blob: b794ea813d2761dccb200bd1f213dc2bbf5b9072 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package types_test
import (
. "go/types"
const filename = "<src>"
func makePkg(src string) (*Package, error) {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, parser.DeclarationErrors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// use the package name as package path
conf := Config{Importer: importer.Default()}
return conf.Check(file.Name.Name, fset, []*ast.File{file}, nil)
type testEntry struct {
src, str string
// dup returns a testEntry where both src and str are the same.
func dup(s string) testEntry {
return testEntry{s, s}
// types that don't depend on any other type declarations
var independentTestTypes = []testEntry{
// basic types
// arrays
// slices
// structs
dup("struct{x int}"),
{`struct {
x, y int
z float32 "foo"
}`, `struct{x int; y int; z float32 "foo"}`},
{`struct {
elems []complex128
}`, `struct{string; elems []complex128}`},
// pointers
dup("*struct{a int; b float32}"),
// functions
dup("func(x int)"),
{"func(x, y int)", "func(x int, y int)"},
{"func(x, y int, z string)", "func(x int, y int, z string)"},
{"func(int, string, byte)", "func(int, string, byte)"},
dup("func() int"),
{"func() (string)", "func() string"},
dup("func() (u int)"),
{"func() (u, v int, w string)", "func() (u int, v int, w string)"},
dup("func(int) string"),
dup("func(x int) string"),
dup("func(x int) (u string)"),
{"func(x, y int) (u string)", "func(x int, y int) (u string)"},
dup("func( string"),
dup("func(x string"),
dup("func(x (u string)"),
{"func(x, y (u string)", "func(x int, y (u string)"},
// interfaces
dup(`interface{String() string; m(int) float32}`),
// maps
{"map[struct{x, y int}][]byte", "map[struct{x int; y int}][]byte"},
// channels
dup("chan<- chan int"),
dup("chan<- <-chan int"),
dup("<-chan <-chan int"),
dup("chan (<-chan int)"),
dup("chan<- func()"),
dup("<-chan []func() int"),
// types that depend on other type declarations (src in TestTypes)
var dependentTestTypes = []testEntry{
// interfaces
dup(`interface{io.Reader; io.Writer}`),
dup(`interface{m() int; io.Writer}`),
{`interface{m() interface{T}}`, `interface{m() interface{p.T}}`},
func TestTypeString(t *testing.T) {
var tests []testEntry
tests = append(tests, independentTestTypes...)
tests = append(tests, dependentTestTypes...)
for _, test := range tests {
src := `package p; import "io"; type _ io.Writer; type T ` + test.src
pkg, err := makePkg(src)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: %s", src, err)
typ := pkg.Scope().Lookup("T").Type().Underlying()
if got := typ.String(); got != test.str {
t.Errorf("%s: got %s, want %s", test.src, got, test.str)
func TestQualifiedTypeString(t *testing.T) {
p, _ := pkgFor("p.go", "package p; type T int", nil)
q, _ := pkgFor("q.go", "package q", nil)
pT := p.Scope().Lookup("T").Type()
for _, test := range []struct {
typ Type
this *Package
want string
{nil, nil, "<nil>"},
{pT, nil, "p.T"},
{pT, p, "T"},
{pT, q, "p.T"},
{NewPointer(pT), p, "*T"},
{NewPointer(pT), q, "*p.T"},
} {
qualifier := func(pkg *Package) string {
if pkg != test.this {
return pkg.Name()
return ""
if got := TypeString(test.typ, qualifier); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("TypeString(%s, %s) = %s, want %s",
test.this, test.typ, got, test.want)