blob: 8882e3c2538d1a9c997c49c0891a15d08307f1d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// values are specified using the following format:
// (op <type> [aux] arg0 arg1 ...)
// the type and aux fields are optional
// on the matching side
// - the types and aux fields must match if they are specified.
// on the generated side
// - the type of the top-level expression is the same as the one on the left-hand side.
// - the type of any subexpressions must be specified explicitly.
// - aux will be nil if not specified.
// x86 register conventions:
// - Integer types live in the low portion of registers.
// Upper portions are correctly extended.
// - Boolean types use the low-order byte of a register. Upper bytes are junk.
// - We do not use AH,BH,CH,DH registers.
// - Floating-point types will live in the low natural slot of an sse2 register.
// Unused portions are junk.
// These are the lowerings themselves
(Add <t> x y) && (is64BitInt(t) || isPtr(t)) -> (ADDQ x y)
(Add <t> x y) && is32BitInt(t) -> (ADDL x y)
(Sub <t> x y) && is64BitInt(t) -> (SUBQ x y)
(Mul <t> x y) && is64BitInt(t) -> (MULQ x y)
(Less x y) && is64BitInt(v.Args[0].Type) && isSigned(v.Args[0].Type) -> (SETL (CMPQ <TypeFlags> x y))
(Load <t> ptr mem) && (is64BitInt(t) || isPtr(t)) -> (MOVQload [int64(0)] ptr mem)
(Store ptr val mem) && (is64BitInt(val.Type) || isPtr(val.Type)) -> (MOVQstore [int64(0)] ptr val mem)
// checks
(CheckNil p) -> (SETNE (TESTQ <TypeFlags> p p))
(CheckBound idx len) -> (SETB (CMPQ <TypeFlags> idx len))
// Rules below here apply some simple optimizations after lowering.
// TODO: Should this be a separate pass?
// stack loads/stores
(MOVQload [off1] (FPAddr [off2]) mem) -> (MOVQloadFP [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] mem)
(MOVQload [off1] (SPAddr [off2]) mem) -> (MOVQloadSP [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] mem)
(MOVQstore [off1] (FPAddr [off2]) val mem) -> (MOVQstoreFP [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] val mem)
(MOVQstore [off1] (SPAddr [off2]) val mem) -> (MOVQstoreSP [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] val mem)
// global loads/stores
(MOVQload [off] (Global [sym]) mem) -> (MOVQloadglobal [GlobalOffset{sym,off.(int64)}] mem)
(MOVQstore [off] (Global [sym]) val mem) -> (MOVQstoreglobal [GlobalOffset{sym,off.(int64)}] val mem)
// fold constants into instructions
(ADDQ x (Const [c])) -> (ADDCQ [c] x) // TODO: restrict c to int32 range?
(ADDQ (Const [c]) x) -> (ADDCQ [c] x)
(SUBQ x (Const [c])) -> (SUBCQ x [c])
(SUBQ <t> (Const [c]) x) -> (NEGQ (SUBCQ <t> x [c]))
(MULQ x (Const [c])) -> (MULCQ [c] x)
(MULQ (Const [c]) x) -> (MULCQ [c] x)
(CMPQ x (Const [c])) -> (CMPCQ x [c])
(CMPQ (Const [c]) x) -> (InvertFlags (CMPCQ <TypeFlags> x [c]))
// strength reduction
// TODO: do this a lot more generically
(MULCQ [c] x) && c.(int64) == 8 -> (SHLCQ [int64(3)] x)
// fold add/shift into leaq
(ADDQ x (SHLCQ [shift] y)) && shift.(int64) == 3 -> (LEAQ8 [int64(0)] x y)
(ADDCQ [c] (LEAQ8 [d] x y)) -> (LEAQ8 [c.(int64)+d.(int64)] x y)
// reverse ordering of compare instruction
(SETL (InvertFlags x)) -> (SETGE x)
// fold constants into memory operations
// Note that this is not always a good idea because if not all the uses of
// the ADDCQ get eliminated, we still have to compute the ADDCQ and we now
// have potentially two live values (ptr and (ADDCQ [off] ptr)) instead of one.
// Nevertheless, let's do it!
(MOVQload [off1] (ADDCQ [off2] ptr) mem) -> (MOVQload [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] ptr mem)
(MOVQstore [off1] (ADDCQ [off2] ptr) val mem) -> (MOVQstore [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] ptr val mem)
// indexed loads and stores
(MOVQload [off1] (LEAQ8 [off2] ptr idx) mem) -> (MOVQload8 [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] ptr idx mem)
(MOVQstore [off1] (LEAQ8 [off2] ptr idx) val mem) -> (MOVQstore8 [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)] ptr idx val mem)
// Combine the offset of a stack object with the offset within a stack object
(ADDCQ [off1] (FPAddr [off2])) -> (FPAddr [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)])
(ADDCQ [off1] (SPAddr [off2])) -> (SPAddr [off1.(int64)+off2.(int64)])