blob: 1e7196985822aa66f5d3296a0ad06b1be8fbb671 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package noder
import (
func (g *irgen) pkg(pkg *types2.Package) *types.Pkg {
switch pkg {
case nil:
return types.BuiltinPkg
case g.self:
return types.LocalPkg
case types2.Unsafe:
return ir.Pkgs.Unsafe
return types.NewPkg(pkg.Path(), pkg.Name())
func (g *irgen) typ(typ types2.Type) *types.Type {
// Caching type mappings isn't strictly needed, because typ0 preserves
// type identity; but caching minimizes memory blow-up from mapping the
// same composite type multiple times, and also plays better with the
// current state of cmd/compile (e.g., haphazard calculation of type
// sizes).
res, ok := g.typs[typ]
if !ok {
res = g.typ0(typ)
g.typs[typ] = res
// Ensure we calculate the size for all concrete types seen by
// the frontend. This is another heavy hammer for something that
// should really be the backend's responsibility instead.
if res != nil && !res.IsUntyped() && !res.IsFuncArgStruct() {
return res
func (g *irgen) typ0(typ types2.Type) *types.Type {
switch typ := typ.(type) {
case *types2.Basic:
return g.basic(typ)
case *types2.Named:
obj := g.obj(typ.Obj())
if obj.Op() != ir.OTYPE {
base.FatalfAt(obj.Pos(), "expected type: %L", obj)
return obj.Type()
case *types2.Array:
return types.NewArray(g.typ(typ.Elem()), typ.Len())
case *types2.Chan:
return types.NewChan(g.typ(typ.Elem()), dirs[typ.Dir()])
case *types2.Map:
return types.NewMap(g.typ(typ.Key()), g.typ(typ.Elem()))
case *types2.Pointer:
return types.NewPtr(g.typ(typ.Elem()))
case *types2.Signature:
return g.signature(nil, typ)
case *types2.Slice:
return types.NewSlice(g.typ(typ.Elem()))
case *types2.Struct:
fields := make([]*types.Field, typ.NumFields())
for i := range fields {
v := typ.Field(i)
f := types.NewField(g.pos(v), g.selector(v), g.typ(v.Type()))
f.Note = typ.Tag(i)
if v.Embedded() {
f.Embedded = 1
fields[i] = f
return types.NewStruct(g.tpkg(typ), fields)
case *types2.Interface:
embeddeds := make([]*types.Field, typ.NumEmbeddeds())
for i := range embeddeds {
// TODO(mdempsky): Get embedding position.
e := typ.EmbeddedType(i)
embeddeds[i] = types.NewField(src.NoXPos, nil, g.typ(e))
methods := make([]*types.Field, typ.NumExplicitMethods())
for i := range methods {
m := typ.ExplicitMethod(i)
mtyp := g.signature(typecheck.FakeRecv(), m.Type().(*types2.Signature))
methods[i] = types.NewField(g.pos(m), g.selector(m), mtyp)
return types.NewInterface(g.tpkg(typ), append(embeddeds, methods...))
case *types2.TypeParam:
tp := types.NewTypeParam(g.tpkg(typ), g.typ(typ.Bound()))
// Save the name of the type parameter in the sym of the type.
return tp
case *types2.Tuple:
// Tuples are used for the type of a function call (i.e. the
// return value of the function).
if typ == nil {
return (*types.Type)(nil)
fields := make([]*types.Field, typ.Len())
for i := range fields {
fields[i] = g.param(typ.At(i))
t := types.NewStruct(types.LocalPkg, fields)
// Can only set after doing the types.CheckSize()
t.StructType().Funarg = types.FunargResults
return t
base.FatalfAt(src.NoXPos, "unhandled type: %v (%T)", typ, typ)
func (g *irgen) signature(recv *types.Field, sig *types2.Signature) *types.Type {
tparams2 := sig.TParams()
tparams := make([]*types.Field, len(tparams2))
for i := range tparams {
tp := tparams2[i]
tparams[i] = types.NewField(g.pos(tp), g.sym(tp), g.typ(tp.Type()))
do := func(typ *types2.Tuple) []*types.Field {
fields := make([]*types.Field, typ.Len())
for i := range fields {
fields[i] = g.param(typ.At(i))
return fields
params := do(sig.Params())
results := do(sig.Results())
if sig.Variadic() {
return types.NewSignature(g.tpkg(sig), recv, tparams, params, results)
func (g *irgen) param(v *types2.Var) *types.Field {
return types.NewField(g.pos(v), g.sym(v), g.typ(v.Type()))
func (g *irgen) sym(obj types2.Object) *types.Sym {
if name := obj.Name(); name != "" {
return g.pkg(obj.Pkg()).Lookup(obj.Name())
return nil
func (g *irgen) selector(obj types2.Object) *types.Sym {
pkg, name := g.pkg(obj.Pkg()), obj.Name()
if types.IsExported(name) {
pkg = types.LocalPkg
return pkg.Lookup(name)
// tpkg returns the package that a function, interface, or struct type
// expression appeared in.
// Caveat: For the degenerate types "func()", "interface{}", and
// "struct{}", tpkg always returns LocalPkg. However, we only need the
// package information so that go/types can report it via its API, and
// the reason we fail to return the original package for these
// particular types is because go/types does *not* report it for
// them. So in practice this limitation is probably moot.
func (g *irgen) tpkg(typ types2.Type) *types.Pkg {
anyObj := func() types2.Object {
switch typ := typ.(type) {
case *types2.Signature:
if recv := typ.Recv(); recv != nil {
return recv
if params := typ.Params(); params.Len() > 0 {
return params.At(0)
if results := typ.Results(); results.Len() > 0 {
return results.At(0)
case *types2.Struct:
if typ.NumFields() > 0 {
return typ.Field(0)
case *types2.Interface:
if typ.NumExplicitMethods() > 0 {
return typ.ExplicitMethod(0)
return nil
if obj := anyObj(); obj != nil {
return g.pkg(obj.Pkg())
return types.LocalPkg
func (g *irgen) basic(typ *types2.Basic) *types.Type {
switch typ.Name() {
case "byte":
return types.ByteType
case "rune":
return types.RuneType
return *basics[typ.Kind()]
var basics = [...]**types.Type{
types2.Invalid: new(*types.Type),
types2.Bool: &types.Types[types.TBOOL],
types2.Int: &types.Types[types.TINT],
types2.Int8: &types.Types[types.TINT8],
types2.Int16: &types.Types[types.TINT16],
types2.Int32: &types.Types[types.TINT32],
types2.Int64: &types.Types[types.TINT64],
types2.Uint: &types.Types[types.TUINT],
types2.Uint8: &types.Types[types.TUINT8],
types2.Uint16: &types.Types[types.TUINT16],
types2.Uint32: &types.Types[types.TUINT32],
types2.Uint64: &types.Types[types.TUINT64],
types2.Uintptr: &types.Types[types.TUINTPTR],
types2.Float32: &types.Types[types.TFLOAT32],
types2.Float64: &types.Types[types.TFLOAT64],
types2.Complex64: &types.Types[types.TCOMPLEX64],
types2.Complex128: &types.Types[types.TCOMPLEX128],
types2.String: &types.Types[types.TSTRING],
types2.UnsafePointer: &types.Types[types.TUNSAFEPTR],
types2.UntypedBool: &types.UntypedBool,
types2.UntypedInt: &types.UntypedInt,
types2.UntypedRune: &types.UntypedRune,
types2.UntypedFloat: &types.UntypedFloat,
types2.UntypedComplex: &types.UntypedComplex,
types2.UntypedString: &types.UntypedString,
types2.UntypedNil: &types.Types[types.TNIL],
var dirs = [...]types.ChanDir{
types2.SendRecv: types.Cboth,
types2.SendOnly: types.Csend,
types2.RecvOnly: types.Crecv,