| package main |
| |
| import ( |
| "context" |
| "fmt" |
| "os" |
| "path/filepath" |
| "strings" |
| "time" |
| |
| "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata" |
| "github.com/spf13/pflag" |
| "github.com/spf13/viper" |
| |
| "github.com/golang/gddo/log" |
| ) |
| |
| const ( |
| gaeProjectEnvVar = "GCLOUD_PROJECT" |
| gaAccountEnvVar = "GA_ACCOUNT" |
| |
| userAgentEnvVar = "USER_AGENT" |
| githubTokenEnvVar = "GITHUB_TOKEN" |
| githubClientIDEnvVar = "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID" |
| githubClientSecretEnvVar = "GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET" |
| ) |
| |
| const ( |
| // Server Config |
| ConfigProject = "project" |
| ConfigTrustProxyHeaders = "trust_proxy_headers" |
| ConfigBindAddress = "http" |
| ConfigAssetsDir = "assets" |
| ConfigRobotThreshold = "robot" |
| ConfigGCELogName = "gce_log_name" |
| |
| // Database Config |
| ConfigDBServer = "db-server" |
| ConfigDBIdleTimeout = "db-idle-timeout" |
| ConfigDBLog = "db-log" |
| ConfigGAERemoteAPI = "remoteapi-endpoint" |
| |
| // Display Config |
| ConfigSidebar = "sidebar" |
| ConfigSourcegraphURL = "sourcegraph_url" |
| ConfigDefaultGOOS = "default_goos" |
| ConfigGAAccount = "ga_account" |
| |
| // Crawl Config |
| ConfigMaxAge = "max_age" |
| ConfigGetTimeout = "get_timeout" |
| ConfigFirstGetTimeout = "first_get_timeout" |
| ConfigGithubInterval = "github_interval" |
| ConfigCrawlInterval = "crawl_interval" |
| ConfigDialTimeout = "dial_timeout" |
| ConfigRequestTimeout = "request_timeout" |
| ConfigMemcacheAddr = "memcache_addr" |
| |
| // Trace Config |
| ConfigTraceSamplerFraction = "trace_fraction" |
| ConfigTraceSamplerMaxQPS = "trace_max_qps" |
| |
| // Outbound HTTP Config |
| ConfigUserAgent = "user_agent" |
| ConfigGithubToken = "github_token" |
| ConfigGithubClientID = "github_client_id" |
| ConfigGithubClientSecret = "github_client_secret" |
| |
| // Pub/Sub Config |
| ConfigCrawlPubSubTopic = "crawl-events" |
| ) |
| |
| func loadConfig(ctx context.Context, args []string) (*viper.Viper, error) { |
| v := viper.New() |
| // Gather information from execution environment. |
| if os.Getenv(gaeProjectEnvVar) != "" { |
| v.Set("on_appengine", true) |
| } else { |
| v.Set("on_appengine", false) |
| } |
| if metadata.OnGCE() { |
| gceProjectAttributeDefault(ctx, v, ConfigGAAccount, "ga-account") |
| gceProjectAttributeDefault(ctx, v, ConfigGCELogName, "gce-log-name") |
| gceProjectAttributeDefault(ctx, v, ConfigUserAgent, "user-agent") |
| gceProjectAttributeDefault(ctx, v, ConfigGithubToken, "github-token") |
| gceProjectAttributeDefault(ctx, v, ConfigGithubClientID, "github-client-id") |
| gceProjectAttributeDefault(ctx, v, ConfigGithubClientSecret, "github-client-secret") |
| if id, err := metadata.ProjectID(); err != nil { |
| log.Warn(ctx, "failed to retrieve project ID", "error", err) |
| } else { |
| viper.SetDefault(ConfigProject, id) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Setup command line flags |
| flags := buildFlags() |
| if err := flags.Parse(args); err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| if err := v.BindPFlags(flags); err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| |
| // Also fetch from environment |
| v.SetEnvPrefix("gddo") |
| v.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer("-", "_")) |
| v.AutomaticEnv() |
| v.BindEnv(ConfigProject, gaeProjectEnvVar) |
| v.BindEnv(ConfigGAAccount, gaAccountEnvVar) |
| v.BindEnv(ConfigUserAgent, userAgentEnvVar) |
| v.BindEnv(ConfigGithubToken, githubTokenEnvVar) |
| v.BindEnv(ConfigGithubClientID, githubClientIDEnvVar) |
| v.BindEnv(ConfigGithubClientSecret, githubClientSecretEnvVar) |
| |
| // Read from config. |
| if err := readViperConfig(ctx, v); err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| |
| // Set defaults based on other configs |
| setDefaults(v) |
| |
| log.Debug(ctx, "config values loaded", "values", v.AllSettings()) |
| return v, nil |
| } |
| |
| func gceProjectAttributeDefault(ctx context.Context, v *viper.Viper, cfg, attr string) { |
| val, err := metadata.ProjectAttributeValue(attr) |
| if err != nil { |
| if _, undef := err.(metadata.NotDefinedError); !undef { |
| log.Warn(ctx, "failed to query metadata", "key", attr, "error", err) |
| } |
| return |
| } |
| v.SetDefault(cfg, val) |
| } |
| |
| // setDefaults sets defaults for configuration options that depend on other |
| // configuration options. This allows for smart defaults but allows for |
| // overrides. |
| func setDefaults(v *viper.Viper) { |
| // ConfigGAERemoteAPI is based on project. |
| project := v.GetString(ConfigProject) |
| if project != "" { |
| defaultEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("serviceproxy-dot-%s.appspot.com", project) |
| v.SetDefault(ConfigGAERemoteAPI, defaultEndpoint) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func buildFlags() *pflag.FlagSet { |
| flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("default", pflag.ContinueOnError) |
| |
| flags.StringP("config", "c", "", "path to motd config file") |
| flags.String(ConfigProject, "", "Google Cloud Platform project used for Google services") |
| flags.Float64(ConfigRobotThreshold, 100, "Request counter threshold for robots.") |
| flags.String(ConfigAssetsDir, filepath.Join(defaultBase("github.com/golang/gddo/gddo-server"), "assets"), "Base directory for templates and static files.") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigGetTimeout, 8*time.Second, "Time to wait for package update from the VCS.") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigFirstGetTimeout, 5*time.Second, "Time to wait for first fetch of package from the VCS.") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigMaxAge, 24*time.Hour, "Update package documents older than this age.") |
| flags.String(ConfigBindAddress, ":8080", "Listen for HTTP connections on this address.") |
| flags.Bool(ConfigSidebar, false, "Enable package page sidebar.") |
| flags.String(ConfigDefaultGOOS, "", "Default GOOS to use when building package documents.") |
| flags.Bool(ConfigTrustProxyHeaders, false, "If enabled, identify the remote address of the request using X-Real-Ip in header.") |
| flags.String(ConfigSourcegraphURL, "https://sourcegraph.com", "Link to global uses on Sourcegraph based at this URL (no need for trailing slash).") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigGithubInterval, 0, "Github updates crawler sleeps for this duration between fetches. Zero disables the crawler.") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigCrawlInterval, 0, "Package updater sleeps for this duration between package updates. Zero disables updates.") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigDialTimeout, 5*time.Second, "Timeout for dialing an HTTP connection.") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigRequestTimeout, 20*time.Second, "Time out for roundtripping an HTTP request.") |
| flags.String(ConfigDBServer, "redis://", "URI of Redis server.") |
| flags.Duration(ConfigDBIdleTimeout, 250*time.Second, "Close Redis connections after remaining idle for this duration.") |
| flags.Bool(ConfigDBLog, false, "Log database commands") |
| flags.String(ConfigMemcacheAddr, "", "Address in the format host:port gddo uses to point to the memcache backend.") |
| flags.String(ConfigGAERemoteAPI, "", "Remoteapi endpoint for App Engine Search. Defaults to serviceproxy-dot-${project}.appspot.com.") |
| flags.Float64(ConfigTraceSamplerFraction, 0.1, "Fraction of the requests sampled by the trace API.") |
| flags.Float64(ConfigTraceSamplerMaxQPS, 5, "Max number of requests sampled every second by the trace API.") |
| |
| return flags |
| } |
| |
| // readViperConfig finds and then parses a config file. It will return |
| // an error if the config file was specified or could not parse. |
| // Otherwise it will only warn that it failed to load the config. |
| func readViperConfig(ctx context.Context, v *viper.Viper) error { |
| v.AddConfigPath(".") |
| v.AddConfigPath("/etc") |
| v.SetConfigName("gddo") |
| if v.GetString("config") != "" { |
| v.SetConfigFile(v.GetString("config")) |
| } |
| |
| if err := v.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { |
| // If a config exists but could not be parsed, we should bail. |
| if _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigParseError); ok { |
| return fmt.Errorf("parse config: %v", err) |
| } |
| |
| // If the user specified a config file location in flags or env and |
| // we failed to load it, we should bail. If not, it is just a warning. |
| if v.GetString("config") != "" { |
| return fmt.Errorf("load config: %v", err) |
| } |
| log.Warn(ctx, "failed to load configuration file", "error", err) |
| return nil |
| } |
| log.Info(ctx, "loaded configuration file successfully", "path", v.ConfigFileUsed()) |
| return nil |
| } |