blob: be46b59f11453aa552c2707c4b8c4c79ffa4b6a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package types
import (
exact "go/constants" // Renamed to reduce diffs from x/tools. TODO: remove
pathLib "path"
// A declInfo describes a package-level const, type, var, or func declaration.
type declInfo struct {
file *Scope // scope of file containing this declaration
lhs []*Var // lhs of n:1 variable declarations, or nil
typ ast.Expr // type, or nil
init ast.Expr // init expression, or nil
fdecl *ast.FuncDecl // func declaration, or nil
deps map[Object]bool // type and init dependencies; lazily allocated
mark int // for dependency analysis
// hasInitializer reports whether the declared object has an initialization
// expression or function body.
func (d *declInfo) hasInitializer() bool {
return d.init != nil || d.fdecl != nil && d.fdecl.Body != nil
// addDep adds obj as a dependency to d.
func (d *declInfo) addDep(obj Object) {
m := d.deps
if m == nil {
m = make(map[Object]bool)
d.deps = m
m[obj] = true
// arityMatch checks that the lhs and rhs of a const or var decl
// have the appropriate number of names and init exprs. For const
// decls, init is the value spec providing the init exprs; for
// var decls, init is nil (the init exprs are in s in this case).
func (check *Checker) arityMatch(s, init *ast.ValueSpec) {
l := len(s.Names)
r := len(s.Values)
if init != nil {
r = len(init.Values)
switch {
case init == nil && r == 0:
// var decl w/o init expr
if s.Type == nil {
check.errorf(s.Pos(), "missing type or init expr")
case l < r:
if l < len(s.Values) {
// init exprs from s
n := s.Values[l]
check.errorf(n.Pos(), "extra init expr %s", n)
// TODO(gri) avoid declared but not used error here
} else {
// init exprs "inherited"
check.errorf(s.Pos(), "extra init expr at %s", init.Pos())
// TODO(gri) avoid declared but not used error here
case l > r && (init != nil || r != 1):
n := s.Names[r]
check.errorf(n.Pos(), "missing init expr for %s", n)
func validatedImportPath(path string) (string, error) {
s, err := strconv.Unquote(path)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if s == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("empty string")
const illegalChars = `!"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[\]^{|}` + "`\uFFFD"
for _, r := range s {
if !unicode.IsGraphic(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r) || strings.ContainsRune(illegalChars, r) {
return s, fmt.Errorf("invalid character %#U", r)
return s, nil
// declarePkgObj declares obj in the package scope, records its ident -> obj mapping,
// and updates check.objMap. The object must not be a function or method.
func (check *Checker) declarePkgObj(ident *ast.Ident, obj Object, d *declInfo) {
assert(ident.Name == obj.Name())
// spec: "A package-scope or file-scope identifier with name init
// may only be declared to be a function with this (func()) signature."
if ident.Name == "init" {
check.errorf(ident.Pos(), "cannot declare init - must be func")
check.declare(check.pkg.scope, ident, obj)
check.objMap[obj] = d
// filename returns a filename suitable for debugging output.
func (check *Checker) filename(fileNo int) string {
file := check.files[fileNo]
if pos := file.Pos(); pos.IsValid() {
return check.fset.File(pos).Name()
return fmt.Sprintf("file[%d]", fileNo)
// collectObjects collects all file and package objects and inserts them
// into their respective scopes. It also performs imports and associates
// methods with receiver base type names.
func (check *Checker) collectObjects() {
pkg := check.pkg
// pkgImports is the set of packages already imported by any package file seen
// so far. Used to avoid duplicate entries in pkg.imports. Allocate and populate
// it (pkg.imports may not be empty if we are checking test files incrementally).
var pkgImports = make(map[*Package]bool)
for _, imp := range pkg.imports {
pkgImports[imp] = true
for fileNo, file := range check.files {
// The package identifier denotes the current package,
// but there is no corresponding package object.
check.recordDef(file.Name, nil)
fileScope := NewScope(check.pkg.scope, check.filename(fileNo))
check.recordScope(file, fileScope)
for _, decl := range file.Decls {
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *ast.BadDecl:
// ignore
case *ast.GenDecl:
var last *ast.ValueSpec // last ValueSpec with type or init exprs seen
for iota, spec := range d.Specs {
switch s := spec.(type) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
// import package
var imp *Package
path, err := validatedImportPath(s.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
check.errorf(s.Path.Pos(), "invalid import path (%s)", err)
if path == "C" && check.conf.FakeImportC {
// TODO(gri) shouldn't create a new one each time
imp = NewPackage("C", "C")
imp.fake = true
} else if path == "unsafe" {
// package "unsafe" is known to the language
imp = Unsafe
} else {
if importer := check.conf.Importer; importer != nil {
imp, err = importer.Import(path)
if imp == nil && err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Config.Importer.Import(%s) returned nil but no error", path)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("Config.Importer not installed")
if err != nil {
check.errorf(s.Path.Pos(), "could not import %s (%s)", path, err)
// add package to list of explicit imports
// (this functionality is provided as a convenience
// for clients; it is not needed for type-checking)
if !pkgImports[imp] {
pkgImports[imp] = true
if imp != Unsafe {
pkg.imports = append(pkg.imports, imp)
// local name overrides imported package name
name :=
if s.Name != nil {
name = s.Name.Name
if name == "init" {
check.errorf(s.Name.Pos(), "cannot declare init - must be func")
obj := NewPkgName(s.Pos(), pkg, name, imp)
if s.Name != nil {
// in a dot-import, the dot represents the package
check.recordDef(s.Name, obj)
} else {
check.recordImplicit(s, obj)
// add import to file scope
if name == "." {
// merge imported scope with file scope
for _, obj := range imp.scope.elems {
// A package scope may contain non-exported objects,
// do not import them!
if obj.Exported() {
// TODO(gri) When we import a package, we create
// a new local package object. We should do the
// same for each dot-imported object. That way
// they can have correct position information.
// (We must not modify their existing position
// information because the same package - found
// via Config.Packages - may be dot-imported in
// another package!)
check.declare(fileScope, nil, obj)
check.recordImplicit(s, obj)
// add position to set of dot-import positions for this file
// (this is only needed for "imported but not used" errors)
check.addUnusedDotImport(fileScope, imp, s.Pos())
} else {
// declare imported package object in file scope
check.declare(fileScope, nil, obj)
case *ast.ValueSpec:
switch d.Tok {
case token.CONST:
// determine which initialization expressions to use
switch {
case s.Type != nil || len(s.Values) > 0:
last = s
case last == nil:
last = new(ast.ValueSpec) // make sure last exists
// declare all constants
for i, name := range s.Names {
obj := NewConst(name.Pos(), pkg, name.Name, nil, exact.MakeInt64(int64(iota)))
var init ast.Expr
if i < len(last.Values) {
init = last.Values[i]
d := &declInfo{file: fileScope, typ: last.Type, init: init}
check.declarePkgObj(name, obj, d)
check.arityMatch(s, last)
case token.VAR:
lhs := make([]*Var, len(s.Names))
// If there's exactly one rhs initializer, use
// the same declInfo d1 for all lhs variables
// so that each lhs variable depends on the same
// rhs initializer (n:1 var declaration).
var d1 *declInfo
if len(s.Values) == 1 {
// The lhs elements are only set up after the for loop below,
// but that's ok because declareVar only collects the declInfo
// for a later phase.
d1 = &declInfo{file: fileScope, lhs: lhs, typ: s.Type, init: s.Values[0]}
// declare all variables
for i, name := range s.Names {
obj := NewVar(name.Pos(), pkg, name.Name, nil)
lhs[i] = obj
d := d1
if d == nil {
// individual assignments
var init ast.Expr
if i < len(s.Values) {
init = s.Values[i]
d = &declInfo{file: fileScope, typ: s.Type, init: init}
check.declarePkgObj(name, obj, d)
check.arityMatch(s, nil)
check.invalidAST(s.Pos(), "invalid token %s", d.Tok)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
obj := NewTypeName(s.Name.Pos(), pkg, s.Name.Name, nil)
check.declarePkgObj(s.Name, obj, &declInfo{file: fileScope, typ: s.Type})
check.invalidAST(s.Pos(), "unknown ast.Spec node %T", s)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
name := d.Name.Name
obj := NewFunc(d.Name.Pos(), pkg, name, nil)
if d.Recv == nil {
// regular function
if name == "init" {
// don't declare init functions in the package scope - they are invisible
obj.parent = pkg.scope
check.recordDef(d.Name, obj)
// init functions must have a body
if d.Body == nil {
check.softErrorf(obj.pos, "missing function body")
} else {
check.declare(pkg.scope, d.Name, obj)
} else {
// method
check.recordDef(d.Name, obj)
// Associate method with receiver base type name, if possible.
// Ignore methods that have an invalid receiver, or a blank _
// receiver name. They will be type-checked later, with regular
// functions.
if list := d.Recv.List; len(list) > 0 {
typ := list[0].Type
if ptr, _ := typ.(*ast.StarExpr); ptr != nil {
typ = ptr.X
if base, _ := typ.(*ast.Ident); base != nil && base.Name != "_" {
check.assocMethod(base.Name, obj)
info := &declInfo{file: fileScope, fdecl: d}
check.objMap[obj] = info
check.invalidAST(d.Pos(), "unknown ast.Decl node %T", d)
// verify that objects in package and file scopes have different names
for _, scope := range check.pkg.scope.children /* file scopes */ {
for _, obj := range scope.elems {
if alt := pkg.scope.Lookup(obj.Name()); alt != nil {
if pkg, ok := obj.(*PkgName); ok {
check.errorf(alt.Pos(), "%s already declared through import of %s", alt.Name(), pkg.Imported())
} else {
check.errorf(alt.Pos(), "%s already declared through dot-import of %s", alt.Name(), obj.Pkg())
// TODO(gri) dot-imported objects don't have a position; reportAltDecl won't print anything
// packageObjects typechecks all package objects in objList, but not function bodies.
func (check *Checker) packageObjects(objList []Object) {
// add new methods to already type-checked types (from a prior Checker.Files call)
for _, obj := range objList {
if obj, _ := obj.(*TypeName); obj != nil && obj.typ != nil {
// pre-allocate space for type declaration paths so that the underlying array is reused
typePath := make([]*TypeName, 0, 8)
for _, obj := range objList {
check.objDecl(obj, nil, typePath)
// At this point we may have a non-empty check.methods map; this means that not all
// entries were deleted at the end of typeDecl because the respective receiver base
// types were not found. In that case, an error was reported when declaring those
// methods. We can now safely discard this map.
check.methods = nil
// functionBodies typechecks all function bodies.
func (check *Checker) functionBodies() {
for _, f := range check.funcs {
check.funcBody(f.decl,, f.sig, f.body)
// unusedImports checks for unused imports.
func (check *Checker) unusedImports() {
// if function bodies are not checked, packages' uses are likely missing - don't check
if check.conf.IgnoreFuncBodies {
// spec: "It is illegal (...) to directly import a package without referring to
// any of its exported identifiers. To import a package solely for its side-effects
// (initialization), use the blank identifier as explicit package name."
// check use of regular imported packages
for _, scope := range check.pkg.scope.children /* file scopes */ {
for _, obj := range scope.elems {
if obj, ok := obj.(*PkgName); ok {
// Unused "blank imports" are automatically ignored
// since _ identifiers are not entered into scopes.
if !obj.used {
path := obj.imported.path
base := pathLib.Base(path)
if == base {
check.softErrorf(obj.pos, "%q imported but not used", path)
} else {
check.softErrorf(obj.pos, "%q imported but not used as %s", path,
// check use of dot-imported packages
for _, unusedDotImports := range check.unusedDotImports {
for pkg, pos := range unusedDotImports {
check.softErrorf(pos, "%q imported but not used", pkg.path)