blob: 4604a4dce3e02799764378b3474d22c798d00091 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fortran
import (
func TestFortran(t *testing.T) {
// Find the FORTRAN compiler.
fc := os.Getenv("FC")
if fc == "" {
fc, _ = exec.LookPath("gfortran")
if fc == "" {
t.Skip("fortran compiler not found (try setting $FC)")
var fcExtra []string
if strings.Contains(fc, "gfortran") {
// TODO: This duplicates but also diverges from logic from cmd/go
// itself. For example, cmd/go merely adds -lgfortran without the extra
// library path work. If this is what's necessary to run gfortran, we
// should reconcile the logic here and in cmd/go.. Maybe this should
// become a cmd/go script test to share that logic.
// Add -m32 if we're targeting 386, in case this is a cross-compile.
if runtime.GOARCH == "386" {
fcExtra = append(fcExtra, "-m32")
// Find libgfortran. If the FORTRAN compiler isn't bundled
// with the C linker, this may be in a path the C linker can't
// find on its own. (See #14544)
libExt := "so"
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "darwin":
libExt = "dylib"
case "aix":
libExt = "a"
libPath, err := exec.Command(fc, append([]string{"-print-file-name=libgfortran." + libExt}, fcExtra...)...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error invoking %s: %s", fc, err)
libDir := filepath.Dir(string(libPath))
cgoLDFlags := os.Getenv("CGO_LDFLAGS")
cgoLDFlags += " -L " + libDir
if runtime.GOOS != "aix" {
cgoLDFlags += " -Wl,-rpath," + libDir
t.Logf("CGO_LDFLAGS=%s", cgoLDFlags)
os.Setenv("CGO_LDFLAGS", cgoLDFlags)
// Do a test build that doesn't involve Go FORTRAN support.
fcArgs := append([]string{"helloworld/helloworld.f90", "-o", "/dev/null"}, fcExtra...)
t.Logf("%s %s", fc, fcArgs)
if err := exec.Command(fc, fcArgs...).Run(); err != nil {
t.Skipf("skipping Fortran test: could not build helloworld.f90 with %s: %s", fc, err)
// Finally, run the actual test.
t.Log("go", "run", "./testdata/testprog")
out, err := exec.Command("go", "run", "./testdata/testprog").CombinedOutput()
if err == nil && string(out) != "ok\n" {
err = fmt.Errorf("expected ok")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s\nOutput:\n%s", err, string(out))