blob: 8bd7cf385099762e75dcc3a855779ce06c714474 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
package gosrc
import (
func init() {
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`^code\.google\.com/(?P<pr>[pr])/(?P<repo>[a-z0-9\-]+)(:?\.(?P<subrepo>[a-z0-9\-]+))?(?P<dir>/[a-z0-9A-Z_.\-/]+)?$`),
prefix: "",
get: getGoogleDir,
getPresentation: getGooglePresentation,
var (
googleRepoRe = regexp.MustCompile(`id="checkoutcmd">(hg|git|svn)`)
googleRevisionRe = regexp.MustCompile(`<h2>(?:[^ ]+ - )?Revision *([^:]+):`)
googleEtagRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(hg|git|svn)-`)
googleFileRe = regexp.MustCompile(`<li><a href="([^"]+)"`)
func getGoogleDir(client *http.Client, match map[string]string, savedEtag string) (*Directory, error) {
c := &httpClient{client: client}
if m := googleEtagRe.FindStringSubmatch(savedEtag); m != nil {
match["vcs"] = m[1]
} else if err := getGoogleVCS(c, match); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Scrape the repo browser to find the project revision and individual Go files.
p, err := c.getBytes(expand("http://{subrepo}{dot}{repo}{vcs}{dir}/", match))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var etag string
m := googleRevisionRe.FindSubmatch(p)
if m == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Could not find revision for " + match["importPath"])
etag = expand("{vcs}-{0}", match, string(m[1]))
if etag == savedEtag {
return nil, ErrNotModified
var subdirs []string
var files []*File
var dataURLs []string
for _, m := range googleFileRe.FindAllSubmatch(p, -1) {
fname := string(m[1])
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(fname, "/"):
fname = fname[:len(fname)-1]
if isValidPathElement(fname) {
subdirs = append(subdirs, fname)
case isDocFile(fname):
files = append(files, &File{Name: fname, BrowseURL: expand("{pr}/{repo}/source/browse{dir}/{0}{query}", match, fname)})
dataURLs = append(dataURLs, expand("http://{subrepo}{dot}{repo}{vcs}{dir}/{0}", match, fname))
if err := c.getFiles(dataURLs, files); err != nil {
return nil, err
var projectURL string
if match["subrepo"] == "" {
projectURL = expand("{pr}/{repo}/", match)
} else {
projectURL = expand("{pr}/{repo}/source/browse?repo={subrepo}", match)
return &Directory{
BrowseURL: expand("{pr}/{repo}/source/browse{dir}/{query}", match),
Etag: etag,
Files: files,
LineFmt: "%s#%d",
ProjectName: expand("{repo}{dot}{subrepo}", match),
ProjectRoot: expand("{pr}/{repo}{dot}{subrepo}", match),
ProjectURL: projectURL,
VCS: match["vcs"],
}, nil
func setupGoogleMatch(match map[string]string) {
if s := match["subrepo"]; s != "" {
match["dot"] = "."
match["query"] = "?repo=" + s
} else {
match["dot"] = ""
match["query"] = ""
func getGoogleVCS(c *httpClient, match map[string]string) error {
// Scrape the HTML project page to find the VCS.
p, err := c.getBytes(expand("{pr}/{repo}/source/checkout", match))
if err != nil {
return err
m := googleRepoRe.FindSubmatch(p)
if m == nil {
return NotFoundError{"Could not VCS on Google Code project page."}
match["vcs"] = string(m[1])
return nil
func getStandardDir(client *http.Client, importPath string, savedEtag string) (*Directory, error) {
c := &httpClient{client: client}
p, err := c.getBytes("" + importPath + "/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var etag string
m := googleRevisionRe.FindSubmatch(p)
if m == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Could not find revision for " + importPath)
etag = string(m[1])
if etag == savedEtag {
return nil, ErrNotModified
var files []*File
var dataURLs []string
for _, m := range googleFileRe.FindAllSubmatch(p, -1) {
fname := strings.Split(string(m[1]), "?")[0]
if isDocFile(fname) {
files = append(files, &File{Name: fname, BrowseURL: "" + importPath + "/" + fname + "?name=release"})
dataURLs = append(dataURLs, ""+importPath+"/"+fname)
if err := c.getFiles(dataURLs, files); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Directory{
BrowseURL: "" + importPath + "?name=release",
Etag: etag,
Files: files,
ImportPath: importPath,
LineFmt: "%s#%d",
ProjectName: "Go",
ProjectRoot: "",
ProjectURL: "",
ResolvedPath: importPath,
VCS: "hg",
}, nil
func getGooglePresentation(client *http.Client, match map[string]string) (*Presentation, error) {
c := &httpClient{client: client}
if err := getGoogleVCS(c, match); err != nil {
return nil, err
rawBase, err := url.Parse(expand("http://{subrepo}{dot}{repo}{vcs}{dir}/", match))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := c.getBytes(expand("http://{subrepo}{dot}{repo}{vcs}{dir}/{file}", match))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b := &presBuilder{
data: p,
filename: match["file"],
fetch: func(fnames []string) ([]*File, error) {
var files []*File
var dataURLs []string
for _, fname := range fnames {
u, err := rawBase.Parse(fname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files = append(files, &File{Name: fname})
dataURLs = append(dataURLs, u.String())
err := c.getFiles(dataURLs, files)
return files, err
resolveURL: func(fname string) string {
u, err := rawBase.Parse(fname)
if err != nil {
return "/notfound"
return u.String()