blob: da5ef24e13165f3cb322fd9062c65a8060934967 [file] [log] [blame]
// asmcheck
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
import "runtime"
// This file contains code generation tests related to the use of the
// stack.
// check that stack stores are optimized away
// 386:"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-4"
// amd64:"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-8"
// arm:"TEXT\t.*, [$]-4-4"
// arm64:"TEXT\t.*, [$]-8-8"
// s390x:"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-8"
// ppc64le:"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-8"
// mips:"TEXT\t.*, [$]-4-4"
func StackStore() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
// Check that assembly output has matching offset and base register
// (Issue #21064).
// amd64:`.*b\+24\(SP\)`
// arm:`.*b\+4\(FP\)`
func check_asmout(a, b int) int {
runtime.GC() // use some frame
return b