blob: 789e59bfd0a710739fe583fad1a8216aee33a0b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import "cmd/internal/obj"
* machine size and rounding
* alignment is dictated around
* the size of a pointer, set in betypeinit
* (see ../6g/galign.c).
var defercalc int
func Rnd(o int64, r int64) int64 {
if r < 1 || r > 8 || r&(r-1) != 0 {
Fatal("rnd %d", r)
return (o + r - 1) &^ (r - 1)
func offmod(t *Type) {
o := int32(0)
for f := t.Type; f != nil; f = f.Down {
if f.Etype != TFIELD {
Fatal("offmod: not TFIELD: %v", Tconv(f, obj.FmtLong))
f.Width = int64(o)
o += int32(Widthptr)
if int64(o) >= Thearch.MAXWIDTH {
Yyerror("interface too large")
o = int32(Widthptr)
func widstruct(errtype *Type, t *Type, o int64, flag int) int64 {
starto := o
maxalign := int32(flag)
if maxalign < 1 {
maxalign = 1
lastzero := int64(0)
var w int64
for f := t.Type; f != nil; f = f.Down {
if f.Etype != TFIELD {
Fatal("widstruct: not TFIELD: %v", Tconv(f, obj.FmtLong))
if f.Type == nil {
// broken field, just skip it so that other valid fields
// get a width.
if int32(f.Type.Align) > maxalign {
maxalign = int32(f.Type.Align)
if f.Type.Width < 0 {
Fatal("invalid width %d", f.Type.Width)
w = f.Type.Width
if f.Type.Align > 0 {
o = Rnd(o, int64(f.Type.Align))
f.Width = o // really offset for TFIELD
if f.Nname != nil {
// this same stackparam logic is in addrescapes
// in typecheck.c. usually addrescapes runs after
// widstruct, in which case we could drop this,
// but function closure functions are the exception.
if f.Nname.Stackparam != nil {
f.Nname.Stackparam.Xoffset = o
f.Nname.Xoffset = 0
} else {
f.Nname.Xoffset = o
if w == 0 {
lastzero = o
o += w
if o >= Thearch.MAXWIDTH {
Yyerror("type %v too large", Tconv(errtype, obj.FmtLong))
o = 8 // small but nonzero
// For nonzero-sized structs which end in a zero-sized thing, we add
// an extra byte of padding to the type. This padding ensures that
// taking the address of the zero-sized thing can't manufacture a
// pointer to the next object in the heap. See issue 9401.
if flag == 1 && o > starto && o == lastzero {
// final width is rounded
if flag != 0 {
o = Rnd(o, int64(maxalign))
t.Align = uint8(maxalign)
// type width only includes back to first field's offset
t.Width = o - starto
return o
func dowidth(t *Type) {
if Widthptr == 0 {
Fatal("dowidth without betypeinit")
if t == nil {
if t.Width > 0 {
if t.Width == -2 {
lno := int(lineno)
lineno = int32(t.Lineno)
if t.Broke == 0 {
t.Broke = 1
Yyerror("invalid recursive type %v", t)
t.Width = 0
lineno = int32(lno)
// break infinite recursion if the broken recursive type
// is referenced again
if t.Broke != 0 && t.Width == 0 {
// defer checkwidth calls until after we're done
lno := int(lineno)
lineno = int32(t.Lineno)
t.Width = -2
t.Align = 0
et := int32(t.Etype)
switch et {
/* simtype == 0 during bootstrap */
if Simtype[t.Etype] != 0 {
et = int32(Simtype[t.Etype])
w := int64(0)
switch et {
Fatal("dowidth: unknown type: %v", t)
/* compiler-specific stuff */
// bool is int8
w = 1
case TINT16, TUINT16:
w = 2
case TINT32, TUINT32, TFLOAT32:
w = 4
w = 8
t.Align = uint8(Widthreg)
case TCOMPLEX128:
w = 16
t.Align = uint8(Widthreg)
case TPTR32:
w = 4
case TPTR64:
w = 8
w = int64(Widthptr)
case TINTER: // implemented as 2 pointers
w = 2 * int64(Widthptr)
t.Align = uint8(Widthptr)
case TCHAN: // implemented as pointer
w = int64(Widthptr)
// make fake type to check later to
// trigger channel argument check.
t1 := typ(TCHANARGS)
t1.Type = t
t1 := t.Type
dowidth(t.Type) // just in case
if t1.Type.Width >= 1<<16 {
Yyerror("channel element type too large (>64kB)")
t.Width = 1
case TMAP: // implemented as pointer
w = int64(Widthptr)
case TFORW: // should have been filled in
if t.Broke == 0 {
Yyerror("invalid recursive type %v", t)
w = 1 // anything will do
// dummy type; should be replaced before use.
case TANY:
if Debug['A'] == 0 {
Fatal("dowidth any")
w = 1 // anything will do
if sizeof_String == 0 {
Fatal("early dowidth string")
w = int64(sizeof_String)
t.Align = uint8(Widthptr)
case TARRAY:
if t.Type == nil {
if t.Bound >= 0 {
if t.Type.Width != 0 {
cap := (uint64(Thearch.MAXWIDTH) - 1) / uint64(t.Type.Width)
if uint64(t.Bound) > cap {
Yyerror("type %v larger than address space", Tconv(t, obj.FmtLong))
w = t.Bound * t.Type.Width
t.Align = t.Type.Align
} else if t.Bound == -1 {
w = int64(sizeof_Array)
t.Align = uint8(Widthptr)
} else if t.Bound == -100 {
if t.Broke == 0 {
Yyerror("use of [...] array outside of array literal")
t.Broke = 1
} else {
Fatal("dowidth %v", t) // probably [...]T
if t.Funarg != 0 {
Fatal("dowidth fn struct %v", t)
w = widstruct(t, t, 0, 1)
// make fake type to check later to
// trigger function argument computation.
case TFUNC:
t1 := typ(TFUNCARGS)
t1.Type = t
// width of func type is pointer
w = int64(Widthptr)
// function is 3 cated structures;
// compute their widths as side-effect.
t1 := t.Type
w = widstruct(t.Type, *getthis(t1), 0, 0)
w = widstruct(t.Type, *getinarg(t1), w, Widthreg)
w = widstruct(t.Type, *Getoutarg(t1), w, Widthreg)
t1.Argwid = w
if w%int64(Widthreg) != 0 {
Warn("bad type %v %d\n", t1, w)
t.Align = 1
if Widthptr == 4 && w != int64(int32(w)) {
Yyerror("type %v too large", t)
t.Width = w
if t.Align == 0 {
if w > 8 || w&(w-1) != 0 {
Fatal("invalid alignment for %v", t)
t.Align = uint8(w)
lineno = int32(lno)
if defercalc == 1 {
} else {
* when a type's width should be known, we call checkwidth
* to compute it. during a declaration like
* type T *struct { next T }
* it is necessary to defer the calculation of the struct width
* until after T has been initialized to be a pointer to that struct.
* similarly, during import processing structs may be used
* before their definition. in those situations, calling
* defercheckwidth() stops width calculations until
* resumecheckwidth() is called, at which point all the
* checkwidths that were deferred are executed.
* dowidth should only be called when the type's size
* is needed immediately. checkwidth makes sure the
* size is evaluated eventually.
type TypeList struct {
t *Type
next *TypeList
var tlfree *TypeList
var tlq *TypeList
func checkwidth(t *Type) {
if t == nil {
// function arg structs should not be checked
// outside of the enclosing function.
if t.Funarg != 0 {
Fatal("checkwidth %v", t)
if defercalc == 0 {
if t.Deferwidth != 0 {
t.Deferwidth = 1
l := tlfree
if l != nil {
tlfree =
} else {
l = new(TypeList)
l.t = t = tlq
tlq = l
func defercheckwidth() {
// we get out of sync on syntax errors, so don't be pedantic.
if defercalc != 0 && nerrors == 0 {
defercalc = 1
func resumecheckwidth() {
if defercalc == 0 {
for l := tlq; l != nil; l = tlq {
l.t.Deferwidth = 0
tlq =
dowidth(l.t) = tlfree
tlfree = l
defercalc = 0
var itable *Type // distinguished *byte
func typeinit() {
if Widthptr == 0 {
Fatal("typeinit before betypeinit")
for i := 0; i < NTYPE; i++ {
Simtype[i] = uint8(i)
Types[TPTR32] = typ(TPTR32)
Types[TPTR64] = typ(TPTR64)
t := typ(TUNSAFEPTR)
t.Sym = Pkglookup("Pointer", unsafepkg)
t.Sym.Def = typenod(t)
Tptr = TPTR32
if Widthptr == 8 {
Tptr = TPTR64
for i := TINT8; i <= TUINT64; i++ {
Isint[i] = true
Isint[TINT] = true
Isint[TUINT] = true
Isint[TUINTPTR] = true
Isfloat[TFLOAT32] = true
Isfloat[TFLOAT64] = true
Iscomplex[TCOMPLEX64] = true
Iscomplex[TCOMPLEX128] = true
Isptr[TPTR32] = true
Isptr[TPTR64] = true
isforw[TFORW] = true
Issigned[TINT] = true
Issigned[TINT8] = true
Issigned[TINT16] = true
Issigned[TINT32] = true
Issigned[TINT64] = true
* initialize okfor
for i := 0; i < NTYPE; i++ {
if Isint[i] || i == TIDEAL {
okforeq[i] = true
okforcmp[i] = true
okforarith[i] = true
okforadd[i] = true
okforand[i] = true
okforconst[i] = true
issimple[i] = true
Minintval[i] = new(Mpint)
Maxintval[i] = new(Mpint)
if Isfloat[i] {
okforeq[i] = true
okforcmp[i] = true
okforadd[i] = true
okforarith[i] = true
okforconst[i] = true
issimple[i] = true
minfltval[i] = newMpflt()
maxfltval[i] = newMpflt()
if Iscomplex[i] {
okforeq[i] = true
okforadd[i] = true
okforarith[i] = true
okforconst[i] = true
issimple[i] = true
issimple[TBOOL] = true
okforadd[TSTRING] = true
okforbool[TBOOL] = true
okforcap[TARRAY] = true
okforcap[TCHAN] = true
okforconst[TBOOL] = true
okforconst[TSTRING] = true
okforlen[TARRAY] = true
okforlen[TCHAN] = true
okforlen[TMAP] = true
okforlen[TSTRING] = true
okforeq[TPTR32] = true
okforeq[TPTR64] = true
okforeq[TUNSAFEPTR] = true
okforeq[TINTER] = true
okforeq[TCHAN] = true
okforeq[TSTRING] = true
okforeq[TBOOL] = true
okforeq[TMAP] = true // nil only; refined in typecheck
okforeq[TFUNC] = true // nil only; refined in typecheck
okforeq[TARRAY] = true // nil slice only; refined in typecheck
okforeq[TSTRUCT] = true // it's complicated; refined in typecheck
okforcmp[TSTRING] = true
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(okfor); i++ {
okfor[i] = okfornone[:]
// binary
okfor[OADD] = okforadd[:]
okfor[OAND] = okforand[:]
okfor[OANDAND] = okforbool[:]
okfor[OANDNOT] = okforand[:]
okfor[ODIV] = okforarith[:]
okfor[OEQ] = okforeq[:]
okfor[OGE] = okforcmp[:]
okfor[OGT] = okforcmp[:]
okfor[OLE] = okforcmp[:]
okfor[OLT] = okforcmp[:]
okfor[OMOD] = okforand[:]
okfor[OMUL] = okforarith[:]
okfor[ONE] = okforeq[:]
okfor[OOR] = okforand[:]
okfor[OOROR] = okforbool[:]
okfor[OSUB] = okforarith[:]
okfor[OXOR] = okforand[:]
okfor[OLSH] = okforand[:]
okfor[ORSH] = okforand[:]
// unary
okfor[OCOM] = okforand[:]
okfor[OMINUS] = okforarith[:]
okfor[ONOT] = okforbool[:]
okfor[OPLUS] = okforarith[:]
// special
okfor[OCAP] = okforcap[:]
okfor[OLEN] = okforlen[:]
// comparison
iscmp[OLT] = true
iscmp[OGT] = true
iscmp[OGE] = true
iscmp[OLE] = true
iscmp[OEQ] = true
iscmp[ONE] = true
mpatofix(Maxintval[TINT8], "0x7f")
mpatofix(Minintval[TINT8], "-0x80")
mpatofix(Maxintval[TINT16], "0x7fff")
mpatofix(Minintval[TINT16], "-0x8000")
mpatofix(Maxintval[TINT32], "0x7fffffff")
mpatofix(Minintval[TINT32], "-0x80000000")
mpatofix(Maxintval[TINT64], "0x7fffffffffffffff")
mpatofix(Minintval[TINT64], "-0x8000000000000000")
mpatofix(Maxintval[TUINT8], "0xff")
mpatofix(Maxintval[TUINT16], "0xffff")
mpatofix(Maxintval[TUINT32], "0xffffffff")
mpatofix(Maxintval[TUINT64], "0xffffffffffffffff")
/* f is valid float if min < f < max. (min and max are not themselves valid.) */
mpatoflt(maxfltval[TFLOAT32], "33554431p103") /* 2^24-1 p (127-23) + 1/2 ulp*/
mpatoflt(minfltval[TFLOAT32], "-33554431p103")
mpatoflt(maxfltval[TFLOAT64], "18014398509481983p970") /* 2^53-1 p (1023-52) + 1/2 ulp */
mpatoflt(minfltval[TFLOAT64], "-18014398509481983p970")
maxfltval[TCOMPLEX64] = maxfltval[TFLOAT32]
minfltval[TCOMPLEX64] = minfltval[TFLOAT32]
maxfltval[TCOMPLEX128] = maxfltval[TFLOAT64]
minfltval[TCOMPLEX128] = minfltval[TFLOAT64]
/* for walk to use in error messages */
Types[TFUNC] = functype(nil, nil, nil)
/* types used in front end */
// types[TNIL] got set early in lexinit
Types[TIDEAL] = typ(TIDEAL)
Types[TINTER] = typ(TINTER)
/* simple aliases */
Simtype[TMAP] = uint8(Tptr)
Simtype[TCHAN] = uint8(Tptr)
Simtype[TFUNC] = uint8(Tptr)
Simtype[TUNSAFEPTR] = uint8(Tptr)
/* pick up the backend thearch.typedefs */
var s1 *Sym
var etype int
var sameas int
var s *Sym
for i = range Thearch.Typedefs {
s = Lookup(Thearch.Typedefs[i].Name)
s1 = Pkglookup(Thearch.Typedefs[i].Name, builtinpkg)
etype = Thearch.Typedefs[i].Etype
if etype < 0 || etype >= len(Types) {
Fatal("typeinit: %s bad etype", s.Name)
sameas = Thearch.Typedefs[i].Sameas
if sameas < 0 || sameas >= len(Types) {
Fatal("typeinit: %s bad sameas", s.Name)
Simtype[etype] = uint8(sameas)
minfltval[etype] = minfltval[sameas]
maxfltval[etype] = maxfltval[sameas]
Minintval[etype] = Minintval[sameas]
Maxintval[etype] = Maxintval[sameas]
t = Types[etype]
if t != nil {
Fatal("typeinit: %s already defined", s.Name)
t = typ(etype)
t.Sym = s1
Types[etype] = t
s1.Def = typenod(t)
Array_array = int(Rnd(0, int64(Widthptr)))
Array_nel = int(Rnd(int64(Array_array)+int64(Widthptr), int64(Widthint)))
Array_cap = int(Rnd(int64(Array_nel)+int64(Widthint), int64(Widthint)))
sizeof_Array = int(Rnd(int64(Array_cap)+int64(Widthint), int64(Widthptr)))
// string is same as slice wo the cap
sizeof_String = int(Rnd(int64(Array_nel)+int64(Widthint), int64(Widthptr)))
itable = typ(Tptr)
itable.Type = Types[TUINT8]
* compute total size of f's in/out arguments.
func Argsize(t *Type) int {
var save Iter
var x int64
w := int64(0)
fp := Structfirst(&save, Getoutarg(t))
for fp != nil {
x = fp.Width + fp.Type.Width
if x > w {
w = x
fp = structnext(&save)
fp = funcfirst(&save, t)
for fp != nil {
x = fp.Width + fp.Type.Width
if x > w {
w = x
fp = funcnext(&save)
w = (w + int64(Widthptr) - 1) &^ (int64(Widthptr) - 1)
if int64(int(w)) != w {
Fatal("argsize too big")
return int(w)