blob: 754c89f12bf35545d19df39bf494579e85a80ef7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ld
import "cmd/internal/obj"
// Decoding the type.* symbols. This has to be in sync with
// ../../runtime/type.go, or more specifically, with what
// ../gc/reflect.c stuffs in these.
func decode_reloc(s *LSym, off int32) *Reloc {
for i := 0; i < len(s.R); i++ {
if s.R[i].Off == off {
return &s.R[i:][0]
return nil
func decode_reloc_sym(s *LSym, off int32) *LSym {
r := decode_reloc(s, off)
if r == nil {
return nil
return r.Sym
func decode_inuxi(p []byte, sz int) uint64 {
switch sz {
case 2:
return uint64(Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder.Uint16(p))
case 4:
return uint64(Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder.Uint32(p))
case 8:
return Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder.Uint64(p)
Exitf("dwarf: decode inuxi %d", sz)
// commonsize returns the size of the common prefix for all type
// structures (runtime._type).
func commonsize() int {
return 9*Thearch.Ptrsize + 8
// Type.commonType.kind
func decodetype_kind(s *LSym) uint8 {
return uint8(s.P[2*Thearch.Ptrsize+7] & obj.KindMask) // 0x13 / 0x1f
// Type.commonType.kind
func decodetype_noptr(s *LSym) uint8 {
return uint8(s.P[2*Thearch.Ptrsize+7] & obj.KindNoPointers) // 0x13 / 0x1f
// Type.commonType.kind
func decodetype_usegcprog(s *LSym) uint8 {
return uint8(s.P[2*Thearch.Ptrsize+7] & obj.KindGCProg) // 0x13 / 0x1f
// Type.commonType.size
func decodetype_size(s *LSym) int64 {
return int64(decode_inuxi(s.P, Thearch.Ptrsize)) // 0x8 / 0x10
// Type.commonType.gc
func decodetype_gcprog(s *LSym) *LSym {
if s.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
// The gcprog for "type.$name" is calle "type..gcprog.$name".
x := "type..gcprog." + s.Name[5:]
return Linklookup(Ctxt, x, 0)
return decode_reloc_sym(s, 2*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize)+8+2*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize))
func decodetype_gcprog_shlib(s *LSym) uint64 {
return decode_inuxi(s.P[2*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize)+8+1*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize):], Thearch.Ptrsize)
func decodetype_gcmask(s *LSym) []byte {
if s.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
// ldshlibsyms makes special efforts to read the value
// of gcmask for types defined in that shared library.
return s.gcmask
mask := decode_reloc_sym(s, 2*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize)+8+1*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize))
return mask.P
// Type.ArrayType.elem and Type.SliceType.Elem
func decodetype_arrayelem(s *LSym) *LSym {
return decode_reloc_sym(s, int32(commonsize())) // 0x1c / 0x30
func decodetype_arraylen(s *LSym) int64 {
return int64(decode_inuxi(s.P[commonsize()+2*Thearch.Ptrsize:], Thearch.Ptrsize))
// Type.PtrType.elem
func decodetype_ptrelem(s *LSym) *LSym {
return decode_reloc_sym(s, int32(commonsize())) // 0x1c / 0x30
// Type.MapType.key, elem
func decodetype_mapkey(s *LSym) *LSym {
return decode_reloc_sym(s, int32(commonsize())) // 0x1c / 0x30
func decodetype_mapvalue(s *LSym) *LSym {
return decode_reloc_sym(s, int32(commonsize())+int32(Thearch.Ptrsize)) // 0x20 / 0x38
// Type.ChanType.elem
func decodetype_chanelem(s *LSym) *LSym {
return decode_reloc_sym(s, int32(commonsize())) // 0x1c / 0x30
// Type.FuncType.dotdotdot
func decodetype_funcdotdotdot(s *LSym) int {
return int(s.P[commonsize()])
func decodetype_funcincount(s *LSym) int {
return int(decode_inuxi(s.P[commonsize()+2*Thearch.Ptrsize:], Thearch.Intsize))
func decodetype_funcoutcount(s *LSym) int {
return int(decode_inuxi(s.P[commonsize()+3*Thearch.Ptrsize+2*Thearch.Intsize:], Thearch.Intsize))
func decodetype_funcintype(s *LSym, i int) *LSym {
r := decode_reloc(s, int32(commonsize())+int32(Thearch.Ptrsize))
if r == nil {
return nil
return decode_reloc_sym(r.Sym, int32(r.Add+int64(int32(i)*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize))))
func decodetype_funcouttype(s *LSym, i int) *LSym {
r := decode_reloc(s, int32(commonsize())+2*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize)+2*int32(Thearch.Intsize))
if r == nil {
return nil
return decode_reloc_sym(r.Sym, int32(r.Add+int64(int32(i)*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize))))
// Type.StructType.fields.Slice::length
func decodetype_structfieldcount(s *LSym) int {
return int(decode_inuxi(s.P[commonsize()+Thearch.Ptrsize:], Thearch.Intsize))
func structfieldsize() int {
return 5 * Thearch.Ptrsize
// Type.StructType.fields[]-> name, typ and offset.
func decodetype_structfieldname(s *LSym, i int) string {
// go.string."foo" 0x28 / 0x40
s = decode_reloc_sym(s, int32(commonsize())+int32(Thearch.Ptrsize)+2*int32(Thearch.Intsize)+int32(i)*int32(structfieldsize()))
if s == nil { // embedded structs have a nil name.
return ""
r := decode_reloc(s, 0) // s has a pointer to the string data at offset 0
if r == nil { // shouldn't happen.
return ""
return cstring(r.Sym.P[r.Add:])
func decodetype_structfieldtype(s *LSym, i int) *LSym {
return decode_reloc_sym(s, int32(commonsize())+int32(Thearch.Ptrsize)+2*int32(Thearch.Intsize)+int32(i)*int32(structfieldsize())+2*int32(Thearch.Ptrsize))
func decodetype_structfieldoffs(s *LSym, i int) int64 {
return int64(decode_inuxi(s.P[commonsize()+Thearch.Ptrsize+2*Thearch.Intsize+i*structfieldsize()+4*Thearch.Ptrsize:], Thearch.Intsize))
// InterfaceType.methods.length
func decodetype_ifacemethodcount(s *LSym) int64 {
return int64(decode_inuxi(s.P[commonsize()+Thearch.Ptrsize:], Thearch.Intsize))