bad unwindstack");
// The implementation of the predeclared function recover.
// Cannot split the stack because it needs to reliably
// find the stack segment of its caller.
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
runtime·recover(byte *argp, GoOutput retbase, ...)
Panic *p;
Stktop *top;
Eface *ret;
// Must be an unrecovered panic in progress.
// Must be on a stack segment created for a deferred call during a panic.
// Must be at the top of that segment, meaning the deferred call itself
// and not something it called. The top frame in the segment will have
// argument pointer argp == top - top->argsize.
// The subtraction of g->panicwrap allows wrapper functions that
// do not count as official calls to adjust what we consider the top frame
// while they are active on the stack. The linker emits adjustments of
// g->panicwrap in the prologue and epilogue of functions marked as wrappers.
ret = (Eface*)&retbase;
top = (Stktop*)g->stackbase;
p = g->panic;
if(p != nil && !p->recovered && top->panic && argp == (byte*)top - top->argsize - g->panicwrap) {
p->recovered = 1;
*ret = p->arg;
} else {
ret->type = nil;
ret->data = nil;
if(runtime·mheap.cachealloc.size == 0) { // very early
runtime·printf("runtime: panic before malloc heap initialized\n");
g->m->mallocing = 1; // tell rest of panic not to try to malloc
} else if(g->m->mcache == nil) // can happen if called from signal handler or throw
g->m->mcache = runtime·allocmcache();
switch(g->m->dying) {
case 0:
g->m->dying = 1;
if(g != nil)
g->writebuf = nil;
runtime·xadd(&runtime·panicking, 1);
if(runtime·debug.schedtrace > 0 || runtime·debug.scheddetail > 0)
case 1:
// Something failed while panicing, probably the print of the
// argument to panic(). Just print a stack trace and exit.
g->m->dying = 2;
runtime·printf("panic during panic\n");
case 2:
// This is a genuine bug in the runtime, we couldn't even
// print the stack trace successfully.
g->m->dying = 3;
runtime·printf("stack trace unavailable\n");
// Can't even print! Just exit.
runtime·dopanic(int32 unused)
static bool didothers;
bool crash;
int32 t;
if(g->sig != 0)
runtime·printf("[signal %x code=%p addr=%p pc=%p]\n",
g->sig, g->sigcode0, g->sigcode1, g->sigpc);
if((t = runtime·gotraceback(&crash)) > 0){
if(g != g->m->g0) {
runtime·traceback((uintptr)runtime·getcallerpc(&unused), (uintptr)runtime·getcallersp(&unused), 0, g);
} else if(t >= 2 || g->m->throwing > 0) {
runtime·printf("\nruntime stack:\n");
runtime·traceback((uintptr)runtime·getcallerpc(&unused), (uintptr)runtime·getcallersp(&unused), 0, g);
if(!didothers) {
didothers = true;
if(runtime·xadd(&runtime·panicking, -1) != 0) {
// Some other m is panicking too.
// Let it print what it needs to print.
// Wait forever without chewing up cpu.
// It will exit when it's done.
static Lock deadlock;
// can only happen if compiler is broken
runtime·throw("no return at end of a typed function - compiler is broken");
// can only happen with linker skew
runtime·throw("recursive call during initialization - linker skew");
runtime·canpanic(G *gp)
M *m;
uint32 status;
// Note that g is m->gsignal, different from gp.
// Note also that g->m can change at preemption, so m can go stale
// if this function ever makes a function call.
m = g->m;
// Is it okay for gp to panic instead of crashing the program?
// Yes, as long as it is running Go code, not runtime code,
// and not stuck in a system call.
if(gp == nil || gp != m->curg)
return false;
if(m->locks-m->softfloat != 0 || m->mallocing != 0 || m->throwing != 0 || m->gcing != 0 || m->dying != 0)
return false;
status = runtime·readgstatus(gp);
if((status&~Gscan) != Grunning || gp->syscallsp != 0)
return false;
#ifdef GOOS_windows
if(m->libcallsp != 0)
return false;
return true;
runtime·throw(int8 *s)
if(g->m->throwing == 0)
g->m->throwing = 1;
runtime·printf("fatal error: %s\n", s);
*(int32*)0 = 0; // not reached
runtime·exit(1); // even more not reached
runtime·gothrow(String s)
if(g->m->throwing == 0)
g->m->throwing = 1;
runtime·printf("fatal error: %S\n", s);
*(int32*)0 = 0; // not reached
runtime·exit(1); // even more not reached
runtime·panicstring(int8 *s)
Eface err;
// m->softfloat is set during software floating point,
// which might cause a fault during a memory load.
// It increments m->locks to avoid preemption.
// If we're panicking, the software floating point frames
// will be unwound, so decrement m->locks as they would.
if(g->m->softfloat) {
g->m->softfloat = 0;
if(g->m->mallocing) {
runtime·printf("panic: %s\n", s);
runtime·throw("panic during malloc");
if(g->m->gcing) {
runtime·printf("panic: %s\n", s);
runtime·throw("panic during gc");
if(g->m->locks) {
runtime·printf("panic: %s\n", s);
runtime·throw("panic holding locks");
runtime·newErrorCString(s, &err);
runtime·panicstring("integer divide by zero");