blob: 724a0557d507d3ae92224a77e6a1d0f1a3b06be6 [file] [log] [blame]
package ssa
import (
func setloc(home []Location, v *Value, loc Location) []Location {
for v.ID >= ID(len(home)) {
home = append(home, nil)
home[v.ID] = loc
return home
type register uint
// TODO: make arch-dependent
var numRegs register = 32
var registers = [...]Register{
// TODO R8, X0, ...
// TODO: make arch-dependent
// countRegs returns the number of set bits in the register mask.
func countRegs(r regMask) int {
n := 0
for r != 0 {
n += int(r & 1)
r >>= 1
return n
// pickReg picks an arbitrary register from the register mask.
func pickReg(r regMask) register {
// pick the lowest one
if r == 0 {
panic("can't pick a register from an empty set")
for i := register(0); ; i++ {
if r&1 != 0 {
return i
r >>= 1
// regalloc performs register allocation on f. It sets f.RegAlloc
// to the resulting allocation.
func regalloc(f *Func) {
// For now, a very simple allocator. Everything has a home
// location on the stack (TBD as a subsequent stackalloc pass).
// Values live in the home locations at basic block boundaries.
// We use a simple greedy allocator within a basic block.
home := make([]Location, f.NumValues())
addPhiCopies(f) // add copies of phi inputs in preceeding blocks
// Compute live values at the end of each block.
live := live(f)
lastUse := make([]int, f.NumValues())
var oldSched []*Value
// Register allocate each block separately. All live values will live
// in home locations (stack slots) between blocks.
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
// Compute the index of the last use of each Value in the Block.
// Scheduling has already happened, so Values are totally ordered.
// lastUse[x] = max(i) where b.Value[i] uses Value x.
for i, v := range b.Values {
lastUse[v.ID] = -1
for _, w := range v.Args {
// could condition this store on w.Block == b, but no need
lastUse[w.ID] = i
// Values which are live at block exit have a lastUse of len(b.Values).
if b.Control != nil {
lastUse[b.Control.ID] = len(b.Values)
// Values live after block exit have a lastUse of len(b.Values)+1.
for _, vid := range live[b.ID] {
lastUse[vid] = len(b.Values) + 1
// For each register, store which value it contains
type regInfo struct {
v *Value // stack-homed original value (or nil if empty)
c *Value // the register copy of v
dirty bool // if the stack-homed copy is out of date
regs := make([]regInfo, numRegs)
var used regMask // has a 1 for each non-nil entry in regs
var dirty regMask // has a 1 for each dirty entry in regs
oldSched = append(oldSched[:0], b.Values...)
b.Values = b.Values[:0]
for idx, v := range oldSched {
// For each instruction, do:
// set up inputs to v in registers
// pick output register
// run insn
// mark output register as dirty
// Note that v represents the Value at "home" (on the stack), and c
// is its register equivalent. There are two ways to establish c:
// - use of v. c will be a load from v's home.
// - definition of v. c will be identical to v but will live in
// a register. v will be modified into a spill of c.
regspec := opcodeTable[v.Op].reg
if v.Op == OpConvNop {
regspec = opcodeTable[v.Args[0].Op].reg
inputs := regspec[0]
outputs := regspec[1]
if len(inputs) == 0 && len(outputs) == 0 {
// No register allocation required (or none specified yet)
b.Values = append(b.Values, v)
// Compute a good input ordering. Start with the most constrained input.
order := make([]intPair, len(inputs))
for i, input := range inputs {
order[i] = intPair{countRegs(input), i}
// nospill contains registers that we can't spill because
// we already set them up for use by the current instruction.
var nospill regMask
// Move inputs into registers
for _, o := range order {
w := v.Args[o.val]
mask := inputs[o.val]
if mask == 0 {
// Input doesn't need a register
// TODO: 2-address overwrite instructions
// Find registers that w is already in
var wreg regMask
for r := register(0); r < numRegs; r++ {
if regs[r].v == w {
wreg |= regMask(1) << r
var r register
if mask&wreg != 0 {
// w is already in an allowed register. We're done.
r = pickReg(mask & wreg)
} else {
// Pick a register for w
// Priorities (in order)
// - an unused register
// - a clean register
// - a dirty register
// TODO: for used registers, pick the one whose next use is the
// farthest in the future.
mask &^= nospill
if mask & ^dirty != 0 {
mask &^= dirty
if mask & ^used != 0 {
mask &^= used
r = pickReg(mask)
// Kick out whomever is using this register.
if regs[r].v != nil {
x := regs[r].v
c := regs[r].c
if regs[r].dirty && lastUse[x.ID] > idx {
// Write x back to home. Its value is currently held in c.
x.Op = OpStoreReg8
x.Aux = nil
b.Values = append(b.Values, x)
regs[r].dirty = false
dirty &^= regMask(1) << r
regs[r].v = nil
regs[r].c = nil
used &^= regMask(1) << r
// Load w into this register
var c *Value
if w.Op == OpConst {
// Materialize w
// TODO: arch-specific MOV op
c = b.NewValue(OpMOVQconst, w.Type, w.Aux)
} else if wreg != 0 {
// Copy from another register.
// Typically just an optimization, but this is
// required if w is dirty.
s := pickReg(wreg)
// inv: s != r
c = b.NewValue(OpCopy, w.Type, nil)
} else {
// Load from home location
c = b.NewValue(OpLoadReg8, w.Type, nil)
home = setloc(home, c, &registers[r])
// Remember what we did
regs[r].v = w
regs[r].c = c
regs[r].dirty = false
used |= regMask(1) << r
// Replace w with its in-register copy.
v.SetArg(o.val, regs[r].c)
// Remember not to undo this register assignment until after
// the instruction is issued.
nospill |= regMask(1) << r
// pick a register for v itself.
if len(outputs) > 1 {
panic("can't do multi-output yet")
if len(outputs) == 0 || outputs[0] == 0 {
// output doesn't need a register
b.Values = append(b.Values, v)
} else {
mask := outputs[0]
if mask & ^dirty != 0 {
mask &^= dirty
if mask & ^used != 0 {
mask &^= used
r := pickReg(mask)
// Kick out whomever is using this register.
if regs[r].v != nil {
x := regs[r].v
c := regs[r].c
if regs[r].dirty && lastUse[x.ID] > idx {
// Write x back to home. Its value is currently held in c.
x.Op = OpStoreReg8
x.Aux = nil
b.Values = append(b.Values, x)
regs[r].dirty = false
dirty &^= regMask(1) << r
regs[r].v = nil
regs[r].c = nil
used &^= regMask(1) << r
// Reissue v with new op, with r as its home.
c := b.NewValue(v.Op, v.Type, v.Aux)
home = setloc(home, c, &registers[r])
// Remember what we did
regs[r].v = v
regs[r].c = c
regs[r].dirty = true
used |= regMask(1) << r
dirty |= regMask(1) << r
// If the block ends in a call, we must put the call after the spill code.
var call *Value
if b.Kind == BlockCall {
call = b.Control
if call != b.Values[len(b.Values)-1] {
log.Fatalf("call not at end of block %b %v", b, call)
b.Values = b.Values[:len(b.Values)-1]
// TODO: do this for all control types?
// at the end of the block, spill any remaining dirty, live values
for r := register(0); r < numRegs; r++ {
if !regs[r].dirty {
v := regs[r].v
c := regs[r].c
if lastUse[v.ID] <= len(oldSched) {
continue // not live after block
// change v to be a copy of c
v.Op = OpStoreReg8
v.Aux = nil
b.Values = append(b.Values, v)
// add call back after spills
if b.Kind == BlockCall {
b.Values = append(b.Values, call)
f.RegAlloc = home
// addPhiCopies adds copies of phi inputs in the blocks
// immediately preceding the phi's block.
func addPhiCopies(f *Func) {
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v.Op != OpPhi {
break // all phis should appear first
if v.Type.IsMemory() { // TODO: only "regallocable" types
for i, w := range v.Args {
c := b.Preds[i]
cpy := c.NewValue1(OpCopy, v.Type, nil, w)
v.Args[i] = cpy
// live returns a map from block ID to a list of value IDs live at the end of that block
// TODO: this could be quadratic if lots of variables are live across lots of
// basic blocks. Figure out a way to make this function (or, more precisely, the user
// of this function) require only linear size & time.
func live(f *Func) [][]ID {
live := make([][]ID, f.NumBlocks())
var phis []*Value
s := newSparseSet(f.NumValues())
t := newSparseSet(f.NumValues())
for {
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
fmt.Printf("live %s %v\n", b, live[b.ID])
changed := false
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
// Start with known live values at the end of the block
// Propagate backwards to the start of the block
// Assumes Values have been scheduled.
phis := phis[:0]
for i := len(b.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := b.Values[i]
if v.Op == OpPhi {
// save phi ops for later
phis = append(phis, v)
// for each predecessor of b, expand its list of live-at-end values
// inv: s contains the values live at the start of b (excluding phi inputs)
for i, p := range b.Preds {
for _, v := range phis {
if t.size() == len(live[p.ID]) {
// grow p's live set
c := make([]ID, t.size())
copy(c, t.contents())
live[p.ID] = c
changed = true
if !changed {
return live
// for sorting a pair of integers by key
type intPair struct {
key, val int
type byKey []intPair
func (a byKey) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byKey) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byKey) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].key < a[j].key }