blob: 5f9aa6d297dbaa9ce87eae1eef8fcd5da12c006c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package api
import (
var flagCheck = flag.Bool("check", false, "run API checks")
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if !testenv.HasExec() {
os.Stdout.WriteString("skipping test: platform cannot exec")
if !testenv.HasGoBuild() {
os.Stdout.WriteString("skipping test: platform cannot 'go build' to import std packages")
for _, c := range contexts {
c.Compiler = build.Default.Compiler
build.Default.GOROOT = testenv.GOROOT(nil)
// Warm up the import cache in parallel.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, context := range contexts {
context := context
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
_ = NewWalker(context, filepath.Join(testenv.GOROOT(nil), "src"))
var (
updateGolden = flag.Bool("updategolden", false, "update golden files")
func TestGolden(t *testing.T) {
if *flagCheck {
// slow, not worth repeating in -check
t.Skip("skipping with -check set")
td, err := os.Open("testdata/src/pkg")
if err != nil {
fis, err := td.Readdir(0)
if err != nil {
for _, fi := range fis {
if !fi.IsDir() {
// TODO(gri) remove extra pkg directory eventually
goldenFile := filepath.Join("testdata", "src", "pkg", fi.Name(), "golden.txt")
w := NewWalker(nil, "testdata/src/pkg")
pkg, _ := w.import_(fi.Name())
if *updateGolden {
f, err := os.Create(goldenFile)
if err != nil {
for _, feat := range w.Features() {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s\n", feat)
bs, err := os.ReadFile(goldenFile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("opening golden.txt for package %q: %v", fi.Name(), err)
wanted := strings.Split(string(bs), "\n")
for _, feature := range wanted {
if feature == "" {
_, ok := w.features[feature]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("package %s: missing feature %q", fi.Name(), feature)
delete(w.features, feature)
for _, feature := range w.Features() {
t.Errorf("package %s: extra feature not in golden file: %q", fi.Name(), feature)
func TestCompareAPI(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
features, required, optional, exception []string
ok bool // want
out string // want
name: "feature added",
features: []string{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"},
required: []string{"B", "D"},
ok: true,
out: "+A\n+C\n+E\n+F\n",
name: "feature removed",
features: []string{"C", "A"},
required: []string{"A", "B", "C"},
ok: false,
out: "-B\n",
name: "feature added then removed",
features: []string{"A", "C"},
optional: []string{"B"},
required: []string{"A", "C"},
ok: true,
out: "±B\n",
name: "exception removal",
required: []string{"A", "B", "C"},
features: []string{"A", "C"},
exception: []string{"B"},
ok: true,
out: "",
name: "contexts reconverging",
required: []string{
"pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type RawSockaddrInet6 struct",
features: []string{
"pkg syscall, type RawSockaddrInet6 struct",
ok: true,
out: "+pkg syscall, type RawSockaddrInet6 struct\n",
for _, tt := range tests {
buf := new(strings.Builder)
gotok := compareAPI(buf, tt.features, tt.required, tt.optional, tt.exception, true)
if gotok != tt.ok {
t.Errorf("%s: ok = %v; want %v",, gotok, tt.ok)
if got := buf.String(); got != tt.out {
t.Errorf("%s: output differs\nGOT:\n%s\nWANT:\n%s",, got, tt.out)
func TestSkipInternal(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
pkg string
want bool
{"net/http", true},
{"net/http/internal-foo", true},
{"net/http/internal", false},
{"net/http/internal/bar", false},
{"internal/foo", false},
{"internal", false},
for _, tt := range tests {
got := !internalPkg.MatchString(tt.pkg)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("%s is internal = %v; want %v", tt.pkg, got, tt.want)
func BenchmarkAll(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, context := range contexts {
w := NewWalker(context, filepath.Join(testenv.GOROOT(b), "src"))
for _, name := range w.stdPackages {
pkg, _ := w.import_(name)
func TestIssue21181(t *testing.T) {
if *flagCheck {
// slow, not worth repeating in -check
t.Skip("skipping with -check set")
for _, context := range contexts {
w := NewWalker(context, "testdata/src/issue21181")
pkg, err := w.import_("p")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: (%s-%s) %s %v", err, context.GOOS, context.GOARCH,
pkg.Name(), w.imported)
func TestIssue29837(t *testing.T) {
if *flagCheck {
// slow, not worth repeating in -check
t.Skip("skipping with -check set")
for _, context := range contexts {
w := NewWalker(context, "testdata/src/issue29837")
_, err := w.ImportFrom("p", "", 0)
if _, nogo := err.(*build.NoGoError); !nogo {
t.Errorf("expected *build.NoGoError, got %T", err)
func TestIssue41358(t *testing.T) {
if *flagCheck {
// slow, not worth repeating in -check
t.Skip("skipping with -check set")
context := new(build.Context)
*context = build.Default
context.Dir = filepath.Join(testenv.GOROOT(t), "src")
w := NewWalker(context, context.Dir)
for _, pkg := range w.stdPackages {
if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "vendor/") || strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "") {
t.Fatalf("stdPackages contains unexpected package %s", pkg)
func TestCheck(t *testing.T) {
if !*flagCheck {
t.Skip("-check not specified")