blob: 7f0a5a1a8a5eec5cebaf9ad95956f25506d5bfbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build js,wasm
// Package js gives access to the WebAssembly host environment when using the js/wasm architecture.
// Its API is based on JavaScript semantics.
// This package is EXPERIMENTAL. Its current scope is only to allow tests to run, but not yet to provide a
// comprehensive API for users. It is exempt from the Go compatibility promise.
package js
import (
// ref is used to identify a JavaScript value, since the value itself can not be passed to WebAssembly.
// A JavaScript number (64-bit float, except NaN) is represented by its IEEE 754 binary representation.
// All other values are represented as an IEEE 754 binary representation of NaN with the low 32 bits
// used as an ID.
type ref uint64
// nanHead are the upper 32 bits of a ref if the value is not a JavaScript number or NaN itself.
const nanHead = 0x7FF80000
// Value represents a JavaScript value.
type Value struct {
ref ref
func makeValue(v ref) Value {
return Value{ref: v}
func predefValue(id uint32) Value {
return Value{ref: nanHead<<32 | ref(id)}
func floatValue(f float64) Value {
if f != f {
return valueNaN
return Value{ref: *(*ref)(unsafe.Pointer(&f))}
// Error wraps a JavaScript error.
type Error struct {
// Value is the underlying JavaScript error value.
// Error implements the error interface.
func (e Error) Error() string {
return "JavaScript error: " + e.Get("message").String()
var (
valueNaN = predefValue(0)
valueUndefined = predefValue(1)
valueNull = predefValue(2)
valueTrue = predefValue(3)
valueFalse = predefValue(4)
valueGlobal = predefValue(5)
memory = predefValue(6) // WebAssembly linear memory
resolveCallbackPromise = predefValue(7) // function that the callback helper uses to resume the execution of Go's WebAssembly code
// Undefined returns the JavaScript value "undefined".
func Undefined() Value {
return valueUndefined
// Null returns the JavaScript value "null".
func Null() Value {
return valueNull
// Global returns the JavaScript global object, usually "window" or "global".
func Global() Value {
return valueGlobal
// ValueOf returns x as a JavaScript value:
// | Go | JavaScript |
// | --------------------- | --------------------- |
// | js.Value | [its value] |
// | js.TypedArray | [typed array] |
// | js.Callback | function |
// | nil | null |
// | bool | boolean |
// | integers and floats | number |
// | string | string |
func ValueOf(x interface{}) Value {
switch x := x.(type) {
case Value:
return x
case TypedArray:
return x.Value
case Callback:
return x.Value
case nil:
return valueNull
case bool:
if x {
return valueTrue
} else {
return valueFalse
case int:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case int8:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case int16:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case int32:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case int64:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case uint:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case uint8:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case uint16:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case uint32:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case uint64:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case uintptr:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case unsafe.Pointer:
return floatValue(float64(uintptr(x)))
case float32:
return floatValue(float64(x))
case float64:
return floatValue(x)
case string:
return makeValue(stringVal(x))
panic("ValueOf: invalid value")
func stringVal(x string) ref
// Get returns the JavaScript property p of value v.
func (v Value) Get(p string) Value {
return makeValue(valueGet(v.ref, p))
func valueGet(v ref, p string) ref
// Set sets the JavaScript property p of value v to x.
func (v Value) Set(p string, x interface{}) {
valueSet(v.ref, p, ValueOf(x).ref)
func valueSet(v ref, p string, x ref)
// Index returns JavaScript index i of value v.
func (v Value) Index(i int) Value {
return makeValue(valueIndex(v.ref, i))
func valueIndex(v ref, i int) ref
// SetIndex sets the JavaScript index i of value v to x.
func (v Value) SetIndex(i int, x interface{}) {
valueSetIndex(v.ref, i, ValueOf(x).ref)
func valueSetIndex(v ref, i int, x ref)
func makeArgs(args []interface{}) []ref {
argVals := make([]ref, len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
argVals[i] = ValueOf(arg).ref
return argVals
// Length returns the JavaScript property "length" of v.
func (v Value) Length() int {
return valueLength(v.ref)
func valueLength(v ref) int
// Call does a JavaScript call to the method m of value v with the given arguments.
// It panics if v has no method m.
func (v Value) Call(m string, args ...interface{}) Value {
res, ok := valueCall(v.ref, m, makeArgs(args))
if !ok {
return makeValue(res)
func valueCall(v ref, m string, args []ref) (ref, bool)
// Invoke does a JavaScript call of the value v with the given arguments.
// It panics if v is not a function.
func (v Value) Invoke(args ...interface{}) Value {
res, ok := valueInvoke(v.ref, makeArgs(args))
if !ok {
return makeValue(res)
func valueInvoke(v ref, args []ref) (ref, bool)
// New uses JavaScript's "new" operator with value v as constructor and the given arguments.
// It panics if v is not a function.
func (v Value) New(args ...interface{}) Value {
res, ok := valueNew(v.ref, makeArgs(args))
if !ok {
return makeValue(res)
func valueNew(v ref, args []ref) (ref, bool)
func (v Value) isNumber() bool {
return v.ref>>32 != nanHead || v.ref == valueNaN.ref
// Float returns the value v as a float64. It panics if v is not a JavaScript number.
func (v Value) Float() float64 {
if !v.isNumber() {
panic("syscall/js: not a number")
return *(*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(&v.ref))
// Int returns the value v truncated to an int. It panics if v is not a JavaScript number.
func (v Value) Int() int {
return int(v.Float())
// Bool returns the value v as a bool. It panics if v is not a JavaScript boolean.
func (v Value) Bool() bool {
switch v.ref {
case valueTrue.ref:
return true
case valueFalse.ref:
return false
panic("syscall/js: not a boolean")
// String returns the value v converted to string according to JavaScript type conversions.
func (v Value) String() string {
str, length := valuePrepareString(v.ref)
b := make([]byte, length)
valueLoadString(str, b)
return string(b)
func valuePrepareString(v ref) (ref, int)
func valueLoadString(v ref, b []byte)
// InstanceOf reports whether v is an instance of type t according to JavaScript's instanceof operator.
func (v Value) InstanceOf(t Value) bool {
return valueInstanceOf(v.ref, t.ref)
func valueInstanceOf(v ref, t ref) bool