blob: 8811bb617854b878292b6d741f3ffa69dcac62b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build wasip1
package runtime
import "unsafe"
// GOARCH=wasm currently has 64 bits pointers, but the WebAssembly host expects
// pointers to be 32 bits so we use this type alias to represent pointers in
// structs and arrays passed as arguments to WASI functions.
// Note that the use of an integer type prevents the compiler from tracking
// pointers passed to WASI functions, so we must use KeepAlive to explicitly
// retain the objects that could otherwise be reclaimed by the GC.
type uintptr32 = uint32
type size = uint32
type errno = uint32
type filesize = uint64
type timestamp = uint64
type clockid = uint32
const (
clockRealtime clockid = 0
clockMonotonic clockid = 1
type iovec struct {
buf uintptr32
bufLen size
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 proc_exit
func exit(code int32)
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 args_get
func args_get(argv, argvBuf unsafe.Pointer) errno
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 args_sizes_get
func args_sizes_get(argc, argvBufLen unsafe.Pointer) errno
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 clock_time_get
func clock_time_get(clock_id clockid, precision timestamp, time unsafe.Pointer) errno
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 environ_get
func environ_get(environ, environBuf unsafe.Pointer) errno
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 environ_sizes_get
func environ_sizes_get(environCount, environBufLen unsafe.Pointer) errno
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 fd_write
func fd_write(fd int32, iovs unsafe.Pointer, iovsLen size, nwritten unsafe.Pointer) errno
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 random_get
func random_get(buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen size) errno
type eventtype = uint8
const (
eventtypeClock eventtype = iota
type eventrwflags = uint16
const (
fdReadwriteHangup eventrwflags = 1 << iota
type userdata = uint64
// The go:wasmimport directive currently does not accept values of type uint16
// in arguments or returns of the function signature. Most WASI imports return
// an errno value, which we have to define as uint32 because of that limitation.
// However, the WASI errno type is intended to be a 16 bits integer, and in the
// event struct the error field should be of type errno. If we used the errno
// type for the error field it would result in a mismatching field alignment and
// struct size because errno is declared as a 32 bits type, so we declare the
// error field as a plain uint16.
type event struct {
userdata userdata
error uint16
typ eventtype
fdReadwrite eventFdReadwrite
type eventFdReadwrite struct {
nbytes filesize
flags eventrwflags
type subclockflags = uint16
const (
subscriptionClockAbstime subclockflags = 1 << iota
type subscriptionClock struct {
id clockid
timeout timestamp
precision timestamp
flags subclockflags
type subscriptionFdReadwrite struct {
fd int32
type subscription struct {
userdata userdata
u subscriptionUnion
type subscriptionUnion [5]uint64
func (u *subscriptionUnion) eventtype() *eventtype {
return (*eventtype)(unsafe.Pointer(&u[0]))
func (u *subscriptionUnion) subscriptionClock() *subscriptionClock {
return (*subscriptionClock)(unsafe.Pointer(&u[1]))
func (u *subscriptionUnion) subscriptionFdReadwrite() *subscriptionFdReadwrite {
return (*subscriptionFdReadwrite)(unsafe.Pointer(&u[1]))
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 poll_oneoff
func poll_oneoff(in, out unsafe.Pointer, nsubscriptions size, nevents unsafe.Pointer) errno
func write1(fd uintptr, p unsafe.Pointer, n int32) int32 {
iov := iovec{
buf: uintptr32(uintptr(p)),
bufLen: size(n),
var nwritten size
if fd_write(int32(fd), unsafe.Pointer(&iov), 1, unsafe.Pointer(&nwritten)) != 0 {
throw("fd_write failed")
return int32(nwritten)
func usleep(usec uint32) {
var in subscription
var out event
var nevents size
eventtype := in.u.eventtype()
*eventtype = eventtypeClock
subscription := in.u.subscriptionClock() = clockMonotonic
subscription.timeout = timestamp(usec) * 1e3
subscription.precision = 1e3
if poll_oneoff(unsafe.Pointer(&in), unsafe.Pointer(&out), 1, unsafe.Pointer(&nevents)) != 0 {
func getRandomData(r []byte) {
if random_get(unsafe.Pointer(&r[0]), size(len(r))) != 0 {
throw("random_get failed")
func goenvs() {
// arguments
var argc size
var argvBufLen size
if args_sizes_get(unsafe.Pointer(&argc), unsafe.Pointer(&argvBufLen)) != 0 {
throw("args_sizes_get failed")
argslice = make([]string, argc)
if argc > 0 {
argv := make([]uintptr32, argc)
argvBuf := make([]byte, argvBufLen)
if args_get(unsafe.Pointer(&argv[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&argvBuf[0])) != 0 {
throw("args_get failed")
for i := range argslice {
start := argv[i] - uintptr32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&argvBuf[0])))
end := start
for argvBuf[end] != 0 {
argslice[i] = string(argvBuf[start:end])
// environment
var environCount size
var environBufLen size
if environ_sizes_get(unsafe.Pointer(&environCount), unsafe.Pointer(&environBufLen)) != 0 {
throw("environ_sizes_get failed")
envs = make([]string, environCount)
if environCount > 0 {
environ := make([]uintptr32, environCount)
environBuf := make([]byte, environBufLen)
if environ_get(unsafe.Pointer(&environ[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&environBuf[0])) != 0 {
throw("environ_get failed")
for i := range envs {
start := environ[i] - uintptr32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&environBuf[0])))
end := start
for environBuf[end] != 0 {
envs[i] = string(environBuf[start:end])
func walltime() (sec int64, nsec int32) {
return walltime1()
func walltime1() (sec int64, nsec int32) {
var time timestamp
if clock_time_get(clockRealtime, 0, unsafe.Pointer(&time)) != 0 {
throw("clock_time_get failed")
return int64(time / 1000000000), int32(time % 1000000000)
func nanotime1() int64 {
var time timestamp
if clock_time_get(clockMonotonic, 0, unsafe.Pointer(&time)) != 0 {
throw("clock_time_get failed")
return int64(time)