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The Go Programming Language Specification (DRAFT)
Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson
(September 17, 2008)
This document is a semi-formal specification of the Go systems
programming language.
<font color=red>
This document is not ready for external review, it is under active development.
Any part may change substantially as design progresses.
Open issues according to gri:
[ ] clarification on interface types, rules
[ ] methods for all types
[ ] remove "any"
[ ] convert should not be used for composite literals anymore,
in fact, convert() should go away
[ ] syntax for var args
[ ] reflection support in the language
[ ] partial export of structs, methods
[ ] if statement: else syntax must be fixed
[ ] range statement: to be defined more reasonably
[ ] packages of multiple files: dealing with it is convoluted
[ ] should we have a shorter list of alias types? (byte, int, uint, float)
[ ] old-style export decls (still needed, but ideally should go away)
[ ] new(arraytype, n1, n2): spec only talks about length, not capacity
(should only use new(arraytype, n) - this will allow later
extension to multi-dim arrays w/o breaking the language)
[ ] & needed to get a function pointer from a function?
[ ] comparison operators: can we compare interfaces?
[ ] optional semicolons: too complicated and unclear
[ ] like to have assert() in the language, w/ option to disable code gen for it
[ ] composite types should uniformly create an instance instead of a pointer
[ ] func literal like a composite type - should probably require the '&' to get
[ ] meaning of nil
[ ] clarify slice rules
[ ] something on tuples?
[ ] semantics of statements
[ ] need for type switch? (or use type guard with ok in tuple assignment?)
[ ] can we add methods to types defined in another package?
[ ] do we need anything on package vs file names?
[ ] need to talk about precise int/floats clearly
[ ] iant suggests to use abstract/precise int for len(), cap() - good idea
(issue: what happens in len() + const - what is the type?)
[ ] Do composite literals create a new literal each time (gri thinks yes)
Source code representation
Letters and digits
Numeric literals
Character and string literals
Operators and delimitors
Reserved words
Declarations and scope rules
Const declarations
Type declarations
Variable declarations
Export declarations
Basic types
Arithmetic types
Array types
Struct types
Pointer types
Map types
Channel types
Function types
Interface types
Qualified identifiers
Composite Literals
Function Literals
Primary expressions
Type guards
Arithmetic operators
Comparison operators
Logical operators
Address operators
Communication operators
Label declarations
Expression statements
IncDec statements
If statements
Switch statements
For statements
Range statements
Go statements
Select statements
Return statements
Break statements
Continue statements
Label declaration
Goto statements
Function declarations
Methods (type-bound functions)
Predeclared functions
Length and capacity
Program initialization and execution
The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).
In particular:
- | separates alternatives (least binding strength)
- () groups
- [] specifies an option (0 or 1 times)
- {} specifies repetition (0 to n times)
Lexical symbols are enclosed in double quotes '''' (the
double quote symbol is written as ''"'').
The form "a ... b" represents the set of characters from "a" through "b" as
A production may be referenced from various places in this document
but is usually defined close to its first use. Productions and code
examples are indented.
Lower-case production names are used to identify productions that cannot
be broken by white space or comments; they are usually tokens. Other
productions are in CamelCase.
Source code representation
Source code is Unicode text encoded in UTF-8.
Tokenization follows the usual rules. Source text is case-sensitive.
White space is blanks, newlines, carriage returns, or tabs.
Comments are // to end of line or /* */ without nesting and are treated as white space.
Some Unicode characters (e.g., the character U+00E4) may be representable in
two forms, as a single code point or as two code points. For simplicity of
implementation, Go treats these as distinct characters.
In the grammar we use the notation
to refer to an arbitrary Unicode code point encoded in UTF-8. We use
to refer to the subset of "utf8_char" code points with values >= 128.
Letters and digits
letter = "A" ... "Z" | "a" ... "z" | "_" | non_ascii.
decimal_digit = "0" ... "9" .
octal_digit = "0" ... "7" .
hex_digit = "0" ... "9" | "A" ... "F" | "a" ... "f" .
All non-ASCII code points are considered letters; digits are always ASCII.
Tokens make up the vocabulary of the Go language. They consist of
identifiers, numbers, strings, operators, and delimitors.
An identifier is a name for a program entity such as a variable, a
type, a function, etc.
identifier = letter { letter | decimal_digit } .
Some identifiers are predeclared (§Declarations).
Numeric literals
An integer literal represents a mathematically ideal integer constant
of arbitrary precision, or 'ideal int'.
int_lit = decimal_int | octal_int | hex_int .
decimal_int = ( "1" ... "9" ) { decimal_digit } .
octal_int = "0" { octal_digit } .
hex_int = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_digit { hex_digit } .
A floating point literal represents a mathematically ideal floating point
constant of arbitrary precision, or 'ideal float'.
float_lit =
decimals "." [ decimals ] [exponent ] |
decimals exponent |
"." decimals [ exponent ] .
decimals = decimal_digit { decimal_digit } .
exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals .
Numeric literals are unsigned. A negative constant is formed by
applying the unary prefix operator "-" (§Arithmetic operators).
An 'ideal number' is either an 'ideal int' or an 'ideal float'.
Only when an ideal number (or an arithmetic expression formed
solely from ideal numbers) is bound to a variable or used in an expression
or constant of fixed-size integers or floats it is required to fit
a particular size. In other words, ideal numbers and arithmetic
upon them are not subject to overflow; only use of them in assignments
or expressions involving fixed-size numbers may cause overflow, and thus
an error (§Expressions).
Implementation restriction: A compiler may implement ideal numbers
by choosing a "sufficiently large" internal representation of such
Character and string literals
Character and string literals are almost the same as in C, with the
following differences:
- The encoding is UTF-8
- `` strings exist; they do not interpret backslashes
- Octal character escapes are always 3 digits ("\077" not "\77")
- Hexadecimal character escapes are always 2 digits ("\x07" not "\x7")
The rules are:
char_lit = "'" ( unicode_value | byte_value ) "'" .
unicode_value = utf8_char | little_u_value | big_u_value | escaped_char .
byte_value = octal_byte_value | hex_byte_value .
octal_byte_value = "\" octal_digit octal_digit octal_digit .
hex_byte_value = "\" "x" hex_digit hex_digit .
little_u_value = "\" "u" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
big_u_value =
"\" "U" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit
hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
escaped_char = "\" ( "a" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | "\" | "'" | """ ) .
A unicode_value takes one of four forms:
* The UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode code point. Since Go source
text is in UTF-8, this is the obvious translation from input
text into Unicode characters.
* The usual list of C backslash escapes: "\n", "\t", etc.
Within a character or string literal, only the corresponding quote character
is a legal escape (this is not explicitly reflected in the above syntax).
* A `little u' value, such as "\u12AB". This represents the Unicode
code point with the corresponding hexadecimal value. It always
has exactly 4 hexadecimal digits.
* A `big U' value, such as "\U00101234". This represents the
Unicode code point with the corresponding hexadecimal value.
It always has exactly 8 hexadecimal digits.
Some values that can be represented this way are illegal because they
are not valid Unicode code points. These include values above
0x10FFFF and surrogate halves.
An octal_byte_value contains three octal digits. A hex_byte_value
contains two hexadecimal digits. (Note: This differs from C but is
It is erroneous for an octal_byte_value to represent a value larger than 255.
(By construction, a hex_byte_value cannot.)
A character literal is a form of unsigned integer constant. Its value
is that of the Unicode code point represented by the text between the
String literals come in two forms: double-quoted and back-quoted.
Double-quoted strings have the usual properties; back-quoted strings
do not interpret backslashes at all.
string_lit = raw_string_lit | interpreted_string_lit .
raw_string_lit = "`" { utf8_char } "`" .
interpreted_string_lit = """ { unicode_value | byte_value } """ .
A string literal has type "string". Its value is constructed by
taking the byte values formed by the successive elements of the
literal. For byte_values, these are the literal bytes; for
unicode_values, these are the bytes of the UTF-8 encoding of the
corresponding Unicode code points. Note that
different strings: the first contains the two-byte UTF-8 expansion of
the value 255, while the second contains a single byte of value 255.
The same rules apply to raw string literals, except the contents are
uninterpreted UTF-8.
"hello, world\n"
"Hello, world!\n"
These examples all represent the same string:
"日本語" // UTF-8 input text
`日本語` // UTF-8 input text as a raw literal
"\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points
"\U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points
"\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e" // The explicit UTF-8 bytes
The language does not canonicalize Unicode text or evaluate combining
forms. The text of source code is passed uninterpreted.
If the source code represents a character as two code points, such as
a combining form involving an accent and a letter, the result will be
an error if placed in a character literal (it is not a single code
point), and will appear as two code points if placed in a string
Operators and delimitors
The following special character sequences serve as operators or delimitors:
+ & += &= && == != ( )
- | -= |= || < >= [ ]
* ^ *= ^= <- > <= { }
/ << /= <<= ++ -- = :=
% >> %= >>= ! . , ; :
Reserved words
The following words are reserved and must not be used as identifiers:
break default func interface select
case else go map struct
const export goto package switch
chan fallthrough if range type
continue for import return var
Declarations and scope rules
Every identifier in a program must be declared; some identifiers, such as "int"
and "true", are predeclared. A declaration associates an identifier
with a language entity (package, constant, type, variable, function, or method)
and may specify properties of that entity such as its type.
Declaration = [ "export" ] ( ConstDecl | TypeDecl | VarDecl | FunctionDecl | MethodDecl ) .
The ``scope'' of a language entity named 'x' extends textually from the point
immediately after the identifier 'x' in the declaration to the end of the
surrounding block (package, function, struct, or interface), excluding any
nested scopes that redeclare 'x'. The entity is said to be local to its scope.
Declarations in the package scope are ``global'' declarations.
The following scope rules apply:
1. No identifier may be declared twice in a single scope.
2. A language entity may only be referred to within its scope.
3. Field and method identifiers may be used only to select elements
from the corresponding types, and only after those types are fully
declared. In effect, the field selector operator
"." temporarily re-opens the scope of such identifiers (§Expressions).
4. Forward declaration: A type of the form "*T" may be mentioned at a point
where "T" is not yet declared. The full declaration of "T" must be within a
block containing the forward declaration, and the forward declaration
refers to the innermost such full declaration.
Global declarations optionally may be marked for export with the reserved word
"export". Local declarations can never be exported.
Identifiers declared in exported declarations (and no other identifiers)
are made visible to clients of this package, that is, other packages that import
this package.
If the declaration defines a type, the type structure is exported as well. In
particular, if the declaration defines a new "struct" or "interface" type,
all structure fields and all structure and interface methods are exported also.
export const pi float = 3.14159265
export func Parse(source string);
The scope of a label 'x' is the entire block of the surrounding function excluding
any nested function. Thus, each function has its own private label scope, and
identifiers for labels never conflict with any non-label identifier. Within a
function a label 'x' may only be declared once (§Label declarations).
Note that at the moment the old-style export via ExportDecl is still supported.
TODO: Eventually we need to be able to restrict visibility of fields and methods.
(gri) The default should be no struct fields and methods are automatically exported.
Export should be identifier-based: an identifier is either exported or not, and thus
visible or not in importing package.
TODO: Need some text with respect to QualifiedIdents.
QualifiedIdent = [ PackageName "." ] identifier .
PackageName = identifier .
The following identifiers are predeclared:
- all basic types:
bool, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64,
float32, float64, float80, string
- and their alias types:
byte, ushort, uint, ulong, short, int, long, float, double, ptrint
- the predeclared constants
true, false, iota, nil
- the predeclared functions (note: this list is likely to change)
cap(), convert(), len(), new(), panic(), print(), typeof(), ...
TODO(gri) We should think hard about reducing the alias type list to:
byte, uint, int, float, ptrint (note that for instance the C++ style
guide is explicit about not using short, long, etc. because their sizes
are unknown in general).
Const declarations
A constant declaration gives a name to the value of a constant expression.
ConstDecl = "const" ( ConstSpec | "(" ConstSpecList [ ";" ] ")" ).
ConstSpec = identifier [ Type ] "=" Expression .
ConstSpecList = ConstSpec { ";" ConstSpecOptExpr }.
ConstSpecOptExpr = identifier [ Type ] [ "=" Expression ] .
const pi float = 3.14159265
const e = 2.718281828
const (
one int = 1;
two = 3
The constant expression may be omitted, in which case the expression is
the last expression used after the reserved word "const". If no such expression
exists, the constant expression cannot be omitted.
Together with the "iota" constant generator (described later),
implicit repetition permits light-weight declaration of enumerated
const (
Sunday = iota;
The initializing expression of a constant may contain only other
constants. This is illegal:
var i int = 10;
const c = i; // error
The initializing expression for a numeric constant is evaluated
using the principles described in the section on numeric literals:
constants are mathematical values given a size only upon assignment
to a variable. Intermediate values, and the constants themselves,
may require precision significantly larger than any concrete type
in the language. Thus the following is legal:
const Huge = 1 << 100;
var Four int8 = Huge >> 98;
A given numeric constant expression is, however, defined to be
either an integer or a floating point value, depending on the syntax
of the literals it comprises (123 vs. 1.0e4). This is because the
nature of the arithmetic operations depends on the type of the
values; for example, 3/2 is an integer division yielding 1, while
3./2. is a floating point division yielding 1.5. Thus
const x = 3./2. + 3/2;
yields a floating point constant of value 2.5 (1.5 + 1); its
constituent expressions are evaluated using different rules for
If the type is specified, the resulting constant has the named type.
If the type is missing from the constant declaration, the constant
represents a value of abitrary precision, either integer or floating
point, determined by the type of the initializing expression. Such
a constant may be assigned to any variable that can represent its
value accurately, regardless of type. For instance, 3 can be
assigned to any int variable but also to any floating point variable,
while 1e12 can be assigned to a float32, float64, or even int64.
It is erroneous to assign a value with a non-zero fractional
part to an integer, or if the assignment would overflow or
Type declarations
A type declaration introduces a name for a type.
TypeDecl = "type" ( TypeSpec | "(" TypeSpecList [ ";" ] ")" ).
TypeSpec = identifier Type .
TypeSpecList = TypeSpec { ";" TypeSpec }.
The name refers to an incomplete type until the type specification is complete.
Incomplete types can be referred to only by pointer types. Consequently, in a
type declaration a type may not refer to itself unless it does so with a pointer
type IntArray [16] int
type (
Point struct { x, y float };
Polar Point
type TreeNode struct {
left, right *TreeNode;
value Point;
Variable declarations
A variable declaration creates a variable and gives it a type and a name.
It may optionally give the variable an initial value; in some forms of
declaration the type of the initial value defines the type of the variable.
VarDecl = "var" ( VarSpec | "(" VarSpecList [ ";" ] ")" ) .
VarSpec = IdentifierList ( Type [ "=" ExpressionList ] | "=" ExpressionList ) .
VarSpecList = VarSpec { ";" VarSpec } .
IdentifierList = identifier { "," identifier } .
ExpressionList = Expression { "," Expression } .
var i int
var u, v, w float
var k = 0
var x, y float = -1.0, -2.0
var (
i int;
u, v = 2.0, 3.0
If the expression list is present, it must have the same number of elements
as there are variables in the variable specification.
If the variable type is omitted, an initialization expression (or expression
list) must be present, and the variable type is the type of the expression
value (in case of a list of variables, the variables assume the types of the
corresponding expression values).
If the variable type is omitted, and the corresponding initialization expression
is a constant expression of abstract int or floating point type, the type
of the variable is "int" or "float" respectively:
var i = 0 // i has int type
var f = 3.1415 // f has float type
The syntax
SimpleVarDecl = identifier ":=" Expression .
is shorthand for
var identifier = Expression.
i := 0
f := func() int { return 7; }
ch := new(chan int);
Also, in some contexts such as "if", "for", or "switch" statements,
this construct can be used to declare local temporary variables.
Export declarations
Global identifiers may be exported, thus making the
exported identifier visible outside the package. Another package may
then import the identifier to use it.
Export declarations must only appear at the global level of a
source file and can name only globally-visible identifiers.
That is, one can export global functions, types, and so on but not
local variables or structure fields.
Exporting an identifier makes the identifier visible externally to the
package. If the identifier represents a type, the type structure is
exported as well. The exported identifiers may appear later in the
source than the export directive itself, but it is an error to specify
an identifier not declared anywhere in the source file containing the
export directive.
ExportDecl = "export" ExportIdentifier { "," ExportIdentifier } .
ExportIdentifier = QualifiedIdent .
export sin, cos
export math.abs
TODO: complete this section
TODO: export as a mechanism for public and private struct fields?
A type specifies the set of values that variables of that type may
assume, and the operators that are applicable.
There are basic types and composite types. Basic types are predeclared.
Composite types are arrays, maps, channels, structures, functions, pointers,
and interfaces. They are constructed from other (basic or composite) types.
The 'static type' (or simply 'type') of a variable is the type defined by
the variable's declaration. The 'dynamic type' of a variable is the actual
type of the value stored in a variable at runtime. Except for variables of
interface type, the static and dynamic type of variables is always the same.
Variables of interface type may hold values of different types during
execution. However, the dynamic type of the variable is always compatible
with the static type of the variable.
Type =
TypeName | ArrayType | ChannelType | InterfaceType |
FunctionType | MapType | StructType | PointerType .
TypeName = QualifiedIdent.
Basic types
Go defines a number of basic types, referred to by their predeclared
type names. These include traditional arithmetic types, booleans,
and strings.
Arithmetic types
uint8 the set of all unsigned 8-bit integers
uint16 the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers
uint32 the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers
uint64 the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers
int8 the set of all signed 8-bit integers, in 2's complement
int16 the set of all signed 16-bit integers, in 2's complement
int32 the set of all signed 32-bit integers, in 2's complement
int64 the set of all signed 64-bit integers, in 2's complement
float32 the set of all valid IEEE-754 32-bit floating point numbers
float64 the set of all valid IEEE-754 64-bit floating point numbers
float80 the set of all valid IEEE-754 80-bit floating point numbers
Additionally, Go declares several platform-specific type aliases; the
bit width of these types is ``natural'' for the respective types for the
given platform. For instance, int is usually the same as int32 on a
32-bit architecture, or int64 on a 64-bit architecture.
The integer sizes are defined such that short is at least 16 bits, int
is at least 32 bits, and long is at least 64 bits (and ditto for the
unsigned equivalents). Also, the sizes are such that short <= int <=
long. Similarly, float is at least 32 bits, double is at least 64
bits, and the sizes have float <= double.
byte alias for uint8
ushort uint16 <= ushort <= uint
uint uint32 <= uint <= ulong
ulong uint64 <= ulong
short int16 <= short <= int
int int32 <= int <= long
long int64 <= long
float float32 <= float <= double
double float64 <= double
An arithmetic type ``ptrint'' is also defined. It is an unsigned
integer type that is the smallest natural integer type of the machine
large enough to store the uninterpreted bits of a pointer value.
Generally, programmers should use these types rather than the explicitly
sized types to maximize portability.
The type "bool" comprises the truth values true and false, which are
available through the two predeclared constants, "true" and "false".
The string type represents the set of string values (strings).
Strings behave like arrays of bytes, with the following properties:
- They are immutable: after creation, it is not possible to change the
contents of a string.
- No internal pointers: it is illegal to create a pointer to an inner
element of a string.
- They can be indexed: given string "s1", "s1[i]" is a byte value.
- They can be concatenated: given strings "s1" and "s2", "s1 + s2" is a value
combining the elements of "s1" and "s2" in sequence.
- Known length: the length of a string "s1" can be obtained by calling
"len(s1)". The length of a string is the number
of bytes within. Unlike in C, there is no terminal NUL byte.
- Creation 1: a string can be created from an integer value by a conversion;
the result is a string containing the UTF-8 encoding of that code point.
"string('x')" yields "x"; "string(0x1234)" yields the equivalent of "\u1234"
- Creation 2: a string can by created from an array of integer values (maybe
just array of bytes) by a conversion:
a [3]byte; a[0] = 'a'; a[1] = 'b'; a[2] = 'c'; string(a) == "abc";
Array types
An array is a composite type consisting of a number of elements all of the same
type, called the element type. The number of elements of an array is called its
length; it is always positive (including zero). The elements of an array are
designated by indices which are integers between 0 and the length - 1.
An array type specifies the array element type and an optional array
length which must be a compile-time constant expression of a (signed or
unsigned) int type. If present, the array length and its value is part of
the array type.
If the length is present in the declaration, the array is called
``fixed array''; if the length is absent, the array is called ``open array''.
ArrayType = "[" [ ArrayLength ] "]" ElementType .
ArrayLength = Expression .
ElementType = Type .
Type equality: Two array types are equal only if both have the same element
type and if both are either fixed arrays with the same array length, or both
are open arrays.
The length of an array "a" can be discovered using the built-in function
If "a" is a fixed array, the length is known at compile-time and "len(a)" can
be evaluated to a compile-time constant. If "a" is an open array, then "len(a)"
will only be known at run-time.
The amount of space actually allocated to hold the array data may be larger
then the current array length; this maximum array length is called the array
capacity. The capacity of an array "a" can be discovered using the built-in
and the following relationship between "len()" and "cap()" holds:
0 <= len(a) <= cap(a)
Allocation: An open array may only be used as a function parameter type, or
as element type of a pointer type. There are no other variables
(besides parameters), struct or map fields of open array type; they must be
pointers to open arrays. For instance, an open array may have a fixed array
element type, but a fixed array must not have an open array element type
(though it may have a pointer to an open array). Thus, for now, there are
only ``one-dimensional'' open arrays.
The following are legal array types:
[32] byte
[2*N] struct { x, y int32 }
[1000]*[] float64
[] int
[][1024] byte
Variables of fixed arrays may be declared statically:
var a [32] byte
var m [1000]*[] float64
Static and dynamic arrays may be allocated dynamically via the built-in function
"new()" which takes an array type and zero or one array lengths as parameters,
depending on the number of open arrays in the type:
new([32] byte) // *[32] byte
new([]int, 100); // *[100] int
new([][1024] byte, 4); // *[4][1024] byte
Assignment compatibility: Fixed arrays are assignment compatible to variables
of the same type, or to open arrays with the same element type. Open arrays
may only be assigned to other open arrays with the same element type.
For the variables:
var fa, fb [32] int
var fc [64] int
var pa, pb *[] int
var pc *[][32] int
the following assignments are legal, and cause the respective array elements
to be copied:
fa = fb;
pa = pb;
*pa = *pb;
fa = *pc[7];
*pa = fa;
*pb = fc;
*pa = *pc[11];
The following assignments are illegal:
fa = *pa; // cannot assign open array to fixed array
*pc[7] = *pa; // cannot assign open array to fixed array
fa = fc; // different fixed array types
*pa = *pc; // different element types of open arrays
Array indexing: Given a (pointer to an) array variable "a", an array element
is specified with an array index operation:
This selects the array element at index "i". "i" must be within array bounds,
that is "0 <= i < len(a)".
Array slicing: Given a (pointer to an) array variable "a", a sub-array is
specified with an array slice operation:
a[i : j]
This selects the sub-array consisting of the elements "a[i]" through "a[j - 1]"
(exclusive "a[j]"). "i" must be within array bounds, and "j" must satisfy
"i <= j <= cap(a)". The length of the new slice is "j - i". The capacity of
the slice is "cap(a) - i"; thus if "i" is 0, the array capacity does not change
as a result of a slice operation. An array slice is always an open array.
Note that a slice operation does not ``crop'' the underlying array, it only
provides a new ``view'' to an array. If the capacity of an array is larger
then its length, slicing can be used to ``grow'' an array:
// allocate an open array of bytes with length i and capacity 100
i := 10;
a := new([] byte, 100) [0 : i];
// grow the array by n bytes, with i + n <= 100
a = a[0 : i + n];
TODO: Expand on details of slicing and assignment, especially between pointers
to arrays and arrays.
Struct types
A struct is a composite type consisting of a fixed number of elements,
called fields, with possibly different types. The struct type declaration
specifies the name and type for each field. The scope of each field identifier
extends from the point of the declaration to the end of the struct type, but
it is also visible within field selectors (§Primary Expressions).
StructType = "struct" "{" [ FieldDeclList [ ";" ] ] "}" .
FieldDeclList = FieldDecl { ";" FieldDecl } .
FieldDecl = IdentifierList FieldType .
FieldType = Type .
Type equality: Two struct types are equal only if both have the same number
of fields in the same order and and the field types are equal
(note that the field names do not have to match).
// An empty struct.
struct {}
// A struct with 5 fields.
struct {
x, y int;
u float;
a *[]int;
f *();
Assignment compatibility: Structs are assignment compatible to variables of
equal type only.
Pointer types
A pointer type denotes the set of all pointers to variables of a given
type, called the ``base type'' of the pointer, and the value "nil".
PointerType = "*" BaseType .
BaseType = Type .
*map[string] *chan
For pointer types (only), the pointer base type may be an
identifier referring to an incomplete (not yet fully defined) or undeclared
type. This allows the construction of recursive and mutually recursive types
such as:
type S struct { s *S }
type S1 struct { s2 *S2 }
type S2 struct { s1 *S1 }
If the base type is an undeclared identifier, the declaration implicitly
forward-declares an (incomplete) type with the respective name. Any such
forward-declared type must be completely declared in the same or an outer
Type equality: Two pointer types are equal only if both have equal
base types.
Assignment compatibility: A pointer is assignment compatible to a variable
of pointer type, only if both types are equal.
Pointer arithmetic of any kind is not permitted.
Map types
A map is a composite type consisting of a variable number of entries
called (key, value) pairs. For a given map, the keys and values must
each be of a specific type called the key and value type, respectively.
Upon creation, a map is empty and values may be added and removed
during execution. The number of entries in a map is called its length.
MapType = "map" "[" KeyType "]" ValueType .
KeyType = Type .
ValueType = Type .
map [string] int
map [struct { pid int; name string }] *chan Buffer
map [string] any
The length of a map "m" can be discovered using the built-in function
Allocation: A map may only be used as a base type of a pointer type.
There are no variables, parameters, array, struct, or map fields of
map type, only of pointers to maps.
Type equivalence: Two map types are equal only if both have equal
key and value types.
Assignment compatibility: A pointer to a map type is assignment
compatible to a variable of pointer to map type only if both types
are equal.
Channel types
A channel provides a mechanism for two concurrently executing functions
to synchronize execution and exchange values of a specified type.
Upon creation, a channel can be used both to send and to receive.
By conversion or assignment, a 'full' channel may be constrained only to send or
to receive. Such a restricted channel is called a 'send channel' or a 'receive channel'.
ChannelType = FullChannel | SendChannel | RecvChannel .
FullChannel = "chan" ValueType .
SendChannel = "chan" "<-" ValueType .
RecvChannel = "<-" "chan" ValueType .
chan T // a channel that can exchange values of type T
chan <- float // a channel that can only be used to send floats
<-chan int // a channel that can receive only ints
Channel variables always have type pointer to channel.
It is an error to attempt to use a channel value and in
particular to dereference a channel pointer.
var ch *chan int;
ch = new(chan int); // new returns type *chan int
Function types
A function type denotes the set of all functions with the same parameter
list and result.
FunctionType = "(" [ ParameterList ] ")" [ Result ] .
ParameterList = ParameterSection { "," ParameterSection } .
ParameterSection = IdentifierList Type .
Result = Type | "(" ParameterList ")" .
Functions can return multiple values simultaneously.
// Function types
() int
(s string)
(a, b int, z float) bool
(a, b int, z float) (success bool)
(a, b int, z float) (success bool, result float)
A variable can hold only a pointer to a function, not a function value.
In particular, v := func() {} creates a variable of type *(). To call the
function referenced by v, one writes v(). It is illegal to dereference a
function pointer.
TODO: For consistency, we should require the use of & to get the pointer to
a function: &func() {}.
Interface types
An interface type denotes a set of methods.
InterfaceType = "interface" "{" [ MethodList [ ";" ] ] "}" .
MethodList = Method { ";" Method } .
Method = identifier FunctionType .
// A basic file interface.
type File interface {
Read(b Buffer) bool;
Write(b Buffer) bool;
Any type whose interface has, possibly as a subset, the complete
set of methods of an interface I is said to implement interface I.
For instance, if two types S1 and S2 have the methods
func (p T) Read(b Buffer) bool { return ... }
func (p T) Write(b Buffer) bool { return ... }
func (p T) Close() { ... }
(where T stands for either S1 or S2) then the File interface is
implemented by both S1 and S2, regardless of what other methods
S1 and S2 may have or share.
All types implement the empty interface:
interface {}
In general, a type implements an arbitrary number of interfaces.
For instance, if we have
type Lock interface {
and S1 and S2 also implement
func (p T) lock() { ... }
func (p T) unlock() { ... }
they implement the Lock interface as well as the File interface.
An expression specifies the computation of a value via the application of
operators and function invocations on operands. An expression has a value and
a type.
The type of a constant expression may be an ideal number. The type of such expressions
is implicitly converted into the 'expected type' required for the expression.
The conversion is legal if the (ideal) expression value is a member of the
set represented by the expected type. Otherwise the expression is erroneous.
For instance, if the expected type is int32, any ideal number
which fits into an int32 without loss of precision can be legally converted.
Along the same lines, a negative ideal integer cannot be converted into a uint
without loss of the sign; such a conversion is illegal.
TODO(gri) This may be overly constraining. What about "len(a) + c" where
c is an ideal number? Is len(a) of type int, or of an ideal number? Probably
should be ideal number, because for fixed arrays, it is a constant.
Operands denote the elementary values in an expression.
Operand = Literal | QualifiedIdent | "(" Expression ")" .
Literal = BasicLit | CompositeLit | FunctionLit .
BasicLit = int_lit | float_lit | char_lit | string_lit .
Qualified identifiers
TODO(gri) write this section
Within a declaration, the predeclared operand "iota"
represents successive elements of an integer sequence.
It is reset to zero whenever the reserved word "const"
introduces a new declaration and increments as each identifier
is declared. For instance, "iota" can be used to construct
a set of related constants:
const (
enum0 = iota; // sets enum0 to 0, etc.
enum1 = iota;
enum2 = iota
const (
a = 1 << iota; // sets a to 1 (iota has been reset)
b = 1 << iota; // sets b to 2
c = 1 << iota; // sets c to 4
const x = iota; // sets x to 0
const y = iota; // sets y to 0
Since the expression in constant declarations repeats implicitly
if omitted, the first two examples above can be abbreviated:
const (
enum0 = iota; // sets enum0 to 0, etc.
const (
a = 1 << iota; // sets a to 1 (iota has been reset)
b; // sets b to 2
c; // sets c to 4
Composite Literals
Literals for composite data structures consist of the type of the value
followed by a braced expression list for array and structure literals,
or a list of expression pairs for map literals.
CompositeLit = LiteralType "{" [ ( ExpressionList | ExprPairList ) [ "," ] ] "}" .
LiteralType = TypeName | ArrayType | MapType | StructType .
ExprPairList = ExprPair { "," ExprPair } .
ExprPair = Expression ":" Expression .
If LiteralType is a TypeName, the denoted type must be an array, map, or
structure. The types of the expressions must match the respective key, element,
and field types of the literal type; there is no automatic type conversion.
type Rat struct { num, den int };
type Num struct { r Rat; f float; s string };
we can write
pi := Num{Rat{22, 7}, 3.14159, "pi"};
For array literals, if the length is present the constructed array has that many
elements; trailing elements are given the approprate zero value for that type.
If it is absent, the length of the array is the number of elements. It is an error
if the specified length is less than the number of elements in the expression list.
In either case, the length is known at compile type and thus the type of an
array literal is always a fixed array type.
primes := [6]int{2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11};
weekdays := []string{"mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"};
Map literals are similar except the elements of the expression list are
key-value pairs separated by a colon:
m := map[string]int{"good": 0, "bad": 1, "indifferent": 7};
TODO: Consider adding helper syntax for nested composites
(avoids repeating types but complicates the spec needlessly.)
Function Literals
Function literals represent anonymous functions.
FunctionLit = "func" FunctionType Block .
Block = "{" [ StatementList [ ";" ] ] "}" .
The type of a function literal is a pointer to the function type.
func (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z); }
A function literal can be assigned to a variable of the
corresponding function pointer type, or invoked directly.
f := func(x, y int) int { return x + y; }
func(ch *chan int) { ch <- ACK; } (reply_chan)
Implementation restriction: A function literal can reference only
its parameters, global variables, and variables declared within the
function literal.
TODO: Should a function literal return a value of the function type
instead of the pointer to the function? Seems more consistent with
the other uses and composite literals.
Primary expressions
PrimaryExpr = Operand { Selector | Index | Slice | TypeGuard | Call } .
Selector = "." identifier .
Index = "[" Expression "]" .
Slice = "[" Expression ":" Expression "]" .
TypeGuard = "." "(" QualifiedIdent ")" .
Call = "(" [ ExpressionList ] ")" .
(s + ".txt")
f(3.1415, true)
Point(1, 2)
new([]int, 100)
s[i : j + 1]
Given a pointer p to a struct, one writes
to access field f of the struct.
Given an array or map pointer, one writes
to access an element.
Strings and arrays can be ``sliced'' to construct substrings or subarrays.
The index expressions in the slice select which elements appear in the
result. The result has indexes starting at 0 and length equal to the difference
in the index values in the slice. After
a := []int(1,2,3,4)
slice := a[1:3]
The array ``slice'' has length two and elements
slice[0] == 2
slice[1] == 3
The index values in the slice must be in bounds for the original
array (or string) and the slice length must be non-negative.
Slices are new arrays (or strings) storing copies of the elements, so
changes to the elements of the slice do not affect the original.
In the example, a subsequent assignment to element 0,
slice[0] = 5
would have no effect on ``a''.
Type guards
TODO: write this section
Given a function pointer, one writes
to call the function.
A method is called using the notation
where receiver is a value of the receive type of the method.
For instance, given a *Point variable pt, one may call
The type of a method is the type of a function with the receiver as first
argument. For instance, the method "Scale" has type
(p *Point, factor float)
However, a function declared this way is not a method.
There is no distinct method type and there are no method literals.
Operators combine operands into expressions.
Expression = UnaryExpr { binary_op Expression } .
UnaryExpr = unary_op UnaryExpr | PrimaryExpr .
binary_op = log_op | com_op | rel_op | add_op | mul_op .
log_op = "||" | "&&" .
com_op = "<-" .
rel_op = "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" .
add_op = "+" | "-" | "|" | "^" .
mul_op = "*" | "/" | "%" | "<<" | ">>" | "&" .
unary_op = "+" | "-" | "!" | "^" | "*" | "&" | "<-" .
TODO: If we allow non-blocking sends only in the form "ok = ch <- x", it doesn't
make sense to give binary "<-" precedence 3. It should be at the lowest level. TBD.
The operand types in binary operations must be equal, with the following exceptions:
- The right operand in a shift operation must be
an unsigned int (§Arithmetic operators).
- Otherwise, ideal number operands are
converted to match the type of the other operand (§Expression).
- If both operands are ideal numbers, the conversion is to ideal floats
if one of the operands is an ideal float (relevant for "/" and "%").
Unary operators have the highest precedence.
There are six precedence levels for binary operators:
multiplication operators bind strongest, followed by addition
operators, comparison operators, communication operators,
"&&" (logical and), and finally "||" (logical or) with the
lowest precedence:
Precedence Operator
6 * / % << >> &
5 + - | ^
4 == != < <= > >=
3 <-
2 &&
1 ||
Operators of the same precedence associate from left to right.
For instance, "x / y / z" stands for "(x / y) / z".
23 + 3*x[i]
x <= f()
^a >> b
f() || g()
x == y + 1 && <-chan_ptr > 0
Arithmetic operators
Arithmetic operators apply to numeric types and yield a result of the same
type as the first operand. The four standard arithmetic operators ("+", "-",
"*", "/") apply to both integer and floating point types, while "+" also applies
to strings and arrays; all other arithmetic operators apply to integer types only.
+ sum integers, floats, strings, arrays
- difference integers, floats
* product integers, floats
/ quotient integers, floats
% remainder integers
& bitwise and integers
| bitwise or integers
^ bitwise xor integers
<< left shift integer << unsigned integer
>> right shift integer >> unsigned integer
Strings and arrays can be concatenated using the "+" operator
(or via the "+=" assignment):
s := "hi" + string(c)
a += []int{5, 6, 7}
String and array addition creates a new array or string by copying the
For integer values, "/" and "%" satisfy the following relationship:
(a / b) * b + a % b == a
(a / b) is "truncated towards zero".
x y x / y x % y
5 3 1 2
-5 3 -1 -2
5 -3 -1 2
-5 -3 1 -2
Note that if the dividend is positive and the divisor is a constant power of 2,
the division may be replaced by a left shift, and computing the remainder may
be replaced by a bitwise "and" operation:
x x / 4 x % 4 x >> 2 x & 3
11 2 3 2 3
-11 -2 -3 -3 1
The shift operators shift the left operand by the shift count specified by the
right operand. They implement arithmetic shifts if the left operand is a signed
integer, and logical shifts if it is an unsigned integer. The shift count must
be an unsigned integer. There is no upper limit on the shift count. It is
as if the left operand is shifted "n" times by 1 for a shift count of "n".
The unary operators "+", "-", and "^" are defined as follows:
+x is 0 + x
-x negation is 0 - x
^x bitwise complement is -1 ^ x
Comparison operators
Comparison operators yield a boolean result. All comparison operators apply
to strings and numeric types. The operators "==" and "!=" also apply to
boolean values and to pointer types (including the value "nil").
== equal
!= not equal
< less
<= less or equal
> greater
>= greater or equal
TODO: Can we/should we be able to compare interfaces?
Logical operators
Logical operators apply to boolean operands and yield a boolean result.
The right operand is evaluated conditionally.
&& conditional and p && q is "if p then q else false"
|| conditional or p || q is "if p then true else q"
! not !p is "not p"
Address operators
TODO: Need to talk about unary "*", clean up section below.
Given a function f, declared as
func f(a int) int;
taking the address of f with the expression
creates a pointer to the function that may be stored in a value of type pointer
to function:
var fp *(a int) int = &f;
The function pointer may be invoked with the usual syntax; no explicit
indirection is required:
Methods are a form of function, and the address of a method has the type
pointer to function. Consider the type T with method M:
type T struct {
a int;
func (tp *T) M(a int) int;
var t *T;
To construct the address of method M, we write
using the variable t (not the type T). The expression is a pointer to a
function, with type
*(t *T, a int) int
and may be invoked only as a function, not a method:
var f *(t *T, a int) int;
f = &t.M;
x := f(t, 7);
Note that one does not write t.f(7); taking the address of a method demotes
it to a function.
In general, given type T with method M and variable t of type *T,
the method invocation
is equivalent to the function call
(&t.M)(t, args)
If T is an interface type, the expression &t.M does not determine which
underlying type's M is called until the point of the call itself. Thus given
T1 and T2, both implementing interface I with interface M, the sequence
var t1 *T1;
var t2 *T2;
var i I = t1;
m := &i.M;
will invoke t2.M() even though m was constructed with an expression involving
Communication operators
The syntax presented above covers communication operations. This
section describes their form and function.
Here the term "channel" means "variable of type *chan".
A channel is created by allocating it:
ch := new(chan int)
An optional argument to new() specifies a buffer size for an
asynchronous channel; if absent or zero, the channel is synchronous:
sync_chan := new(chan int)
buffered_chan := new(chan int, 10)
The send operation uses the binary operator "<-", which operates on
a channel and a value (expression):
ch <- 3
In this form, the send operation is an (expression) statement that
blocks until the send can proceed, at which point the value is
transmitted on the channel.
If the send operation appears in an expression context, the value
of the expression is a boolean and the operation is non-blocking.
The value of the boolean reports true if the communication succeeded,
false if it did not. These two examples are equivalent:
ok := ch <- 3;
if ok { print("sent") } else { print("not sent") }
if ch <- 3 { print("sent") } else { print("not sent") }
In other words, if the program tests the value of a send operation,
the send is non-blocking and the value of the expression is the
success of the operation. If the program does not test the value,
the operation blocks until it succeeds.
TODO: Adjust the above depending on how we rule on the ok semantics.
The receive operation uses the prefix unary operator "<-".
The value of the expression is the value received:
The expression blocks until a value is available, which then can
be assigned to a variable or used like any other expression:
v1 := <-ch
v2 = <-ch
If the receive expression does not save the value, the value is
<-strobe // wait until clock pulse
If a receive expression is used in a tuple assignment of the form
x, ok = <-ch; // or: x, ok := <-ch
the receive operation becomes non-blocking, and the boolean variable
"ok" will be set to "true" if the receive operation succeeded, and set
to "false" otherwise.
Statements control execution.
Statement =
Declaration | LabelDecl |
SimpleStat | GoStat | ReturnStat | BreakStat | ContinueStat | GotoStat |
Block | IfStat | SwitchStat | SelectStat | ForStat | RangeStat |
SimpleStat =
ExpressionStat | IncDecStat | Assignment | SimpleVarDecl .
Semicolons are used to separate individual statements of a statement list.
They are optional immediately before or after a closing curly brace "}",
immediately after "++" or "--", and immediately before a reserved word.
StatementList = Statement { [ ";" ] Statement } .
TODO: This still seems to be more complicated then necessary.
Label declarations
TODO write this section
Expression statements
ExpressionStat = Expression .
IncDec statements
IncDecStat = Expression ( "++" | "--" ) .
Note that ++ and -- are not operators for expressions.
Assignment = SingleAssignment | TupleAssignment .
SingleAssignment = PrimaryExpr assign_op Expression .
TupleAssignment = PrimaryExprList assign_op ExpressionList .
PrimaryExprList = PrimaryExpr { "," PrimaryExpr } .
assign_op = [ add_op | mul_op ] "=" .
The left-hand side must be an l-value such as a variable, pointer indirection,
or an array index.
x = 1
*p = f()
a[i] = 23
k = <-ch
As in C, arithmetic binary operators can be combined with assignments:
j <<= 2
A tuple assignment assigns the individual elements of a multi-valued operation,
such as function evaluation or some channel and map operations, into individual
variables. For instance, a tuple assignment such as
v1, v2, v3 = e1, e2, e3
assigns the expressions e1, e2, e3 to temporaries and then assigns the temporaries
to the variables v1, v2, v3. Thus
a, b = b, a
exchanges the values of a and b. The tuple assignment
x, y = f()
calls the function f, which must return two values, and assigns them to x and y.
As a special case, retrieving a value from a map, when written as a two-element
tuple assignment, assign a value and a boolean. If the value is present in the map,
the value is assigned and the second, boolean variable is set to true. Otherwise,
the variable is unchanged, and the boolean value is set to false.
value, present = map_var[key]
To delete a value from a map, use a tuple assignment with the map on the left
and a false boolean expression as the second expression on the right, such
map_var[key] = value, false
In assignments, the type of the expression must match the type of the left-hand side.
If statements
If statements have the traditional form except that the
condition need not be parenthesized and the "then" statement
must be in brace brackets. The condition may be omitted, in which
case it is assumed to have the value "true".
IfStat = "if" [ [ Simplestat ] ";" ] [ Condition ] Block [ "else" Statement ] .
if x > 0 {
return true;
An "if" statement may include the declaration of a single temporary variable.
The scope of the declared variable extends to the end of the if statement, and
the variable is initialized once before the statement is entered.
if x := f(); x < y {
return x;
} else if x > z {
return z;
} else {
return y;
TODO: We should fix this and move to:
IfStat =
"if" [ [ Simplestat ] ";" ] [ Condition ] Block
{ "else" "if" Condition Block }
[ "else" Block ] .
Switch statements
Switches provide multi-way execution.
SwitchStat = "switch" [ [ Simplestat ] ";" ] [ Expression ] "{" { CaseClause } "}" .
CaseClause = Case [ StatementList [ ";" ] ] [ "fallthrough" [ ";" ] ] .
Case = ( "case" ExpressionList | "default" ) ":" .
There can be at most one default case in a switch statement.
The reserved word "fallthrough" indicates that the control should flow from
the end of this case clause to the first statement of the next clause.
The expressions do not need to be constants. They will
be evaluated top to bottom until the first successful non-default case is reached.
If none matches and there is a default case, the statements of the default
case are executed.
switch tag {
default: s3()
case 0, 1: s1()
case 2: s2()
A switch statement may include the declaration of a single temporary variable.
The scope of the declared variable extends to the end of the switch statement, and
the variable is initialized once before the switch is entered.
switch x := f(); true {
case x < 0: return -x
default: return x
Cases do not fall through unless explicitly marked with a "fallthrough" statement.
switch a {
case 1:
case 2:
If the expression is omitted, it is equivalent to "true".
switch {
case x < y: f1();
case x < z: f2();
case x == 4: f3();
For statements
For statements are a combination of the "for" and "while" loops of C.
ForStat = "for" [ Condition | ForClause ] Block .
ForClause = [ InitStat ] ";" [ Condition ] ";" [ PostStat ] .
InitStat = SimpleStat .
Condition = Expression .
PostStat = SimpleStat .
A SimpleStat is a simple statement such as an assignment, a SimpleVarDecl,
or an increment or decrement statement. Therefore one may declare a loop
variable in the init statement.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
print(i, "\n")
A for statement with just a condition executes until the condition becomes
false. Thus it is the same as C's while statement.
for a < b {
a *= 2
If the condition is absent, it is equivalent to "true".
for {
Range statements
Range statements are a special control structure for iterating over
the contents of arrays and maps.
RangeStat = "range" IdentifierList ":=" RangeExpression Block .
RangeExpression = Expression .
A range expression must evaluate to an array, map or string. The identifier list must contain
either one or two identifiers. If the range expression is a map, a single identifier is declared
to range over the keys of the map; two identifiers range over the keys and corresponding
values. For arrays and strings, the behavior is analogous for integer indices (the keys) and
array elements (the values).
a := []int(1, 2, 3);
m := [string]map int("fo",2, "foo",3, "fooo",4)
range i := a {
range i, v := a {
range k, v := m {
assert(len(k) == v);
TODO: is this right?
Go statements
A go statement starts the execution of a function as an independent
concurrent thread of control within the same address space. Unlike
with a function, the next line of the program does not wait for the
function to complete.
GoStat = "go" Call .
go Server()
go func(ch chan <- bool) { for { sleep(10); ch <- true; }} (c)
Select statements
A select statement chooses which of a set of possible communications
will proceed. It looks similar to a switch statement but with the
cases all referring to communication operations.
SelectStat = "select" "{" { CommClause } "}" .
CommClause = CommCase [ StatementList [ ";" ] ] .
CommCase = ( "default" | ( "case" ( SendCase | RecvCase) ) ) ":" .
SendCase = SendExpr .
RecvCase = RecvExpr .
SendExpr = Expression "<-" Expression .
RecvExpr = [ PrimaryExpr ( "=" | ":=" ) ] "<-" Expression .
The select statement evaluates all the channel (pointers) involved.
If any of the channels can proceed, the corresponding communication
and statements are evaluated. Otherwise, if there is a default case,
that executes; if not, the statement blocks until one of the
communications can complete. A channel pointer may be nil, which is
equivalent to that case not being present in the select statement.
If the channel sends or receives an interface type, its
communication can proceed only if the type of the communication
clause matches that of the dynamic value to be exchanged.
If multiple cases can proceed, a uniform fair choice is made regarding
which single communication will execute.
The receive case may declare a new variable (via a ":=" assignment). The
scope of such variables begins immediately after the variable identifier
and ends at the end of the respective "select" case (that is, before the
next "case", "default", or closing brace).
var c, c1, c2 *chan int;
var i1, i2 int;
select {
case i1 = <-c1:
print("received ", i1, " from c1\n");
case c2 <- i2:
print("sent ", i2, " to c2\n");
print("no communication\n");
for { // send random sequence of bits to c
select {
case c <- 0: // note: no statement, no fallthrough, no folding of cases
case c <- 1:
var ca *chan interface {};
var i int;
var f float;
select {
case i = <-ca:
print("received int ", i, " from ca\n");
case f = <-ca:
print("received float ", f, " from ca\n");
TODO: Make semantics more precise.
Return statements
A return statement terminates execution of the containing function
and optionally provides a result value or values to the caller.
ReturnStat = "return" [ ExpressionList ] .
There are two ways to return values from a function. The first is to
explicitly list the return value or values in the return statement:
func simple_f() int {
return 2;
A function may return multiple values.
The syntax of the return clause in that case is the same as
that of a parameter list; in particular, names must be provided for
the elements of the return value.
func complex_f1() (re float, im float) {
return -7.0, -4.0;
The second method to return values
is to use those names within the function as variables
to be assigned explicitly; the return statement will then provide no
func complex_f2() (re float, im float) {
re = 7.0;
im = 4.0;
Break statements
Within a for or switch statement, a break statement terminates execution of
the innermost for or switch statement.
BreakStat = "break" [ identifier ].
If there is an identifier, it must be the label name of an enclosing
for or switch
statement, and that is the one whose execution terminates.
L: for i < n {
switch i {
case 5: break L
Continue statements
Within a for loop a continue statement begins the next iteration of the
loop at the post statement.
ContinueStat = "continue" [ identifier ].
The optional identifier is analogous to that of a break statement.
Label declaration
A label declaration serves as the target of a goto, break or continue statement.
LabelDecl = identifier ":" .
Goto statements
A goto statement transfers control to the corresponding label statement.
GotoStat = "goto" identifier .
goto Error
Executing the goto statement must not cause any variables to come into
scope that were not already in scope at the point of the goto. For
instance, this example:
goto L; // BAD
v := 3;
is erroneous because the jump to label L skips the creation of v.
Function declarations
Functions contain declarations and statements. They may be
recursive. Functions may be anonymous and appear as
literals in expressions.
A function declaration declares an identifier of type function.
FunctionDecl = "func" identifier FunctionType ( ";" | Block ) .
func min(x int, y int) int {
if x < y {
return x;
return y;
A function declaration without a block serves as a forward declaration:
func MakeNode(left, right *Node) *Node;
Implementation restrictions: Functions can only be declared at the global level.
A function must be declared or forward-declared before it can be invoked.
A method declaration declares a function with a receiver.
MethodDecl = "func" Receiver identifier FunctionType ( ";" | Block ) .
Receiver = "(" identifier Type ")" .
A method is bound to the type of its receiver.
For instance, given type Point, the declarations
func (p *Point) Length() float {
return Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
func (p *Point) Scale(factor float) {
p.x = p.x * factor;
p.y = p.y * factor;
create methods for type *Point. Note that methods may appear anywhere
after the declaration of the receiver type and may be forward-declared.
Predeclared functions
TODO: (gri) suggests that we should consider assert() as a built-in function.
It is like panic, but takes a boolean guard as first argument. (rsc also thinks
this is a good idea).
Length and capacity
The predeclared function "len()" takes a value of type string,
array or map type, or of pointer to array or map type, and
returns the length of the string in bytes, or the number of array
of map elements, respectively.
The predeclared function "cap()" takes a value of array or pointer
to array type and returns the number of elements for which there
is space allocated in the array. For an array "a", at any time the
following relationship holds:
0 <= len(a) <= cap(a)
TODO(gri) Change this and the following sections to use a table indexed
by functions and parameter types instead of lots of prose.
TODO: gri believes this section is too complicated. Instead we should
replace this with: 1) proper conversions of basic types, 2) compound
literals, and 3) type assertions.
Conversions create new values of a specified type derived from the
elements of a list of expressions of a different type.
The most general conversion takes the form of a call to "convert",
with the result type and a list of expressions as arguments:
convert(int, PI * 1000.0);
convert([]int, 1, 2, 3, 4);
If the result type is a basic type, pointer type, or
interface type, there must be exactly one expression and there is a
specific set of permitted conversions, detailed later in the section.
These conversions are called ``simple conversions''.
TODO: if interfaces were explicitly pointers, this gets simpler.
convert(int, 3.14159);
convert(uint32, ^0);
convert(interface{}, new(S))
convert(*AStructType, interface_value)
For other result types - arrays, maps, structs - the expressions
form a list of values to be assigned to successive elements of the
resulting value. If the type is an array or map, the list may even be
empty. Unlike in a simple conversion, the types of the expressions
must be equivalent to the types of the elements of the result type;
the individual values are not converted. For instance, if result
type is []int, the expressions must be all of type int, not float or
uint. (For maps, the successive elements must be key-value pairs).
For arrays and struct types, if fewer elements are provided than
specified by the result type, the missing elements are
initialized to the respective ``zero'' value for that element type.
These conversions are called ``compound conversions''.
convert([]int) // empty array of ints
convert([]int, 1, 2, 3)
convert([5]int, 1, 2); // == convert([5]int, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)
convert(map[string]int, "1", 1, "2", 2)
convert(struct{ x int; y float }, 3, sqrt(2.0))
TODO: are interface/struct and 'any' conversions legal? they're not
equivalent, just compatible. convert([]any, 1, "hi", nil);
There is syntactic help to make conversion expressions simpler to write.
If the result type is of ConversionType (a type name, array type,
map type, struct type, or interface type, essentially anything
except a pointer), the conversion can be rewritten to look
syntactically like a call to a function whose name is the type:
int(PI * 1000.0);
struct{ x int, y float }{3, sqrt(2.0)}
[]int{1, 2, 3, 4};
map[string]int{"1", 1, "2", 2};
This notation is convenient for declaring and initializing
variables of composite type:
primes := []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13};
Simple conversions can also be written as a parenthesized type after
an expression and a period. Although intended for ease of conversion
within a method call chain, this form works in any expression context.
TODO: should it?
var s *AStructType = vec.index(2).(*AStructType);
fld := vec.index(2).(*AStructType).field;
a := foo[i].(string);
As said, for compound conversions the element types must be equivalent.
For simple conversions, the types can differ but only some combinations
are permitted:
1) Between integer types. If the value is a signed quantity, it is
sign extended to implicit infinite precision; otherwise it is zero
extended. It is then truncated to fit in the result type size.
For example, uint32(int8(0xFF)) is 0xFFFFFFFF. The conversion always
yields a valid value; there is no signal for overflow.
2) Between integer and floating point types, or between floating point
types. To avoid overdefining the properties of the conversion, for
now we define it as a ``best effort'' conversion. The conversion
always succeeds but the value may be a NaN or other problematic
result. TODO: clarify?
3) Conversions between interfaces and compatible interfaces and struct
pointers. Invalid conversions (that is, conversions between
incompatible types) yield nil values. TODO: is nil right here? Or
should incompatible conversions fail immediately?
4) Conversions between ``any'' values and arbitrary types. Invalid
conversions yield nil values. TODO: is nil right here? Or should
incompatible conversions fail immediately?
5) Strings permit two special conversions.
5a) Converting an integer value yields a string containing the UTF-8
representation of the integer.
string(0x65e5) // "\u65e5"
5b) Converting an array of uint8s yields a string whose successive
bytes are those of the array. (Recall byte is a synonym for uint8.)
string([]byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}) // "hello"
Note that there is no linguistic mechanism to convert between pointers
and integers. A library may be provided under restricted circumstances
to acccess this conversion in low-level code but it will not be available
in general.
The built-in function "new()" takes a type "T", optionally followed by a
type-specific list of expressions. It allocates memory for a variable
of type "T" and returns a pointer of type "*T" to that variable. The
memory is initialized as described in the section on initial values.
new(type, [optional list of expressions])
For instance
type S struct { a int; b float }
dynamically allocates memory for a variable of type S, initializes it
(a=0, b=0.0), and returns a value of type *S pointing to that variable.
The only defined parameters affect sizes for allocating arrays,
buffered channels, and maps.
ap := new([]int, 10); # a pointer to an open array of 10 ints
c := new(chan int, 10); # a pointer to a channel with a buffer size of 10
m := new(map[string] int, 100); # a pointer to a map with initial space for 100 elements
A package is a package clause, optionally followed by import declarations,
followed by a series of declarations.
Package = PackageClause { ImportDecl [ ";" ] } { Declaration [ ";" ] } .
Every source file identifies the package to which it belongs.
The file must begin with a package clause.
PackageClause = "package" PackageName .
package Math
A package can gain access to exported items from another package
through an import declaration:
ImportDecl = "import" ( ImportSpec | "(" ImportSpecList [ ";" ] ")" ) .
ImportSpec = [ "." | PackageName ] PackageFileName .
ImportSpecList = ImportSpec { ";" ImportSpec } .
An import statement makes the exported contents of the named
package file accessible in this package.
In the following discussion, assume we have a package in the
file "/lib/math", called package Math, which exports functions sin
and cos.
In the general form, with an explicit package name, the import
statement declares that package name as an identifier whose
contents are the exported elements of the imported package.
For instance, after
import M "/lib/math"
the contents of the package /lib/math can be accessed by
M.cos, M.sin, etc.
In its simplest form, with no package name, the import statement
implicitly uses the imported package name itself as the local
package name. After
import "/lib/math"
the contents are accessible by Math.sin, Math.cos.
Finally, if instead of a package name the import statement uses
an explicit period, the contents of the imported package are added
to the current package. After
import . "/lib/math"
the contents are accessible by sin and cos. In this instance, it is
an error if the import introduces name conflicts.
Here is a complete example Go package that implements a concurrent prime sieve:
package main
// Send the sequence 2, 3, 4, ... to channel 'ch'.
func Generate(ch *chan <- int) {
for i := 2; ; i++ {
ch <- i // Send 'i' to channel 'ch'.
// Copy the values from channel 'in' to channel 'out',
// removing those divisible by 'prime'.
func Filter(in *chan <- int, out *<-chan int, prime int) {
for {
i := <-in; // Receive value of new variable 'i' from 'in'.
if i % prime != 0 {
out <- i // Send 'i' to channel 'out'.
// The prime sieve: Daisy-chain Filter processes together.
func Sieve() {
ch := new(chan int); // Create a new channel.
go Generate(ch); // Start Generate() as a subprocess.
for {
prime := <-ch;
print(prime, "\n");
ch1 := new(chan int);
go Filter(ch, ch1, prime);
ch = ch1
func main() {
Program initialization and execution
When memory is allocated to store a value, either through a declaration
or new(), and no explicit initialization is provided, the memory is
given a default initialization. Each element of such a value is
set to the ``zero'' for that type: "false" for booleans, "0" for integers,
"0.0" for floats, '''' for strings, and nil for pointers. This intialization
is done recursively, so for instance each element of an array of integers will
be set to 0 if no other value is specified.
These two simple declarations are equivalent:
var i int;
var i int = 0;
type T struct { i int; f float; next *T };
t := new(T);
the following holds:
t.i == 0
t.f == 0.0 == nil
A package with no imports is initialized by assigning initial values to
all its global variables in declaration order and then calling any init()
functions defined in its source. Since a package may contain more
than one source file, there may be more than one init() function, but
only one per source file.
If a package has imports, the imported packages are initialized
before initializing the package itself. If multiple packages import
a package P, P will be initialized only once.
The importing of packages, by construction, guarantees that there can
be no cyclic dependencies in initialization.
A complete program, possibly created by linking multiple packages,
must have one package called main, with a function
func main() { ... }
defined. The function main.main() takes no arguments and returns no
Program execution begins by initializing the main package and then
invoking main.main().
When main.main() returns, the program exits.
TODO: is there a way to override the default for package main or the
default for the function name main.main?
Guiding principles
Go is a new systems programming language intended as an alternative to C++ at
Google. Its main purpose is to provide a productive and efficient programming
environment for compiled programs such as servers and distributed systems.
The design is motivated by the following guidelines:
- very fast compilation (1MLOC/s stretch goal); instantaneous incremental compilation
- procedural
- strongly typed
- concise syntax avoiding repetition
- few, orthogonal, and general concepts
- support for threading and interprocess communication
- garbage collection
- container library written in Go
- reasonably efficient (C ballpark)
The language should be strong enough that the compiler and run time can be
written in itself.
Program structure
A Go program consists of a number of ``packages''.
A package is built from one or more source files, each of which consists
of a package specifier followed by import declarations followed by other
declarations. There are no statements at the top level of a file.
By convention, one package, by default called main, is the starting point for
execution. It contains a function, also called main, that is the first function
invoked by the run time system.
If a source file within the program
contains a function init(), that function will be executed
before main.main() is called.
Source files can be compiled separately (without the source
code of packages they depend on), but not independently (the compiler does
check dependencies by consulting the symbol information in compiled packages).
Modularity, identifiers and scopes
A package is a collection of import, constant, type, variable, and function
declarations. Each declaration associates an ``identifier'' with a program
entity (such as a type).
In particular, all identifiers in a package are either
declared explicitly within the package, arise from an import statement,
or belong to a small set of predefined identifiers (such as "int32").
A package may make explicitly declared identifiers visible to other
packages by marking them as exported; there is no ``header file''.
Imported identifiers cannot be re-exported.
Scoping is essentially the same as in C: The scope of an identifier declared
within a ``block'' extends from the declaration of the identifier (that is, the
position immediately after the identifier) to the end of the block. An identifier
shadows identifiers with the same name declared in outer scopes. Within a
block, a particular identifier must be declared at most once.
Typing, polymorphism, and object-orientation
Go programs are strongly typed. Certain values can also be
polymorphic. The language provides mechanisms to make use of such
polymorphic values type-safe.
Interface types provide the mechanisms to support object-oriented
programming. Different interface types are independent of each
other and no explicit hierarchy is required (such as single or
multiple inheritance explicitly specified through respective type
declarations). Interface types only define a set of methods that a
corresponding implementation must provide. Thus interface and
implementation are strictly separated.
An interface is implemented by associating methods with types.
If a type defines all methods of an interface, it
implements that interface and thus can be used where that interface is
required. Unless used through a variable of interface type, methods
can always be statically bound (they are not ``virtual''), and incur no
runtime overhead compared to an ordinary function.
Interface types, building on structures with methods, provide
the mechanisms to support object-oriented programming.
Different interface types are independent of each
other and no explicit hierarchy is required (such as single or
multiple inheritance explicitly specified through respective type
declarations). Interface types only define a set of methods that a
corresponding implementation must provide. Thus interface and
implementation are strictly separated.
An interface is implemented by associating methods with
structures. If a structure implements all methods of an interface, it
implements that interface and thus can be used where that interface is
required. Unless used through a variable of interface type, methods
can always be statically bound (they are not ``virtual''), and incur no
runtime overhead compared to an ordinary function.
Go has no explicit notion of classes, sub-classes, or inheritance.
These concepts are trivially modeled in Go through the use of
functions, structures, associated methods, and interfaces.
Go has no explicit notion of type parameters or templates. Instead,
containers (such as stacks, lists, etc.) are implemented through the
use of abstract operations on interface types or polymorphic values.
Pointers and garbage collection
Variables may be allocated automatically (when entering the scope of
the variable) or explicitly on the heap. Pointers are used to refer
to heap-allocated variables. Pointers may also be used to point to
any other variable; such a pointer is obtained by "taking the
address" of that variable. Variables are automatically reclaimed when
they are no longer accessible. There is no pointer arithmetic in Go.
Multithreading and channels
Go supports multithreaded programming directly. A function may
be invoked as a parallel thread of execution. Communication and
synchronization are provided through channels and their associated
language support.
Values and references
All objects have value semantics, but their contents may be accessed
through different pointers referring to the same object.
For example, when calling a function with an array, the array is
passed by value, possibly by making a copy. To pass a reference,
one must explicitly pass a pointer to the array. For arrays in
particular, this is different from C.
There is also a built-in string type, which represents immutable
strings of bytes.
The syntax of statements and expressions in Go borrows from the C tradition;
declarations are loosely derived from the Pascal tradition to allow more
comprehensible composability of types.
Interface of a type
The interface of a type is defined to be the unordered set of methods
associated with that type. Methods are defined in a later section;
they are functions bound to a type.
It is legal to assign a pointer to a struct to a variable of
compatible interface type. It is legal to assign an interface
variable to any struct pointer variable but if the struct type is
incompatible the result will be nil.
The polymorphic "any" type
Given a variable of type "any", one can store any value into it by
plain assignment or implicitly, such as through a function parameter
or channel operation. Given an "any" variable v storing an underlying
value of type T, one may:
- copy v's value to another variable of type "any"
- extract the stored value by an explicit conversion operation T(v)
- copy v's value to a variable of type T
Attempts to convert/extract to an incompatible type will yield nil.
No other operations are defined (yet).
Note that type
interface {}
is a special case that can match any struct type, while type
can match any type at all, including basic types, arrays, etc.
TODO: details about reflection
Equivalence of types
TODO: We may need to rethink this because of the new ways interfaces work.
Types are structurally equivalent: Two types are equivalent (``equal'') if they
are constructed the same way from equivalent types.
For instance, all variables declared as "*int" have equivalent type,
as do all variables declared as "map [string] *chan int".
More precisely, two struct types are equivalent if they have exactly the same fields
in the same order, with equal field names and types. For all other composite types,
the types of the components must be equivalent. Additionally, for equivalent arrays,
the lengths must be equal (or absent), and for channel types the mode must be equal
(">", "<", or none). The names of receivers, parameters, or result values of functions
are ignored for the purpose of type equivalence.
For instance, the struct type
struct {
a int;
b int;
f *(m *[32] float, x int, y int) bool
is equivalent to
struct {
a, b int;
f *F
where "F" is declared as "func (a *[30 + 2] float, b, c int) (ok bool)".
Finally, two interface types are equivalent if they both declare the same set of
methods: For each method in the first interface type there is a method in the
second interface type with the same method name and equivalent function type,
and vice versa. Note that the declaration order of the methods is not relevant.
The nil value
The predeclared constant
represents the ``zero'' value for a pointer type or interface type.
The only operations allowed for nil are to assign it to a pointer or
interface variable and to compare it for equality or inequality with a
pointer or interface value.
var p *int;
if p != nil {
} else {
print("p points nowhere")
By default, pointers are initialized to nil.
TODO: This needs to be revisited.
TODO: how does this definition jibe with using nil to specify
conversion failure if the result is not of pointer type, such
as an any variable holding an int?
TODO: if interfaces were explicitly pointers, this gets simpler.
Expression syntax is based on that of C but with fewer precedence levels.
Expression = BinaryExpr | UnaryExpr | PrimaryExpr .
BinaryExpr = Expression binary_op Expression .
UnaryExpr = unary_op Expression .
PrimaryExpr =
identifier | Literal | "(" Expression ")" | "iota" |
Call | Conversion | Allocation | Index |
Expression "." identifier | Expression "." "(" Type ")" .
Call = Expression "(" [ ExpressionList ] ")" .
Conversion =
"convert" "(" Type [ "," ExpressionList ] ")" | ConversionType "(" [ ExpressionList ] ")" .
ConversionType = TypeName | ArrayType | MapType | StructType | InterfaceType .
Allocation = "new" "(" Type [ "," ExpressionList ] ")" .
Index = SimpleIndex | Slice .
SimpleIndex = Expression "[" Expression"]" .
Slice = Expression "[" Expression ":" Expression "]" .
- TODO: type switch?
- TODO: words about slices
- TODO: really lock down semicolons
- TODO: need to talk (perhaps elsewhere) about libraries, sys.exit(), etc.