blob: ab686470be575ab6132ba8e0dc7c6ce0067a0267 [file] [log] [blame]
package ssa
import "log"
// stackalloc allocates storage in the stack frame for
// all Values that did not get a register.
func stackalloc(f *Func) {
home := f.RegAlloc
// First compute the size of the outargs section.
n := int64(16) //TODO: compute max of all callsites
// Include one slot for deferreturn.
if false && n < f.Config.ptrSize { //TODO: check for deferreturn
n = f.Config.ptrSize
// TODO: group variables by ptr/nonptr, size, etc. Emit ptr vars last
// so stackmap is smaller.
// Assign stack locations to phis first, because we
// must also assign the same locations to the phi copies
// introduced during regalloc.
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v.Op != OpPhi {
if v.Type.IsMemory() { // TODO: only "regallocable" types
n += v.Type.Size()
// a := v.Type.Align()
// n = (n + a - 1) / a * a TODO
loc := &LocalSlot{n}
home = setloc(home, v, loc)
for _, w := range v.Args {
home = setloc(home, w, loc)
// Now do all other unassigned values.
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v.ID < ID(len(home)) && home[v.ID] != nil {
if v.Type.IsMemory() { // TODO: only "regallocable" types
if len(v.Args) == 0 {
// v will have been materialized wherever it is needed.
if len(v.Args) == 1 && (v.Args[0].Op == OpFP || v.Args[0].Op == OpSP || v.Args[0].Op == OpGlobal) {
// a := v.Type.Align()
// n = (n + a - 1) / a * a TODO
n += v.Type.Size()
loc := &LocalSlot{n}
home = setloc(home, v, loc)
// TODO: align n
n += f.Config.ptrSize // space for return address. TODO: arch-dependent
f.RegAlloc = home
f.FrameSize = n
// TODO: share stack slots among noninterfering (& gc type compatible) values
// adjust all uses of FP to SP now that we have the frame size.
var fp *Value
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v.Op == OpFP {
if fp != nil {
log.Panicf("multiple FP ops: %s %s", fp, v)
fp = v
for i, a := range v.Args {
if a.Op != OpFP {
// TODO: do this with arch-specific rewrite rules somehow?
switch v.Op {
case OpADDQ:
// (ADDQ (FP) x) -> (LEAQ [n] (SP) x)
v.Op = OpLEAQ
v.Aux = n
case OpLEAQ, OpMOVQload, OpMOVQstore, OpMOVBload, OpMOVQloadidx8:
if v.Op == OpMOVQloadidx8 && i == 1 {
// Note: we could do it, but it is probably an error
log.Panicf("can't do FP->SP adjust on index slot of load %s", v.Op)
// eg: (MOVQload [c] (FP) mem) -> (MOVQload [c+n] (SP) mem)
v.Aux = addOffset(v.Aux.(int64), n)
log.Panicf("can't do FP->SP adjust on %s", v.Op)
if fp != nil {
fp.Op = OpSP
home[fp.ID] = &registers[4] // TODO: arch-dependent