blob: 20f24f09ffd96e56843f51403c9078941366b03e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
// correctness check: ensure that cycles through generic instantiations are detected
type T[P any] struct {
_ P
type S /* ERROR "invalid recursive type" */ struct {
_ T[S]
// simplified test 1
var _ A1[A1[string]]
type A1[P any] struct {
_ B1[P]
type B1[P any] struct {
_ P
// simplified test 2
var _ B2[A2]
type A2 struct {
_ B2[string]
type B2[P any] struct {
_ C2[P]
type C2[P any] struct {
_ P
// test case from issue
type T23 interface {
~struct {
Field0 T13[T15]
type T1[P1 interface {
}] struct {
Field2 P1
type T13[P2 interface {
}] struct {
Field2 T1[P2]
type T15 struct {
Field0 T13[string]