blob: ca5ecdc43446305582e5febd43f3b91d874d9d2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package types2
// A Type represents a type of Go.
// All types implement the Type interface.
type Type interface {
// Underlying returns the underlying type of a type
// w/o following forwarding chains. Only used by
// client packages (here for backward-compatibility).
Underlying() Type
// String returns a string representation of a type.
String() string
// top represents the top of the type lattice.
// It is the underlying type of a type parameter that
// can be satisfied by any type (ignoring methods),
// because its type constraint contains no restrictions
// besides methods.
type top struct{}
// theTop is the singleton top type.
var theTop = &top{}
func (t *top) Underlying() Type { return t }
func (t *top) String() string { return TypeString(t, nil) }
// under returns the true expanded underlying type.
// If it doesn't exist, the result is Typ[Invalid].
// under must only be called when a type is known
// to be fully set up.
func under(t Type) Type {
if n := asNamed(t); n != nil {
return n.under()
return t
// optype returns a type's operational type. Except for
// type parameters, the operational type is the same
// as the underlying type (as returned by under). For
// Type parameters, the operational type is the structural
// type, if any; otherwise it's the top type.
// The result is never the incoming type parameter.
func optype(typ Type) Type {
if t := asTypeParam(typ); t != nil {
// TODO(gri) review accuracy of this comment
// If the optype is typ, return the top type as we have
// no information. It also prevents infinite recursion
// via the asTypeParam converter function. This can happen
// for a type parameter list of the form:
// (type T interface { type T }).
// See also issue #39680.
if u := t.structuralType(); u != nil {
assert(u != typ) // "naked" type parameters cannot be embedded
return u
return theTop
return under(typ)
// Converters
// A converter must only be called when a type is
// known to be fully set up. A converter returns
// a type's operational type (see comment for optype)
// or nil if the type argument is not of the
// respective type.
func asBasic(t Type) *Basic {
op, _ := optype(t).(*Basic)
return op
func asArray(t Type) *Array {
op, _ := optype(t).(*Array)
return op
func asSlice(t Type) *Slice {
op, _ := optype(t).(*Slice)
return op
func asStruct(t Type) *Struct {
op, _ := optype(t).(*Struct)
return op
func asPointer(t Type) *Pointer {
op, _ := optype(t).(*Pointer)
return op
func asSignature(t Type) *Signature {
op, _ := optype(t).(*Signature)
return op
// If the argument to asInterface, asNamed, or asTypeParam is of the respective type
// (possibly after expanding an instance type), these methods return that type.
// Otherwise the result is nil.
// asInterface does not need to look at optype (type sets don't contain interfaces)
func asInterface(t Type) *Interface {
u, _ := under(t).(*Interface)
return u
func asNamed(t Type) *Named {
e, _ := t.(*Named)
if e != nil {
return e
func asTypeParam(t Type) *TypeParam {
u, _ := under(t).(*TypeParam)
return u
// Exported for the compiler.
func AsPointer(t Type) *Pointer { return asPointer(t) }
func AsNamed(t Type) *Named { return asNamed(t) }
func AsSignature(t Type) *Signature { return asSignature(t) }
func AsInterface(t Type) *Interface { return asInterface(t) }
func AsTypeParam(t Type) *TypeParam { return asTypeParam(t) }