blob: e9a5162e9ce093a2e31606232628ec7924b9029a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package constdecl
import "math"
import "unsafe"
var v int
// Const decls must be initialized by constants.
const _ = v /* ERROR "not constant" */
const _ = math /* ERROR "not constant" */ .Sin(0)
const _ = int /* ERROR "not an expression" */
func _() {
const _ = v /* ERROR "not constant" */
const _ = math /* ERROR "not constant" */ .Sin(0)
const _ = int /* ERROR "not an expression" */
// Identifier and expression arity must match.
const _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
const _ = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
const _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */ int
const _ int = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
const (
_ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
_ = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
_ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */ int
_ int = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
const (
_ = 1
_, _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
const (
_, _ = 1, 2
_, _
_ /* ERROR "extra init expr at" */
_, _
_, _, _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
_, _
func _() {
const _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
const _ = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
const _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */ int
const _ int = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
const (
_ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
_ = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
_ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */ int
_ int = 1, 2 /* ERROR "extra init expr 2" */
const (
_ = 1
_, _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
const (
_, _ = 1, 2
_, _
_ /* ERROR "extra init expr at" */
_, _
_, _, _ /* ERROR "missing init expr for _" */
_, _
// Test case for constant with invalid initialization.
// Caused panic because the constant value was not set up (gri - 7/8/2014).
func _() {
const (
x string = missing /* ERROR "undeclared name" */
y = x + ""
// Test case for constants depending on function literals (see also #22992).
const A /* ERROR initialization cycle */ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { _ = A })
func _() {
// The function literal below must not see a.
const a = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { _ = a /* ERROR "undeclared name" */ })
const b = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { _ = a })
// The function literal below must not see x, y, or z.
const x, y, z = 0, 1, unsafe.Sizeof(func() { _ = x /* ERROR "undeclared name" */ + y /* ERROR "undeclared name" */ + z /* ERROR "undeclared name" */ })
// TODO(gri) move extra tests from testdata/const0.src into here