| // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /* |
| Package arm64 implements an ARM64 assembler. Go assembly syntax is different from GNU ARM64 |
| syntax, but we can still follow the general rules to map between them. |
| |
| Instructions mnemonics mapping rules |
| |
| 1. Most instructions use width suffixes of instruction names to indicate operand width rather than |
| using different register names. |
| |
| Examples: |
| ADC R24, R14, R12 <=> adc x12, x24 |
| ADDW R26->24, R21, R15 <=> add w15, w21, w26, asr #24 |
| FCMPS F2, F3 <=> fcmp s3, s2 |
| FCMPD F2, F3 <=> fcmp d3, d2 |
| FCVTDH F2, F3 <=> fcvt h3, d2 |
| |
| 2. Go uses .P and .W suffixes to indicate post-increment and pre-increment. |
| |
| Examples: |
| MOVD.P -8(R10), R8 <=> ldr x8, [x10],#-8 |
| MOVB.W 16(R16), R10 <=> ldr x10, [x16,#16]! |
| |
| 3. Go uses a series of MOV instructions as load and store. |
| |
| 64-bit variant ldr, str, stur => MOVD; |
| 32-bit variant str, stur, ldrsw => MOVW; |
| 32-bit variant ldr => MOVWU; |
| ldrb => MOVBU; ldrh => MOVHU; |
| ldrsb, sturb, strb => MOVB; |
| ldrsh, sturh, strh => MOVH. |
| |
| 4. Go moves conditions into opcode suffix, like BLT. |
| |
| 5. Go adds a V prefix for most floating-point and SIMD instrutions except cryptographic extension |
| instructions and floating-point(scalar) instructions. |
| |
| Examples: |
| VADD V5.H8, V18.H8, V9.H8 <=> add v9.8h, v18.8h, v5.8h |
| VLD1.P (R6)(R11), [V31.D1] <=> ld1 {v31.1d}, [x6], x11 |
| VFMLA V29.S2, V20.S2, V14.S2 <=> fmla v14.2s, v20.2s, v29.2s |
| AESD V22.B16, V19.B16 <=> aesd v19.16b, v22.16b |
| SCVTFWS R3, F16 <=> scvtf s17, w6 |
| |
| Special Cases. |
| |
| (1) umov is written as VMOV. |
| |
| (2) br is renamed JMP, blr is renamed CALL. |
| |
| (3) No need to add "W" suffix: LDARB, LDARH, LDAXRB, LDAXRH, LDTRH, LDXRB, LDXRH. |
| |
| Examples: |
| VMOV V13.B[1], R20 <=> mov x20, v13.b[1] |
| VMOV V13.H[1], R20 <=> mov w20, v13.h[1] |
| JMP (R3) <=> br x3 |
| CALL (R17) <=> blr x17 |
| LDAXRB (R19), R16 <=> ldaxrb w16, [x19] |
| |
| |
| Register mapping rules |
| |
| 1. All basic register names are written as Rn. |
| |
| 2. Go uses ZR as the zero register and RSP as the stack pointer. |
| |
| 3. Bn, Hn, Dn, Sn and Qn instructions are written as Fn in floating-point instructions and as Vn |
| in SIMD instructions. |
| |
| |
| Argument mapping rules |
| |
| 1. The operands appear in left-to-right assignment order. |
| |
| Go reverses the arguments of most instructions. |
| |
| Examples: |
| ADD R11.SXTB<<1, RSP, R25 <=> add x25, sp, w11, sxtb #1 |
| VADD V16, V19, V14 <=> add d14, d19, d16 |
| |
| Special Cases. |
| |
| (1) Argument order is the same as in the GNU ARM64 syntax: cbz, cbnz and some store instructions, |
| such as str, stur, strb, sturb, strh, sturh stlr, stlrb. stlrh, st1. |
| |
| Examples: |
| MOVD R29, 384(R19) <=> str x29, [x19,#384] |
| MOVB.P R30, 30(R4) <=> strb w30, [x4],#30 |
| STLRH R21, (R18) <=> stlrh w21, [x18] |
| |
| |
| Examples: |
| MADD R2, R30, R22, R6 <=> madd x6, x22, x2, x30 |
| SMSUBL R10, R3, R17, R27 <=> smsubl x27, w17, w10, x3 |
| |
| |
| Examples: |
| FMADDD F30, F20, F3, F29 <=> fmadd d29, d3, d30, d20 |
| FNMSUBS F7, F25, F7, F22 <=> fnmsub s22, s7, s7, s25 |
| |
| (4) BFI, BFXIL, SBFIZ, SBFX, UBFIZ, UBFX $<lsb>, <Rn>, $<width>, <Rd> |
| |
| Examples: |
| BFIW $16, R20, $6, R0 <=> bfi w0, w20, #16, #6 |
| UBFIZ $34, R26, $5, R20 <=> ubfiz x20, x26, #34, #5 |
| |
| (5) FCCMPD, FCCMPS, FCCMPED, FCCMPES <cond>, Fm. Fn, $<nzcv> |
| |
| Examples: |
| FCCMPD AL, F8, F26, $0 <=> fccmp d26, d8, #0x0, al |
| FCCMPS VS, F29, F4, $4 <=> fccmp s4, s29, #0x4, vs |
| FCCMPED LE, F20, F5, $13 <=> fccmpe d5, d20, #0xd, le |
| FCCMPES NE, F26, F10, $0 <=> fccmpe s10, s26, #0x0, ne |
| |
| (6) CCMN, CCMNW, CCMP, CCMPW <cond>, <Rn>, $<imm>, $<nzcv> |
| |
| Examples: |
| CCMP MI, R22, $12, $13 <=> ccmp x22, #0xc, #0xd, mi |
| CCMNW AL, R1, $11, $8 <=> ccmn w1, #0xb, #0x8, al |
| |
| (7) CCMN, CCMNW, CCMP, CCMPW <cond>, <Rn>, <Rm>, $<nzcv> |
| |
| Examples: |
| CCMN VS, R13, R22, $10 <=> ccmn x13, x22, #0xa, vs |
| CCMPW HS, R18, R14, $11 <=> ccmp w18, w14, #0xb, cs |
| |
| (9) CSEL, CSELW, CSNEG, CSNEGW, CSINC, CSINCW <cond>, <Rn>, <Rm>, <Rd> ; |
| FCSELD, FCSELS <cond>, <Fn>, <Fm>, <Fd> |
| |
| Examples: |
| CSEL GT, R0, R19, R1 <=> csel x1, x0, x19, gt |
| CSNEGW GT, R7, R17, R8 <=> csneg w8, w7, w17, gt |
| FCSELD EQ, F15, F18, F16 <=> fcsel d16, d15, d18, eq |
| |
| (10) TBNZ, TBZ $<imm>, <Rt>, <label> |
| |
| |
| |
| Examples: |
| STLXR ZR, (R15), R16 <=> stlxr w16, xzr, [x15] |
| STXRB R9, (R21), R18 <=> stxrb w18, w9, [x21] |
| |
| (12) STLXP, STLXPW, STXP, STXPW (<Rf1>, <Rf2>), (<Rn|RSP>), <Rs> |
| |
| Examples: |
| STLXP (R17, R18), (R4), R5 <=> stlxp w5, x17, x18, [x4] |
| STXPW (R30, R25), (R22), R13 <=> stxp w13, w30, w25, [x22] |
| |
| 2. Expressions for special arguments. |
| |
| #<immediate> is written as $<immediate>. |
| |
| Optionally-shifted immedate. |
| |
| Examples: |
| ADD $(3151<<12), R14, R20 <=> add x20, x14, #0xc4f, lsl #12 |
| ADDW $1864, R25, R6 <=> add w6, w25, #0x748 |
| |
| Optionally-shifted registers are written as <Rm>{<shift><amount>}. |
| The <shift> can be <<(lsl), >>(lsr), ->(asr), @>(ror). |
| |
| Examples: |
| ADD R19>>30, R10, R24 <=> add x24, x10, x19, lsr #30 |
| ADDW R26->24, R21, R15 <=> add w15, w21, w26, asr #24 |
| |
| Extended registers are written as <Rm>{.<extend>{<<<amount>}}. |
| <extend> can be UXTB, UXTH, UXTW, UXTX, SXTB, SXTH, SXTW or SXTX. |
| |
| Examples: |
| ADDS R18.UXTB<<4, R9, R26 <=> adds x26, x9, w18, uxtb #4 |
| ADDSW R14.SXTX, R14, R6 <=> adds w6, w14, w14, sxtx |
| |
| Memory references: [<Xn|SP>{,#0}] is written as (Rn|RSP), a base register and an immediate |
| offset is written as imm(Rn|RSP), a base register and an offset register is written as (Rn|RSP)(Rm). |
| |
| Examples: |
| LDAR (R22), R9 <=> ldar x9, [x22] |
| LDP 28(R17), (R15, R23) <=> ldp x15, x23, [x17,#28] |
| MOVWU (R4)(R12<<2), R8 <=> ldr w8, [x4, x12, lsl #2] |
| MOVD (R7)(R11.UXTW<<3), R25 <=> ldr x25, [x7,w11,uxtw #3] |
| MOVBU (R27)(R23), R14 <=> ldrb w14, [x27,x23] |
| |
| Register pairs are written as (Rt1, Rt2). |
| |
| Examples: |
| LDP.P -240(R11), (R12, R26) <=> ldp x12, x26, [x11],#-240 |
| |
| Register with arrangement and register with arrangement and index. |
| |
| Examples: |
| VADD V5.H8, V18.H8, V9.H8 <=> add v9.8h, v18.8h, v5.8h |
| VLD1 (R2), [V21.B16] <=> ld1 {v21.16b}, [x2] |
| VST1.P V9.S[1], (R16)(R21) <=> st1 {v9.s}[1], [x16], x28 |
| VST1.P [V13.H8, V14.H8, V15.H8], (R3)(R14) <=> st1 {v13.8h-v15.8h}, [x3], x14 |
| VST1.P [V14.D1, V15.D1], (R7)(R23) <=> st1 {v14.1d, v15.1d}, [x7], x23 |
| */ |
| package arm64 |