blob: 6f5ecf6ef3e84959189bd7f0d55a7eaa05a87b78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package html
import (
func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
var data = struct {
F, T bool
C, G, H string
A, E []string
N int
Z *int
F: false,
T: true,
C: "<Cincinatti>",
G: "<Goodbye>",
H: "<Hello>",
A: []string{"<a>", "<b>"},
E: []string{},
N: 42,
Z: nil,
tests := []struct {
name string
input string
output string
"{{if .T}}Hello{{end}}, {{.C}}!",
"Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;!",
"{{if .F}}{{.H}}{{else}}{{.G}}{{end}}!",
"Hello, {{.C | html}}!",
"Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;!",
"{{if $x := .H}}{{$x}}{{end}}",
"{{with .H}}{{.}}{{end}}",
"{{with .E}}{{.}}{{else}}{{.H}}{{end}}",
"{{range .A}}{{.}}{{end}}",
"{{range .E}}{{.}}{{else}}{{.H}}{{end}}",
// TODO: Make sure the URL escaper escapes single quotes so it can
// be embedded in single quoted URI attributes and CSS url(...)
// constructs. Single quotes are reserved in URLs, but are only used
// in the obsolete "mark" rule in an appendix in RFC 3986 so can be
// safely encoded.
`<a href="/search?q={{"'a<b'"}}">`,
`<a href="/search?q='a%3Cb'">`,
"<a b=1 c={{.H}}>",
"<a b=1 c=&lt;Hello&gt;>",
`<a href='{{"/foo/bar?a=b&c=d"}}'>`,
`<a href='/foo/bar?a=b&amp;c=d'>`,
`<a href='{{""}}'>`,
`<a href=';c=d'>`,
`<a href='{{"//"}}'>`,
`<a href='//;c=d'>`,
`<a href="{{"/javascript:80/foo/bar"}}">`,
`<a href="/javascript:80/foo/bar">`,
`<a href='{{"javascript:alert(%22pwned%22)"}}'>`,
`<a href='#ZgotmplZ'>`,
`<a href='http://{{"javascript:80"}}/foo'>`,
`<a href='http://javascript:80/foo'>`,
`<a href='/search?q={{.H}}'>`,
`<a href='/search?q=%3CHello%3E'>`,
`<a href='/faq#{{.H}}'>`,
`<a href='/faq#%3CHello%3E'>`,
`<a href="{{if .F}}/foo?a=b{{else}}/bar{{end}}">`,
`<a href="/bar">`,
`<a href="{{if .T}}/foo?a={{else}}/bar#{{end}}{{.C}}">`,
`<a href="/foo?a=%3CCincinatti%3E">`,
"<button onclick='alert({{.H}})'>",
`<button onclick='alert(&#34;\u003cHello\u003e&#34;)'>`,
"<button onclick='alert({{.N}})'>",
`<button onclick='alert( 42 )'>`,
"<button onclick='alert({{.T}})'>",
`<button onclick='alert( true )'>`,
"<button onclick='alert(typeof{{.Z}})'>",
`<button onclick='alert(typeof null )'>`,
"<button onclick='alert({{.A}})'>",
`<button onclick='alert([&#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;,&#34;\u003cb\u003e&#34;])'>`,
"<button onclick='alert({{.A | html}})'>",
`<button onclick='alert([&#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;,&#34;\u003cb\u003e&#34;])'>`,
"<button onclick='alert(&quot;{{.H}}&quot;)'>",
`<button onclick='alert(&quot;\x3cHello\x3e&quot;)'>`,
"<button onclick='alert({{.C | urlquery}})'>",
// URL escaped, then quoted for JS.
`<button onclick='alert(&#34;%3CCincinatti%3E&#34;)'>`,
"<button onclick='alert(&quot;{{.H}}&quot;)'>",
`<button onclick='alert(&quot;\x3cHello\x3e&quot;)'>`,
for _, test := range tests {
tmpl := template.Must(template.New(
tmpl, err := Escape(tmpl)
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err = tmpl.Execute(b, data); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: template execution failed: %s",, err)
if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("%s: escaped output: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, w, g)
func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
err string
// Non-error cases.
"{{if .Cond}}<a>{{else}}<b>{{end}}",
"{{if .Cond}}<a>{{end}}",
"{{if .Cond}}{{else}}<b>{{end}}",
"{{with .Cond}}<div>{{end}}",
"{{range .Items}}<a>{{end}}",
"<a href='/foo?{{range .Items}}&{{.K}}={{.V}}{{end}}'>",
// Error cases.
"{{if .Cond}}<a{{end}}",
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
"{{if .Cond}}\n{{else}}\n<a{{end}}",
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
// Missing quote in the else branch.
`{{if .Cond}}<a href="foo">{{else}}<a href="bar>{{end}}`,
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
// Different kind of attribute: href implies a URL.
"<a {{if .Cond}}href='{{else}}title='{{end}}{{.X}}'>",
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
"\n{{with .X}}<a{{end}}",
"z:2: {{with}} branches",
"\n{{with .X}}<a>{{else}}<a{{end}}",
"z:2: {{with}} branches",
"{{range .Items}}<a{{end}}",
`z:1: on range loop re-entry: "<" in attribute name: "<a"`,
"\n{{range .Items}} x='<a{{end}}",
"z:2: on range loop re-entry: {{range}} branches",
"<a b=1 c={{.H}}",
"z ends in a non-text context: {stateAttr delimSpaceOrTagEnd",
`<a href="{{if .F}}/foo?a={{else}}/bar/{{end}}{{.H}}">`,
"z:1: (action: [(command: [F=[H]])]) appears in an ambiguous URL context",
`<a onclick="alert('Hello \`,
`unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "Hello \\"`,
`<a onclick='alert("Hello\, World\`,
`unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "Hello\\, World\\"`,
`<a onclick='alert(/x+\`,
`unfinished escape sequence in JS regexp: "x+\\"`,
`<a onclick="/foo[\]/`,
`unfinished JS regexp charset: "foo[\\]/"`,
`<a onclick="/* alert({{.X}} */">`,
`z:1: (action: [(command: [F=[X]])]) appears inside a comment`,
`<a onclick="// alert({{.X}}">`,
`z:1: (action: [(command: [F=[X]])]) appears inside a comment`,
for _, test := range tests {
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("z").Parse(test.input))
var got string
if _, err := Escape(tmpl); err != nil {
got = err.String()
if test.err == "" {
if got != "" {
t.Errorf("input=%q: unexpected error %q", test.input, got)
if strings.Index(got, test.err) == -1 {
t.Errorf("input=%q: error %q does not contain expected string %q", test.input, got, test.err)
func TestEscapeText(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
output context
`Hello, World!`,
// An orphaned "<" is OK.
`I <3 Ponies!`,
context{state: stateTag},
`<a `,
context{state: stateTag},
context{state: stateText},
`<a href=`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd},
`<a href=x`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a href=x `,
context{state: stateTag},
`<a href=>`,
context{state: stateText},
`<a href=x>`,
context{state: stateText},
`<a href ='`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote},
`<a href=''`,
context{state: stateTag},
`<a href= "`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a href=""`,
context{state: stateTag},
`<a title="`,
context{state: stateAttr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a HREF='http:`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a Href='/`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a href='"`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a href="'`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a href='&apos;`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a href="&quot;`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a href="&#34;`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<a href=&quot;`,
context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
`<img alt="1">`,
context{state: stateText},
`<img alt="1>"`,
context{state: stateTag},
`<img alt="1>">`,
context{state: stateText},
`<input checked type="checkbox"`,
context{state: stateTag},
`<a onclick="`,
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick="//foo`,
context{state: stateJSLineCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
"<a onclick='//\n",
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
"<a onclick='//\r\n",
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
"<a onclick='//\u2028",
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
`<a onclick="/*`,
context{state: stateJSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onkeypress="&quot;`,
context{state: stateJSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick='&quot;foo&quot;`,
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
`<a onclick=&#39;foo&#39;`,
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
`<a onclick=&#39;foo`,
context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd},
`<a onclick="&quot;foo'`,
context{state: stateJSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick="'foo&quot;`,
context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<A ONCLICK="'`,
context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick="/`,
context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick="'foo'`,
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
`<a onclick="'foo\'`,
context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick="'foo\'`,
context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick="/foo/`,
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
`<a onclick="1 /foo`,
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
`<a onclick="1 /*c*/ /foo`,
context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
`<a onclick="/foo[/]`,
context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
`<a onclick="/foo\/`,
context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
for _, test := range tests {
b := []byte(test.input)
c := escapeText(context{}, b)
if !test.output.eq(c) {
t.Errorf("input %q: want context\n\t%v\ngot\n\t%v", test.input, test.output, c)
if test.input != string(b) {
t.Errorf("input %q: text node was modified: want %q got %q", test.input, test.input, b)
func TestEnsurePipelineContains(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input, output string
ids []string
"[(command: [F=[X]])]",
"{{.X | html}}",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=html])]",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=html])]",
"{{.X | html}}",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=html]) (command: [I=urlquery])]",
"{{.X | html | urlquery}}",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=html]) (command: [I=urlquery])]",
"{{.X | html | urlquery}}",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=html]) (command: [I=urlquery])]",
[]string{"html", "urlquery"},
"{{.X | html | urlquery}}",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=html]) (command: [I=urlquery])]",
"{{.X | urlquery}}",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=html]) (command: [I=urlquery])]",
[]string{"html", "urlquery"},
"{{.X | html | print}}",
"[(command: [F=[X]]) (command: [I=urlquery]) (command: [I=html]) (command: [I=print])]",
[]string{"urlquery", "html"},
for _, test := range tests {
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("test").Parse(test.input))
action, ok := (tmpl.Tree.Root.Nodes[0].(*parse.ActionNode))
if !ok {
t.Errorf("First node is not an action: %s", test.input)
pipe := action.Pipe
ensurePipelineContains(pipe, test.ids)
got := pipe.String()
if got != test.output {
t.Errorf("%s, %v: want\n\t%s\ngot\n\t%s", test.input, test.ids, test.output, got)