blob: 5110f5350ce15f186b7b168912a448b1b06fdc97 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This program implements the core idea from
# Clinton L. Jeffery, Generating LR syntax error messages from examples,
# ACM TOPLAS 25(5) (September 2003).
# It reads Bison's summary of a grammar followed by a file
# like go.errors, replacing lines beginning with % by the
# yystate and yychar that will be active when an error happens
# while parsing that line.
# Unlike the system described in the paper, the lines in go.errors
# give grammar symbol name lists, not actual program fragments.
# This is a little less programmer-friendly but doesn't require being
# able to run the text through lex.c.
bison = 1
grammar = 0
states = 0
# In Grammar section of y.output,
# record lhs and length of rhs for each rule.
bison && /^Grammar/ { grammar = 1 }
bison && /^(Terminals|state 0)/ { grammar = 0 }
grammar && NF>0 {
if($2 != "|") {
r = $2
sub(/:$/, "", r)
rulelhs[$1] = r
rulesize[$1] = NF-2
if(rulesize[$1] == 3 && $3 $4 $5 == "/*empty*/") {
rulesize[$1] = 0
# In state dumps, record shift/reduce actions.
bison && /^state 0/ { grammar = 0; states = 1 }
states && /^state / { state = $2 }
states { statetext[state] = statetext[state] $0 "\n" }
states && / shift, and go to state/ {
n = nshift[state]++
shift[state,n] = $7
shifttoken[state,n] = $1
states && / go to state/ {
n = nshift[state]++
shift[state,n] = $5
shifttoken[state,n] = $1
states && / reduce using rule/ {
n = nreduce[state]++
reduce[state,n] = $5
reducetoken[state,n] = $1
# First // comment marks the beginning of the pattern file.
/^\/\// { bison = 0; grammar = 0; state = 0 }
bison { next }
# Treat % as first field on line as introducing a pattern (token sequence).
# Run it through the LR machine and print the induced "yystate, yychar,"
# at the point where the error happens.
$1 == "%" {
nstack = 0
state = 0
f = 2
tok = ""
for(;;) {
if(tok == "" && f <= NF) {
tok = $f
found = 0
for(j=0; j<nshift[state]; j++) {
if(shifttoken[state,j] == tok) {
# print "SHIFT " tok " " state " -> " shift[state,j]
stack[nstack++] = state
state = shift[state,j]
found = 1
tok = ""
for(j=0; j<nreduce[state]; j++) {
if(reducetoken[state,j] == tok || reducetoken[state,j] == "$default") {
stack[nstack++] = state
rule = reduce[state,j]
nstack -= rulesize[rule]
state = stack[--nstack]
lhs = rulelhs[rule]
if(tok != "")
tok = rulelhs[rule]
# print "REDUCE " nstack " " state " " tok " rule " rule " size " rulesize[rule]
found = 1
# No shift or reduce applied - found the error.
printf("\t%s, %s,\n", state, tok);
# Print other lines verbatim.