blob: d092f248a1771159f49be5551e19b72c19c7df7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Runtime _type representation.
package runtime
import "unsafe"
// Needs to be in sync with ../../cmd/ld/decodesym.c:/^commonsize and pkg/reflect/type.go:/type.
type _type struct {
size uintptr
hash uint32
_unused uint8
align uint8
fieldalign uint8
kind uint8
alg *typeAlg
// gc stores _type info required for garbage collector.
// If (kind&KindGCProg)==0, then gc[0] points at sparse GC bitmap
// (no indirection), 4 bits per word.
// If (kind&KindGCProg)!=0, then gc[1] points to a compiler-generated
// read-only GC program; and gc[0] points to BSS space for sparse GC bitmap.
// For huge _types (>MaxGCMask), runtime unrolls the program directly into
// GC bitmap and gc[0] is not used. For moderately-sized _types, runtime
// unrolls the program into gc[0] space on first use. The first byte of gc[0]
// (gc[0][0]) contains 'unroll' flag saying whether the program is already
// unrolled into gc[0] or not.
gc [2]uintptr
_string *string
x *uncommontype
ptrto *_type
zero *byte // ptr to the zero value for this _type
type method struct {
name *string
pkgpath *string
mtyp *_type
typ *_type
ifn unsafe.Pointer
tfn unsafe.Pointer
type uncommontype struct {
name *string
pkgpath *string
mhdr []method
type imethod struct {
name *string
pkgpath *string
_type *_type
type interfacetype struct {
typ _type
mhdr []imethod
type maptype struct {
typ _type
key *_type
elem *_type
bucket *_type // internal _type representing a hash bucket
hmap *_type // internal _type representing a hmap
keysize uint8 // size of key slot
indirectkey bool // store ptr to key instead of key itself
valuesize uint8 // size of value slot
indirectvalue bool // store ptr to value instead of value itself
bucketsize uint16 // size of bucket
reflexivekey bool // true if k==k for all keys
type chantype struct {
typ _type
elem *_type
dir uintptr
type slicetype struct {
typ _type
elem *_type
type functype struct {
typ _type
dotdotdot bool
in slice
out slice
type ptrtype struct {
typ _type
elem *_type